when generating a new application, all the bootstrap files start with
the line
# coding: utf8
which leads to the following exception, as soon as the file contains a
non ASCII character:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\home\ActivityRecording\website\web2py\gluon\restricted.py",
> *Filename is expected to be "web2py.plugin.*.w2p" This is what you get when
> you "pack" the plug-in individually.
well i used web2py Version 1.72.3 on Ubuntu with Opera and it returns
a gz file ... maybe a bug, so untill it is fixed you should allow gz
files too
for the functionality i guess i
my local app name is : samali
I create a file : web2py\routes.py
and edit it:
routes_onerror = [
('/samali/*', '/samali/default/index'),
whent I request this Url : http://localhost:8000/samali/ccfff
I have also : invalid controller
did not work
On 1 Dic, 05:22, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
Hi List!
I have a question about cron!
In a controller, I use request.args[int] to get the current argument,
so I have a link in this form application/controller/argument .
Can I call or execute this controller with argument? Or the controlle
could be called without arguments?
Is there a way t
Actually, this is not really a cron question :) The question is rather
if you can specify arguments to controllers when invoked on the
command line - if you can do that in the command line (I have no idea
if that's possible), you will probably be able to do it in cron, too.
On Dec 1, 10:50 am, Ang
Ok, I'll try the command line first.
Thanks for the suggestion!
2009/12/1 AchipA :
> Actually, this is not really a cron question :) The question is rather
> if you can specify arguments to controllers when invoked on the
> command line - if you can do that in the command line (I have no
2009/11/23 Thadeus Burgess :
> Google also has the following, javascript page translator. There is a little
> lag as google translates the page, however everything seems to work
> perfectly after the fact. Any reasons for not including this in your page?
> How does it effect international users
Hi all,
I am having problems with setting up web2py with mod_wsgi on Apache2.
Below is the vhosts.d/01_web2py_vhost.conf file i am using
#virtual host
LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so
NameVirtualHost *:80
ServerName web2py.localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost/htdocs/web2
Could you explain again what is does?
On Dec 1, 1:48 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> Since dreamhost insists on trying to run .py files instead of just serve
> them, here is a working link
> http://static.thadeusb.com/wordpress2python.txt
> -Thadeus
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Thadeus Bu
In the new web2py there is no admin.tar
Did you unzip it over an existing installation? Please try rm all
On Dec 1, 1:59 am, haftish21 wrote:
> yah, it's very strange. It's the from the source that I'm complaining
> ab. When I double click, it momentarily disappears. If it
I'm looking for the best way to open a new window to put printable
output while allowing the normal processing to complete, based on a
checkbox selection. I'm using a custom CRUD form with a submit
To re-state, once the submit button is pressed, a new window is
launched with the printable
thanks Markus. Is
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
still recognized by Python?
On Dec 1, 2:36 am, Markus Gritsch wrote:
> Hi,
> when generating a new application, all the bootstrap files start with
> the line
> # coding: utf8
> which leads to the following exception, as soon as the file c
So basically it creates a dictionary that represents all the content of a
wordpress databse.
Is this strictly for migration or more for syncing?
I suppose it could be used for both.
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:53 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> Could you explain again what is does?
> On Dec 1, 1:
I do not understand. Is this a web2pyslices issue of you get
when you pack apps on your own web2py installation?
On Dec 1, 2:52 am, selecta wrote:
> > *Filename is expected to be "web2py.plugin.*.w2p" This is what you get when
> > you "pack" the plug-in individually.
> well
is not a valid regex. Try
routes_onerror = [
('/samali.*', '/samali/default/index'),
On Dec 1, 3:32 am, emmanu simo wrote:
> my local app name is : samali
> I create a file : web2py\routes.py
> and edit it:
> routes_onerror = [
> ('/samali/*', '/samali/default/index'
Did you try this?
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Hi Massimo,
with version 1472 a bug in sql.py is introduced:
File "/Applications/cherokee.app/Contents/MacOS/web2py/gluon/
sql.py", line 1234, in define_table
t = self[tablename] = Table(self, tablename, *fields)
File "/Applications/cherokee.app/Contents/MacOS/web2py/gluon/
sql.py", line
On 1 Dez., 15:57, mdipierro wrote:
> thanks Markus. Is
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> still recognized by Python?
Of course. It is already used this way in all files in the gluon
folder with one exception: gluon/utils.
Kind regards,
You received this message because you are subscri
Basically it just uses elementtree to parse the wordpress XML file into a
python dictionary. From the dictionary it would be quite easy to insert the
data into the DAL. Since every site is different, and has different table
structure, or checks that need to be performed on the data, I leave it to
You should not rewrite your model. It is a bug in trunk. I will fix it
tonight. Thanks for testing this.
On Dec 1, 9:40 am, rfx_labs wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
> with version 1472 a bug in sql.py is introduced:
> File "/Applications/cherokee.app/Contents/MacOS/web2py/gluon/
> sql.py", line 1234,
Ok. will do a global replace tonight.
On Dec 1, 10:16 am, Markus Gritsch wrote:
> On 1 Dez., 15:57, mdipierro wrote:
> > thanks Markus. Is
> > # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> > still recognized by Python?
> Of course. It is already used this way in all files in the gluon
> folder with one exc
You could create the models dinamically if you have tablenames and
record values.
On Dec 1, 10:44 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> Basically it just uses elementtree to parse the wordpress XML file into a
> python dictionary. From the dictionary it would be quite easy to insert the
> data into the DA
I am using the latest version from trunk, on Ubuntu, using Firefox.
When I hit "pack plugin" from the plug-in details screen, I recieve a w2p
When I hit "pack all" from the site screen, I recieve a w2p file.
I am confused as to why you are getting a .gz.
Perhaps Opera is looking at the mim
create which models dynamically?
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:48 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> u could create the models dinamically if you have tablenames and
> record valu
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"web2py-users" group.
To post to this
why does */* work then?
And the example has /init/* and that does not work. The example
routes.example.py needs updated then.
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 8:59 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> '/samali/*'
> is not a valid regex. Try
> routes_onerror = [
>('/samali.*', '/samali/default/inde
Using latest trunk (rev.1474) either command
web2py.py -S myapp -u yes
web2py.py --shell=myapp --upgrade=yes
does not upgrade web2py_ajax.html under myapp/views
even though
web2py.py --upgrade=yes
did upgrade the one in welcome.
Am I missing something?.
You received this mes
It does not update web2py_ajax.html because that file could have been
customized. You can copy the new one over from welcome.w2p packed file.
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:15 AM, DenesL wrote:
> Using latest trunk (rev.1474) either command
> web2py.py -S myapp -u yes
> web2py.py --shel
I thought that is why you had to upgrade explictly.
So it has to be done manually? ugh!
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BTW when I upgraded from SVN and tried web2py.py -u yes, I got:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'admin.w2p'
It didn't cause a problem, but I hadn't seen it before.
Maybe that file needs to be checked into GoogleCode.
On Dec 1, 5:19 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> It does not updat
Is there an EASY way to install the web2py platform on an Unbuntu machine?
If not now, when?
Ron K. Jeffries
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You mean it would iterate through all the T strings for any chosen
languages. That would be great!
I guess the result would not always be an appropriate or good
translation, but at least it would be a head start. Especially where
someone knows enough of a language to spot any serious mis-
On Tue, 1 Dec 2009 07:01:31 -0800 (PST)
mdipierro wrote:
> Did you try this?
I had forgotten that script so i read it first. I am not usind Debian based
distro so i followed the steps of the script one by one.
> http://www.web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/29
> --
I created a
Try this slice, it has a step-by-step installation for a great web2py setup,
you should be able to alter the settings to your own distro quite easily.
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Oguz Yarimtepe wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Dec 2009 07
I think it might have something to do with the ServerName? It is probably
being weird with it, try using instead of localhost.
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> Try this slice, it has a step-by-step installation for a great web2py
> setup, you should
I think they should link to each other :)
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"web2py-users" group.
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admin.w2p and examples.w2p are fairly large files and because of their
size they are excluded from the SVN, you have to download them
manually before upgrading, this was already discussed in another post.
We now resume our original program:
what gets upgraded then in an app upgrade?
On Dec 1, 1
If you click the category or tag of a slice it will perform a search.
Is that what you mean?
Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> I think they should link to each other :)
> -Thadeus
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"web2py-users" group.
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I think the deployment recipies should have links to the other ones
This way if somebody goes to the slice about the script, they can go to my
slice that has all of the detailed in depth setup, and visa versa.
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 1:32 PM, mr.freeze wrote:
> If
Works under SQLite, but under MySQL table creation script generates
the following sql: 'VARCHAR(16),\n\tcms_url VARCHAR(255),\n\tagency
VARCHAR(32),\n\tuser VARCHAR(32),\n\tpas' - notice \n\t !
Error traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 184,
You said:
> Since every site is different, and has different table
> structure, or checks that need to be performed on the data, I leave it to
> the programmer to do this.
pehaps you can have an automatic default.
On Dec 1, 10:55 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> create which models dynamically?
> -
routes_onerror has a different syntax tha routes_in/out, it is not
On Dec 1, 10:59 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> why does */* work then?
> And the example has /init/* and that does not work. The example
> routes.example.py needs updated then.
> -Thadeus
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 8:59 AM
I think it would be a good default for when a new language file is
On Dec 1, 12:22 pm, villas wrote:
> You mean it would iterate through all the T strings for any chosen
> languages. That would be great!
> I guess the result would not always be an appropriate or good
> translation, bu
key or user may be a reserved keyword in mysql and cannot used as a
field name.
On Dec 1, 2:08 pm, SergeyPo wrote:
> Works under SQLite, but under MySQL table creation script generates
> the following sql: 'VARCHAR(16),\n\tcms_url VARCHAR(255),\n\tagency
> VARCHAR(32),\n\tuser VARCHAR(32),\n\tpas
well routes on_error is what we are talking about.
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 2:48 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> routes_onerror has a different syntax tha routes_in/out, it is not
> regex
> On Dec 1, 10:59 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> > why does */* work then?
> >
> > And the example ha
Could anyone here throw some light on this subject?
I think GQL has no update statement and Web2py does not support
So what´s the propper way to (batch) update records?
I mean in the case like that:
Field('x',integer) )
Suppose I want t
yes i hit "pack plugin" and i get a gz file returned
will test tomorrow with other browsers and the "pack all" too
... till then
On Dec 1, 5:54 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> I am using the latest version from trunk, on Ubuntu, using Firefox.
> When I hit "pack plugin" from the plug-in details sc
I saw that admin.tar is a new file that is immediately created on the
web2py root folder while I run web2py.py. I delete and run it again,
the problem repeats itself...
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I shall allow it for now :)
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 4:07 PM, selecta wrote:
> yes i hit "pack plugin" and i get a gz file returned
> will test tomorrow with other browsers and the "pack all" too
> ... till then
> On Dec 1, 5:54 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> > I am using the latest
I saw this yesterday, same issue - tested on Windows 7, Chrome, web2py -
latest trunk. Packing from WEB2PY ADMIN results in a filename.w2p.gz.
seems more like a browser issue but.. you cannot install such app w/o
renaming the file.
You received this message because you are subs
Go ahead and try it now.
Also, I noticed logout does not appear on the menu at top, perhaps the font
should be reduced, or the search bar floated to the top right.
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 4:19 PM, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> I shall allow it for now :)
> -Thadeus
> On Tue, D
It is a browser issue, the browser is looking at the MIME/TYPE of the file,
(which web2py says to be a .gz). So for security reasons, the browser is
renaming the extension for the file.
So this could be considered a bug in web2py, in that web2py sends the gz
mimetype instead of a w2p mimetype.
So, supply the default table-names for the data.
if those table names exist, with the field names, insert the data?
Have a default supply, but allow user to override.
This is becoming a plug-in :)
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 2:47 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> You said:
> > Since every site i
This is the reason I don't want to go any further with this than just a
python dictionary.
My category system uses a modified preorder traversal tree. To port a
wordpress category tree, I would need to do some calculations on the data to
insert it correctly. Because I wrote my own preorder tree pl
sorry I got confused.
The syntax of routes_onerror is explained in the file itself
* for all app, * for all errors.
So specifically
routes_onerror = [
('samali/*', '/samali/default/index'),
On Dec 1, 3:04 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> well routes on_error is what we are t
You have to loop:
for row in db(db.table.id>0).select():
It is going to be slow and not transaction safe.
On Dec 1, 3:11 pm, yamandu wrote:
> Could anyone here throw some light on this subject?
> I think GQL has no update statement and Web2py does not support
fascinating. Let me look more into this. I may need you to run some
tests. Will email you personally.
On Dec 1, 4:19 pm, haftish21 wrote:
> I saw that admin.tar is a new file that is immediately created on the
> web2py root folder while I run web2py.py. I delete and run it again,
> the problem re
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send me another patch. ;-)
On Dec 1, 4:31 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> It is a browser issue, the browser is looking at the MIME/TYPE of the file,
> (which web2py says to be a .gz). So for security reasons, the browser is
> renaming the extension for the file.
> So this could be considered a bu
I am not sure if there is a question.
People are supposed to use the stable distribution (not svn or bzr).
In that case you unzip, the *.w2p are there. You upgrade with
web2py --upgrade=yes
svn and bzr are for testers. I commit any modifications, including
untested features. It is in no way clos
The question was:
when one does an app upgrade what exactly is upgraded?
as in:
web2py.py -S myapp -u yes
Thank you.
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Yes, but that is not working :)
routes_onerror = [
('thadeusb/*', '/thadeusb/default/error'),
Shows "invalid function", even though there is an error action in the
default controller.
('*/*', '/thadeusb/default/error') works. but of course it does every error,
i just want 404's redirected
you may know that i have been developing a web2py blog application
(http://github.com/mengu/blog), i am thinking of a migration script
from wordpress to my app. would you like to help me on that?
On Dec 2, 1:20 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> This is the reason I don't want to go any fur
Oguz, are you using Pardus?
On Dec 1, 8:55 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> I think it might have something to do with the ServerName? It is probably
> being weird with it, try using instead of localhost.
> -Thadeus
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> > Try thi
On Dec 1, 2009, at 8:04 PM, DenesL wrote:
> The question was:
> when one does an app upgrade what exactly is upgraded?
> as in:
> web2py.py -S myapp -u yes
The three standard apps (admin, examples & welcome) are upgraded. Your own apps
are never upgraded under any circumstances (well, unless
Patch sent for the mime-type. I tested under Opera, Firefox, Epiphany on
Ubuntu 10.4
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:07 PM, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> Yes, but that is not working :)
> routes_onerror = [
>('thadeusb/*', '/thadeusb/default/error'),
> ]
> Shows "invalid function", even t
first of all, you need to keep the visitor in your blog. if the
visitor liked one of your posts, s/he would probably want to read your
other posts on the same topic or any other topic s/he's interested in.
archives are very good for this as well as tags.
second of all, the keyword "archive" is imp
please check w3schools page for the frames. here is an example:
On Nov 26, 11:35 am, mdipierro wrote:
> In the templates (which we call views) you can put any HTML you like.
> You can put the HTML of your example without any chang
I will create a simple migration script that will import the data into DAL
if certain fields exist. As far as categories and tags go, I will assume
they shall exist in their own table, if anybody wants more custom control
over the migration (like I do for my blog), they can just use the function
this is why ides suck for python and ruby development. i have been
using gedit for a long time :)
On Nov 26, 6:53 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> Actually, it should be self.settings.table_even.
> However somehow export_to_csv got stuck in there, and is in SVN trunk.
> I think at some point Mass
However if my tag was the same as my category, say I "tag" it python, all a
user needs to do is browse by that tag, no?
I think Massimo's description is well, flat vs hierarchical, though most
blogs end up just displaying the categories flat anyways, even if they are
hierarchical on the backend.
this is called permalink.
On Dec 2, 6:36 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> However if my tag was the same as my category, say I "tag" it python, all a
> user needs to do is browse by that tag, no?
> I think Massimo's description is well, flat vs hierarchical,
I am long in this discussion. Which app are you talking about? web2py
gluon.tools.py only has a
On Nov 26, 10:53 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> Actually, it should be self.settings.table_even.
> However somehow export_to_csv got stuck in there, and is in SVN tr
I am *lost* not *long* in this discussion.
On Dec 1, 11:10 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I am long in this discussion. Which app are you talking about? web2py
> gluon.tools.py only has a
> auth.settings.table_event
> Massimo
> On Nov 26, 10:53 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> > Actually, it should
fixed in trunk. Can you please check again?
On Dec 1, 9:40 am, rfx_labs wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
> with version 1472 a bug in sql.py is introduced:
> File "/Applications/cherokee.app/Contents/MacOS/web2py/gluon/
> sql.py", line 1234, in define_table
> t = self[tablename] = Table(self, table
I think I fixed this fixed in trunk but I cannot test it because I did
not have the problem in the first place. Can you please check?
On Dec 1, 4:19 pm, haftish21 wrote:
> I saw that admin.tar is a new file that is immediately created on the
> web2py root folder while I run web2py.py. I delete an
And consequently one item can not exist in different category, so user
has to follow the predefined hierarchical tree to locate a post. Say,
a post about "Camry6" only exist in /root/toyota/camry6, but you can't
easily find it if you don't know Camry is built by Toyota. If using
tags, user can jus
Thank you Massimo, that MySQL message was completely indescriptive.
Are \t\n symbols allowed in SQL? - they are in DAL-generated DDL
statement in my case.
On Dec 1, 11:51 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> key or user may be a reserved keyword in mysql and cannot used as a
> field name.
> On Dec 1, 2:08 pm
Yes as far as I know.
On Dec 2, 12:50 am, SergeyPo wrote:
> Thank you Massimo, that MySQL message was completely indescriptive.
> Are \t\n symbols allowed in SQL? - they are in DAL-generated DDL
> statement in my case.
> On Dec 1, 11:51 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > key or user may be a reserved
I got a problem using the sign in form
I got the email field and password field
Now email field is not validated as expected , when letting it empty I
got the error message
"enter a value" which I can't translate .
if I entered any characters in it I got nothing
looking into Auth() in the l
Anyway, now that you mention it...even if allowed \t is not a good
idea. I replaced it with 4 spaces in trunk now.
On Dec 2, 12:50 am, SergeyPo wrote:
> Thank you Massimo, that MySQL message was completely indescriptive.
> Are \t\n symbols allowed in SQL? - they are in DAL-generated DDL
> stateme
You make a good point. The requires for email is set if define_tables.
You can override that. The validators only apply when registering a
new user.
The login function overrides the validators because you do not want to
give an attacker unnecessary information about why he cannot login. In
I have an ongoing background task for processing my database.
I want this task to automatically start when I run my app somewhere
(can assume it is a Linux box), and to restart if it somehow dies.
This is my current thinking, which I would appreciate feedback on:
- Define a task table, whi
83 matches
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