I still prefer JQGrid many places. It is the best grid solution in
existance still.
But now, with the switch to qooxdoo i have to dump it and replace with
qooxdoo's table coz it wont fit inside qooxdoo , in design, oo style
of programming and UI. I still miss jqgrid and its remote capabilities
How would one obtain the URL to a image blob stored on GAE's
datastore? A lot of the threads I've looked at were all for generating
an download output for views, but I need this for the Controller since
I'm returning this as a JSON element.
For example, the auth_user table has a field 'avatar' and
Hi Massimo,
Your suggestion doesn't seem to be working:
H5(self.T('What is your Age?')),
INPUT( _type='radio', _name='age', _value='1',
_id='age1', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=self.T('missing your
age')), value=self.request.vars['age'])
> But the appadmin/ccache page is still showing the cache at 0 even though
> it's recording hits (and db stats is not showing the query indicating that
> it is getting it from cache). And that's after just updating to a current
> appadmin.py.
You might need to update /views/appadmin.html as
On Saturday, February 25, 2012 11:04:30 PM UTC-5, pbreit wrote:
> I realize that LOAD(ajax=True) could introduce a bit of a slow down but it
> seems much larger to me than I would expect. Does anyone else notice this?
> I originally used a bunch of ajax=True but I am switching to False and the
Thanks Massimo, I'll update to trunk in that case.
I realize that LOAD(ajax=True) could introduce a bit of a slow down but it
seems much larger to me than I would expect. Does anyone else notice this?
I originally used a bunch of ajax=True but I am switching to False and the
pages are loading much faster.
On Saturday, February 25, 2012 8:03:17
OK, the problem is not query speed, it's that LOAD(...ajax=True) is really
slow. I switched that to false and the page displays instantly now.
But the appadmin/ccache page is still showing the cache at 0 even though
it's recording hits (and db stats is not showing the query indicating that
it i
> Ah, right, thanks. I missed it because I don't use the default layout.
> I do notice, however, that while the cache does appear to be working,
> Web2py is reporting the cache size as 0:
> Size of cache: *0* items, *0* bytes
Is it an older version of appadmin? In the current version, if
Also, on the 3rd or 4th draw on the cache it seems to just stall
indefinitely (the categories in the side bar never display, it just shows
"loading..." indefinitely.
ps: sorry about the excessive quoting. Google Groups interface is giving me
all sorts of problems right now.
On Saturday, Febru
That line no longer exists in trunk. Try the nightly build.
On Feb 25, 4:15 pm, "Peter G." wrote:
> The full stack trace is as follows:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/home/pyg/Development/capstonemoot/web2py/gluon/
> restricted.py", line 204, in restricted
> exec ccode in e
Ah, right, thanks. I missed it because I don't use the default layout.
I do notice, however, that while the cache does appear to be working,
Web2py is reporting the cache size as 0:
Size of cache: *0* items, *0* bytes
The performance seems really slow, though since it's only running through
yup that happens. sometimes i will read data into a dict so i can grab
more than 30 rows and perform the "join" myself.
i just spent a bunch of time redoing one of my databases to make it more
NOSQL happy.
On Friday, February 24, 2012 10:48:25 PM UTC-8, Peter G. wrote:
> BrendanC: Thanks for
do (should) the default messages use T()? could that be used for an easier
i too agree with consistency. hopefully noone would object to improving
our grammar. :)
On Saturday, February 25, 2012 12:25:53 PM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:
> I generally agree about the capitalizing
On Saturday, February 25, 2012 10:44:55 AM UTC-5, haggis wrote:
> When just using "from gluon import *" then Aptana shows me many errors
> (i.e. dal() and http() not found).
Where is your code calling dal() and http() -- neither of those are part of
the web2py API (instead, there is DAL() an
The full stack trace is as follows:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pyg/Development/capstonemoot/web2py/gluon/
restricted.py", line 204, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/pyg/Development/capstonemoot/web2py/applications/init/
controllers/default.py", line 7
> db1 = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite', folder='c:/web2py/applications/
> crm/databases', auto_import=True)
> db2 = DAL('mysql://root@localhost/opencart', auto_import=True)
> print(db1.tables)
> print(db2.tables)
> a=db2.executesql("show tables")
> print(a)
> This lists the tables for sq
db1 = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite', folder='c:/web2py/applications/
crm/databases', auto_import=True)
db2 = DAL('mysql://root@localhost/opencart', auto_import=True)
a=db2.executesql("show tables")
This lists the tables for sqlite database; and lists th
I generally agree about the capitalizing, but I'm not sure all the messages
deserve a period at the end (e.g., "Invalid expression", "Value not
allowed", "No Match", etc.).
On Saturday, February 25, 2012 10:51:24 AM UTC-5, Kernc wrote:
> Hi,
> *I propose all validators' error_messag
Thank you all for your fast response!
I have made a new *.py file in the model with that content:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
ZERO = "ноль"
L_1_HE = HE = [ZERO, "один", "два", "три", "четыре", "пять", "шесть",
"семь", "восемь", "девять", "десять",
Thanks Massimo
On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 9:23 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How about adding this at the bottom of your model:
> def do_something(form):
> auth.settings.login_onaccept = do_something
> On Feb 24, 3:47 am, Sanjeet Kumar wrote:
> > I want to i
*I propose all validators' error_message values be capitalized and
end-punctuated*, so e.g.
> enter from %(min)g to %(max)g characters
becomes this:
> Enter from %(min)g to %(max)g characters.
As of now, some validators' errors are capitalized while most aren't
When just using "from gluon import *" then Aptana shows me many errors
(i.e. dal() and http() not found).
auth = Auth(db) and service = Service() works fine, thank you!
On 24 Feb., 16:20, Anthony wrote:
> > 1) At default controller Aptana shows me errors at "@auth..."
> > decorators (Undefined va
On Saturday, February 25, 2012 3:28:39 AM UTC-5, cyber wrote:
> ... but if I use web2py in MS Windows from the box?
> I have no ideas of how to use additional modules to be able to import
> required pieces of code from them.
Are you using the web2py Windows binary, or are your running from w
> Is there any way to tell that caching is working?
appadmin should include a menu with "design", "db", "state", and "cache".
The "cache" link leads to /appadmin/ccache, which shows objects currently
in the ram and disk caches, cache hits, etc.
Hmm, the following test code works for me without any db.commit:
*In /controllers/default.py:*
def index():
db.define_table('time', Field('time'))
from mymodule import DbTest
test = DbTest(db)
return dict(results=db(db.time).select())
*In /views/default/index.html:*
{{extend 'la
You only apply cache to your last query. You might need to cache the
other two queries to gain full cache boost.
Besides, you can add some profiling checkpoint inside your code to
know which part is time consuming.
On Feb 25, 3:53 pm, pbreit wrote:
> I'm struggling to figure out if
I have used the Firebug to see if I could get the error I was having.
It gave me "effect is not defined"
I've googled it and it was about a file called effectS.js. When
uploading the file using the admin interface, to copy the file to the
js dir, I had to rename to js/effects.js. The problem is th
sorry for not posting any code before. I had my code at home.
I have a layout.html with the following code:
On Feb 24, 6:38 pm, Anthony wrote:
> On Friday, February 24, 2012 12:24:03 PM UTC-5, JaapP wrote:
> > Hi Wikus,
> > Thanks a lot!
> > Adding a db.commit() after an insert causes the database to be updated.
> The db.commit() shouldn't be needed. Can you show some code?
> Anthony
This is
... but if I use web2py in MS Windows from the box?
I have no ideas of how to use additional modules to be able to import
required pieces of code from them.
On 25 фев, 02:05, howesc wrote:
> no experience with this package, but if you are on a traditional server
> just install the package and im
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