Sorry, my "bug report" was a bit short. Was called to a meeting 5
minutes earlier than planned.

I tested this with the example app because I wanted a clear test
case. The bug was first seen in a bigger applicationi(, where I
wanted to see why the common_filter feature only worked in the
database admin interface and not in simple queries inside the

Person and dog inserted via database admin. After that the shell
from the admin interface was used. The variable dogs was
undefined after that. And no output with just

This isn't the case with older versions. I don't know which
version first had this bug. Maybe I'm the only one using this
interactive shell on the web interface.
Somewhere between 1.91.x and 1.99.7

Anthony <> wrote:
> Did you do the insert in the shell also? If so, when you do inserts, 
> updates, deletes in the shell, you have to follow with db.commit() in order 
> to commit the transaction. This is not necessary in application code 
> because the framework does that automatically at the end of a request. I 
> have also found that in some cases, the web-based shell in admin does not 
> work for database transactions, so you may need to use a regular OS shell.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, March 15, 2012 4:12:10 AM UTC-4, Stefan Scholl wrote:
>> web2py 1.99.7 for Windows.
>> Example app, inserted 1 person and 1 dog.
>> In the shell:
>>         dogs = db().select(
>> Nothing there. And "dogs" isn't defined.

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