James, Massimo, is there any news over a possible patch for sentry with
web2py i.e. WSGI middleware?
Op donderdag 16 januari 2014 19:00:13 UTC+1 schreef James Q:
> Great. I won't be able to get to this soon, but I assume the standard
> process: git clone, make change and make a pull request?
e the generic.html view but
has not enough settings provided in the layout.html to use it, it fails.
is is not so that it executes the function from the model with database
privileges and not uses a view? Or is it also using the default generic
Thanks for responding!
Best regards,
Op vrij
scheduled process.
Many thanks,
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Hi all,
I have a sentry server running for my logs and bugs from my Django projects
which are running.
But i have also a couple web2py projects running.
Is it possible to send the traceback from web2py too a sentry server?
I believe there is still no support for python web2py from sentry's side
Hi All,
I have a GITLAB CE and GITLAB CI server running.
Does anyone have an example for a python based web2py gitlab-ci.yml for
continuous integration with web2py project GIT's?
For the people who not know what this file is.. it is the file that
configures the test suite for CI integration wit
rls removing "/id".
> On Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 10:37:15 AM UTC-3, Stefan van den Eertwegh
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> If i search on authentication for restfull API web2py i get basic auth as
>> a result in google and google
If i am correct, that is for a single call. I want to use the $resource
call for several calls like update, delete, get, query et cetera. And if
you do not use :id it strips :id but not /id/..
Op woensdag 26 augustus 2015 23:16:59 UTC+2 schreef Matheus Cardoso:
> Stefan,
> If I
with web2py from angularJS using something other than plain text basic_auth.
Am i right?
Op woensdag 26 augustus 2015 17:59:51 UTC+2 schreef Massimo Di Pierro:
> That logic was added and then removed from auth, under the assumption that
> we would add support for
Hi everyone,
If i search on authentication for restfull API web2py i get basic auth as a
result in google and google groups.
Does anyone know how to use a token authentication for the Restfull service
like db.auth_user.token ...?
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/b
Thanks Massimo! Problem is solved in 2.12.3!
Op zondag 23 augustus 2015 02:19:31 UTC+2 schreef Massimo Di Pierro:
> 2.12.3 is out. Can you please check that?
> On Saturday, 22 August 2015 18:58:26 UTC-5, Stefan van den Eertwegh wrote:
>> Massimo,
I have updated my web2py to 2.12.2 and still have this problem with a
Is this something you still have to fix in the web2py version?
Stefan van den Eertwegh
Op dinsdag 28 april 2015 21:26:23 UTC+2 schreef Ariya Owam-aram:
> Hi Everyone,
> I
Hi Massimo,
I also provide consulting for web2py apps. I was trained at Formatics.
Company: Corebyte (NL)
Adres: www.corebyte.nl
Op zondag 15 februari 2015 23:21:36 UTC+1 schreef Massimo Di Pierro:
> We need to update the list of companies that provide web2py consulting.
> This list i
ge in the web2py codebase that needs to happen or is Janrain
self supplying web2py with the new way for google Open ID connect
authorization way?
If anyone knows the answer, i would really appreciate it.
Best regards,
Stefan van den Eertwegh
- http://web2py.com
Hi Massimo,
No thank you, i use weasyprint for making PDFs, which is very easy with
self made html views.
This topic goes about using web2py to make excel sheets.
Maybe you have some ideas Massimo?
Thank you!
Op zondag 26 oktober 2014 16:34:58 UTC+1 schreef Stefan van den Eertwegh:
I am writing for my invoice app a excel (xlsx) function to export a view of
al my invoices to excel.
Does anyone has some experience with xlsxwriter? Or some tips or
Or maybe you advise me to use xlwt from python-excel.org?
I am having trouble with the translatable string tha
connect the results to each other in a
dict and than sort on top 10 or something like that?
Does anyone have a hint or some help offered?
Thank you!
It goes about www.factweb.nl, you can log in with i...@demo.nl:demo
Stefan van den Eertwgeh
- http://web2py.com
- http
d your answer here:
> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/09/#markmin_basic_authentication
> And was working like a charm. ;)
> On Sunday, August 31, 2014 9:41:01 AM UTC-3, Stefan van den Eertwegh wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone know how to set aut
Does anyone know how to set authentication to a web2py SOAP API?
Thank you!
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You received this messag
emove their *.table files (stored in databases directory), and let web2py
> recreate it.
> If you need to keep the data, but you don't care about those float/double
> fields, you can manually change those fields.
> [I wonder why web2py didn't automigrate...]
> Can you change "float" to "double" and try if it fixed the issue?
> Marin
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Stefan van den Eertwegh <
> stefan@gmail.com > wrote:
>> db.define_table(
>> 'invoice_rule'
PTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, db.product.id, db.product._format))),
Field('description', 'string', label=T('Description')),
Field('date', 'date', label=T('Date')),
Field('vat_percentage', 'string',
course a different db
> backend may work differently.
> Just google python decimal.
> On Friday, July 11, 2014 5:50:30 AM UTC-4, Stefan van den Eertwegh wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a float type in the define tables and when he inserts 3.50 into
Is there anyone who knows why this is happening?
Please, anyone?
Op vrijdag 11 juli 2014 11:50:30 UTC+2 schreef Stefan van den Eertwegh:
> Hi,
> I have a float type in the define tables and when he inserts 3.50 into the
> database he makes 4.0 off it.
> How comes that
scripts/cpdb.py uses modules that are only available with Python 2.7
and syntax that isn't available in Python 2.5
Are the scripts an exception to the pledge for backward
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py
I have a float type in the define tables and when he inserts 3.50 into the
database he makes 4.0 off it.
How comes that it rounds off the float? And not uses the usage of 2
Thank you!
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- http://github.com/
eric cuver wrote:
> My eyes struck Ractive.js and I want to test it with Web2py. Web2py however
> uses also {{ }} as the templating characters. Ractive uses these characters
> also. how i Can be done ?
These are handlebars templates, am I right?
Put them in separate files and make a raw includ
I wanted to use Ember.js and the Handlebars are clashing with
web2py's delimiters.
There are many solutions to this problems. This is another one:
""" {{=RAW_INCLUDE('views/default/hbs/blah.hbs')}} """
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filenam
Hi Anthony,
I am sorry but it doesnt work.
Also gives pycharm an error at the rule mydict = dict
Op woensdag 11 juni 2014 17:06:06 UTC+2 schreef Anthony:
> mydict = dict(1=T(''), 2=T(''))
> db.define_table('mytable',
Hi Anthony,
Me and my colleges tried it with represent but we cant figure it out.
Can you give an example how this should work?
The table and column is templates.type (key: value)
Stefan van den Eertwegh
Op woensdag 11 juni 2014 16:37:13 UTC+2 schreef Anthony:
> The IS_
Hi all,
I have a model where a Field has IS_IN_SET({'1':T(''),2:T('')}).
When you have a grid in web2py; When you edit the record you see the value
(the translatable string).
But when you view the record you see the key of the IS_IN_SET.
IS is possible to have the grid showing the value from th
Hi al,
I have a grid in web2py and want a pagination class define to use the
bootstrap pagination styling.
The parameters pagination_class and paginator_class doesnt work.
Does anyone know how this works?
Thank you!
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
They are generated by web2py. It's strange it has something to do with the
Op dinsdag 13 mei 2014 00:20:38 UTC+2 schreef Dave S:
> On Sunday, May 11, 2014 8:05:15 AM UTC-7, Stefan van den Eertwegh wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a web2p
The web2py-pages module used the check if language is nl_NL but there is
only a nl.py file in the languages folder.
Op vrijdag 9 mei 2014 23:54:03 UTC+2 schreef Massimo Di Pierro:
> Which app? Perhaps we do not have a nl_NL.py file.
> On Thursday, 8 May 2014 09:21:01 UTC-5, St
Hi all,
I have a web2py project and a sqlite database and every table shows this
error: 'Column "auth membership"."id" not found (SQL TABLE)'
Ofcourse every table its own error.
Does anyone know the solution?
- http://web2py.com
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Does anybody know how this happened?
T.accepted_language shows nl instead of nl_NL
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You received this mess
close a topic, delete or edit them
- Ofcourse is Active topics also there
The live site is: www.uforum.nl
The github site is: www.github.com/corebyte/uforum/
I am open for suggestions!
Best regards,
Stefan van den Eertwegh
- http://web2py.com
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throught title and body
- Admins can moderate topics, replys, forums and categories
- Topics can be closed so no-one can reply anymore
- There are avatars available
More features come in the future.
It's on github, on the address: http://github.com/corebyte/uforum
Best regards,
Stefan va
; start_month,start_day
> )
> Since start_date is the 'date' datatype, it's expecting a python datetime
> object.
> On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 4:22:46 AM UTC-5, Stefan van den Eertwegh wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have the followin
Field('start_date', 'date', default=request.now,
requires=[IS_DATE(format=('%d-%m-%Y')), IS_NOT_EMPTY()]),
Field('end_date', 'date', default=request.now,
requires=[IS_DATE(format=('%d-%m-%Y')), IS_NOT_EMPTY()]),
I still not get what
ree to post your patch
> on google code or as a github pull request. Thanks.
> Massimo
> On Friday, 11 October 2013 20:05:29 UTC-5, Stefan Pochmann wrote:
>> It's better, but...
>> Outside character classes, the "-" is not a metacharacter and
int because int("3.14") would round.
> Anyway, I agree this can be rewritten better. Feel free to post your patch
> on google code or as a github pull request. Thanks.
> Massimo
> On Friday, 11 October 2013 20:05:29 UTC-5, Stefan Pochmann wrote:
It's better, but...
Outside character classes, the "-" is not a metacharacter and thus doesn't
need a backslash. So it could/should be:
You might want to accept a plus sign like in "+43" (Python's int(...) does
accept it), so:
Or don't reinvent Py
be store in a database integer and
> requires a database big-int.
> I also changed the default validator for integers to be between -2**31 and
> 2**31-1 as correct for SQL integers.
> On Friday, 11 October 2013 13:20:28 UTC-5, Stefan Pochmann wrote:
>> I
I'm getting an "enter an integer between -1e+100 and 1e+100" error message
when trying to enter 7 into an integer form field in the
appadmin. Screenshot:
Clearly the number is in that range, what's wrong? I'm doing the "images"
example from chapter 3
n the
existing user passwords don't work with the new app. Any suggestions how to
avoid this?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from i
Seems like this plugin isn't supported/updated. It still connects
to browserid.org (They changed the name from Browser ID to
(in contrib directory to web2py, and the google code project.)
And is there a reason to redirect to http://google.com on failed
logins? Nearly everything else is a
e looked at an example from
in my case I want to store all the choices made (maker, model, colour), not
only the final value as in the example (in that case, the area code).
Should I be able to adapt the example for my purposes?
António Ramos wrote:
> a person just wrote this about web2py in a portuguese forum
> Anyone care to coment?
I recognize the language from about 1/4 of the spam I receive.
Simon Pickles wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. Oddly there is no missing image icon. The
> alt text seems to flash up then disappear.
Don't try to load the whole page, just the image with its image
URL. This way you could see if there is any error reported.
cyan wrote:
> definitions for each of them, if possible. In addition, can we remove
> fields from these tables? I know we can add extra fields or re-define the
I removed the name fields from auth_user and then some navbar
function wrote "Hello None,". OK, some minor problem. But you
can't know
Anthony wrote:
> I highly recommend just doing this:
> python web2py.py -S myapp -M -N
> in a regular shell, and skip the web-based shell. You can even do
There is no python executable in the Windows version of web2py.
Stefan Scholl wrote:
> Overall conclusion: Queries in the web2py web shell work on Mac,
> with some minor glitch. But different symptoms than the ones on
> Windows. Have to check again on Windows.
I can't test it this weekend. Windows is for work days. But ...
Stefan Scholl wrote:
> Maybe this was a bad app to test the shell problem. There's a
> I'll make a cleaner testcase later.
On MacOS X 10.7, with Mac version of Web2py:
OK, new and simple app, SQLite, web2py 1.99.7. In db.py I define
a table "foo":
Stefan Scholl wrote:
> Stefan Scholl wrote:
>> Person and dog inserted via database admin. After that the shell
>> from the admin interface was used. The variable dogs was
>> undefined after that. And no output with just
>> "db().select(db.dog.ALL)".
Stefan Scholl wrote:
> Person and dog inserted via database admin. After that the shell
> from the admin interface was used. The variable dogs was
> undefined after that. And no output with just
> "db().select(db.dog.ALL)".
Tested the same on a Mac, web2py 1.99.7, the Mac
hile, but I seem to
> recall having problems with this a long time ago? I always use a standard
> OS shell instead.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, March 15, 2012 3:14:56 PM UTC-4, Stefan Scholl wrote:
>> Sorry, my "bug report" was a bit short. Was called to
Web interface. On Windows,
Michele Comitini wrote:
> did you do?
> python web2py.py -M -S
> mic
> Il 15 marzo 2012 09:12, Stefan Scholl ha scritto:
>> web2py 1.99.7 for Windows.
>> Example app, inserted 1 person and 1 dog.
oes not
> work for database transactions, so you may need to use a regular OS shell.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, March 15, 2012 4:12:10 AM UTC-4, Stefan Scholl wrote:
>> web2py 1.99.7 for Windows.
>> Example app, inserted 1 person and 1 dog.
web2py 1.99.7 for Windows.
Example app, inserted 1 person and 1 dog.
In the shell:
dogs = db().select(db.dog.ALL)
Nothing there. And "dogs" isn't defined.
I'd like to visit the referenced pages from
http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/01#Security but I only
get the error "invalid function (default/reference)"
Stefan Scholl wrote:
> Johann Spies wrote:
>> [-- text/plain, encoding 7bit, charset: ISO-8859-1, 8 lines --]
>> It is working for me. Perhaps you should try again.
> Nope, still gone. When I look at the response header I see it's a
> 404 NOT FOUND.
Johann Spies wrote:
> [-- text/plain, encoding 7bit, charset: ISO-8859-1, 8 lines --]
> It is working for me. Perhaps you should try again.
Nope, still gone. When I look at the response header I see it's a
http://web2py.com/book/ instead of
See the addi
Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> The latest book edition (4th) is now available for free here:
I have http://web2py.com/book/ in my bookmarks and get an
"invalid request" now.
This was just a on the fly test in Firebug. And it doesn't feel
right to insert some random BR in there.
Oh, how I hate floats. You can't do without them and then
something random happens ...
Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Can you emailed me the fixed layout.html?
> On Dec
Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> The new web site layout needs work but we put it out there hoping for
> more feedback.
SOFTWARE" is cut off and too far on the right in Firefox 9.0 Beta
on Mac OS X 10.6.
Haven't found a good solution, but
Forget it. (If this would be a real newsgroup I would cancel the
Forgot about the problems on localhost.
Stefan Scholl wrote:
> I had to do something perverted to save the project: I make a
> local redirect to a PHP script, which uses readfile
> <http://de.php.n
> and cannot reproduce the problem.
> I do not doubt you experience this issue. In order to try isolate
> better what may be causing it... is there anybody else having this
> problem with large files download?
> Massimo
> On Jun 20, 2:53 am, Stefan Schol
t; environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = "1.0"
> Looks like acts as if the protocol of response is the same as the
> request but always declare the protocol of the response to be 1.1 even
> if the request is 1.0. This may result in keep-alive connections
> ignored by the
ld happen. HTTP isn't ZModem. ;-)
Stefan Scholl wrote:
> I have a parameters_XXX.py file from the normal web2py (with
> rocket) and used the same IP and port with anyserver.py+Tornado
> (and the other one stopped, of course).
> Tested with web2py 1.91.6. Were there any changes r
interface is disabled if you are not
> form localhost and you are not using https.
> Hope this helps. Hope to have you back on the mailing list.
> On Jun 17, 8:43 am, Stefan Scholl wrote:
>> Now I can't access the admin interface, because the password
>> isn
Now I can't access the admin interface, because the password
isn't set. (It isn't reading the stored password.)
Stefan Scholl wrote:
> OK, it was Rocket.
> Tested it with the old web2py and Tornado 1.2.1 via anyserver.py
> and the download is OK.
OK, it was Rocket.
Tested it with the old web2py and Tornado 1.2.1 via anyserver.py
and the download is OK.
Stefan Scholl wrote:
> The higher value for chunk_size didn't work with a 33 MiB file. Even
> in Firefox 4.
> So I tried 1.96.4 (Rocket 1.2.2) on Windows XP.
> M
Stefan Scholl wrote:
> You could try to download a big file (>30 MiB) via web2py. Is
> Tornado sending everything or currupting the data?
> web2py+Rocket is broken for large downloads.
Or I just test it myself. :-)
Works. Tornado lets me download a 33 MiB file without p
You could try to download a big file (>30 MiB) via web2py. Is
Tornado sending everything or currupting the data?
web2py+Rocket is broken for large downloads.
ts have even worse results.
On May 6, 5:51 pm, Massimo Di Pierro
> Can you try 1.95.1
> On May 6, 6:03 am, Stefan Scholl wrote:
> > The classic download function:
> > def download():
> > return response.download(req
switches to "Chrome
Frame", to have a realistic test like "normal" users).
Download was broken. A few KiB were missing. This was on localhost.
Remote tests have even worse results.
On 6 Mai, 17:51, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Can you try 1.95.1
> On May 6, 6
Is nobody else experiencing this problem? Is nobody using Internet
Explorer to download more than 64KiB from a web2py app?
On 6 Mai, 13:03, Stefan Scholl wrote:
> The classicdownloadfunction:
> defdownload():
> return response.download(request, db)
> I'm
Sorry, no time for updates at the moment.
Updated this project 2 times and every time it broke something.
Haven't seen anything related to downloads, streaming etc. in the
changelog, though.
On May 6, 5:51 pm, Massimo Di Pierro
> Can you try 1.95.1
> On May 6, 6:03 am,
The classic download function:
def download():
return response.download(request, db)
I'm developing on localhost (, no SSL) and one strange thing
happened: Downloads in IE8 (Windows XP) were all corrupt/broken if
they weren't below 64KiB in size. Very easy to see with large images.
Hi all,
When using multiple validators per form field, the validation process
stops when the first check fails.
Is there a way to get all the field errors when validating a form?
Thanks for your time,
Stefan Izota
to 'max(foo.bar)' and now everything is OK. But it's
dent in the backward compatibility promise.
On Nov 12, 3:03 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> The admin (admin) has a selector at the bottom, it uses cookies to
> keep the preferred selected language.
Since Version 1.89.1, released 2010-11-12 15:14:36
(In case somebody reads this thread in a few years and thinks I'm
. But I've done it in
Django and MODx, e.g.)
On 10 Nov., 22:04, guruyaya wrote:
> I'm not sure how to attach files here, but I've created a patch that
> creates a dropdown with all possible languages on the admin. Anyone
> wants it?
> On Nov 10, 2:53 pm, Stefan Scho
I know, but I don't want to use one browser for development (English)
and one for the rest (German).
On 9 Nov., 14:28, mdipierro wrote:
> wait. You should not need to delete files. The language is set by your
> browser.
> On Nov 9, 3:41 am, Stefan Scholl wrote:
Oops, found it 5 minutes later.
In case somebody wants to switch back to English, too:
Delete (or rename) your language in applications/admin/languages
Just upgraded web2py and now I get everything in German. That's not a
good idea if you are a programmer. The programming world and all the
terms are English. And in case of an error I can't ask here, because
you can't understand the error messages. :-(
Is there a way to switch back the Admin inter
Just upgraded web2py and now I get everything in German. That's not a
good idea if you are a programmer. The programming world and all the
terms are English. And in case of an error I can't ask here, because
you can't understand the error messages. :-(
Is there a way to switch back the Admin inter
On Jun 21, 1:50 pm, cjrh wrote:
> On Jun 21, 9:59 am, Stefan Scholl wrote:
> > There are (3 month old) comments on those
> > pages who address this, but nothing got changed.
> I fixed a couple recently. If you send me links, I can try to get a
> few more?
The book is very nice. But there are some places with broken code
which make the examples pretty useless. Most of the time it's
something with % in it. There are (3 month old) comments on those
pages who address this, but nothing got changed.
Is there any repository with the source to the book? So
I've been poking around the documentation for the jQuery datepicker
and I can't seem to find an answer to a question of mine. Is there any
way to limit the the choices that a user can make in the current
datepicker? Anotherwords, block out / allow certain days?
On Dec 28 2009, 6:22 pm, md
Hi Jonathan,
I noticed the same thing. To fix it, you need to modify the CSS file:
Plugins>datatable>Static files>plugin_datatable>*.css
Update it with the following configuration:
.dataTables_wrapper {
// position: relative;
// min-height: 100px;
// _height: 302px;
// clear: both;
> response.headers['web2py-component-command']="jQuery('.table_class').dataTable();"
> #<<<<
> return plugin_datatable(rows,_class='datatable', truncate=34)
> The magic happens in #<<<. replace .table_class
Hi all,
(Sorry for the double-post in another thread: I thought that this
should be its own post.)
What's the trick to update a plugin_datatable display via an Ajax
call? As an example, I have the function:
def data():
rows= db().select(db.statustable.ALL,
Ack - wrong thread! Sorry!
On Feb 3, 11:31 am, Stefan wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
> What's the trick to update a plugin_datatable display via anAjax
> call? As an example, I have the function:
> def data():
> rows= db().select(db.statustable.ALL,
> ord
Hi Massimo,
What's the trick to update a plugin_datatable display via an Ajax
call? As an example, I have the function:
def data():
rows= db().select(db.statustable.ALL,
return plugin_datatable(rows,_class='datatable', truncate=34)
However, when I make
Is there a way to expand the amount of characters in a field? I've
noticed that SQLTABLE (or more specifically, gluon.html.TABLE) tends
to truncate the amount of visible text. I'm attempting to us the
plugin_datatable plugin to display data, but I can't seem to show the
full contents of the record.
requires having a web server
> embedded in the javascript of the page or using something called Comet
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_%28programming%29)
> None of these solutions is too easy. think a JS keepalive is the
> simpler solution.
> On Jan 20, 6:09 am, S
most up-to-date data
that's available. (I'm pretty sure that there's another way to accomplish
this - if so I'd appreciate any insight!)
Hope that clears things up.
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 11:53 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> Thanks Stefan,
> if ajax, why XML
ls on how to utilize AJAX calls and have that
working fine.)
However, is there a way to sync up a XMLRPC call with data that's
being displayed in the application for a pseudo-realtime feed?
Thanks for your support!
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