With my previous employer, I used web2py to build a few basic applications. One was an application to input and track inventory mistakes in warehouse operations. Another was a similar application to input and track the results of daily audits performed by each warehouse department. I also made an application to provide a daily report of the toner and maintenance kit status in 40+ of our production printers. Lastly, I made an application that our IT department used to manage the logins and permissions of users for each of these applications. These projects were part of a bigger initiative to ween the facility off of dependence on dozens of large and unmaintained Microsoft Access databases. The rapid-development and multi-database-friendliness of web2py made it the best tool for what I needed.
I won't be able to provide the company name, as I haven't maintained contact with my previous employer. Likewise, I will not be able to provide a screenshot, as the layout was branded with company logos. I really like working with web2py. It's the first and only framework I have learned so far, and these applications were the first of anything useful I have built outside of "Hello World" in any language I have ever attempted learning. By no means, do I consider myself a programmer... and that's why I think python and web2py works for me (the are, however, very talented programmers using web2py). I was able to talk about this experience in a job-interview that landed me at a company that offers MUCH more opportunity. I'd like to thank everyone in the web2py community for being so much help and doing such a great job. Yours Truly... On May 10, 5:09 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote: > Anthony made some good > points:http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/msg/a40b27807edc8603 > > For now let's concentrate on one of them for now. If you have > developed software in web2py that you use internally in your company > but you cannot release it open source, would you let us know? Can you > tell us what is the software for? Could you provide a screenshot? Can > we quote the name of the company? > > Massimo