I still prefer JQGrid many places. It is the best grid solution in existance still.
But now, with the switch to qooxdoo i have to dump it and replace with qooxdoo's table coz it wont fit inside qooxdoo , in design, oo style of programming and UI. I still miss jqgrid and its remote capabilities (filtering , search ,etc) i have to re-implement everything at qooxdoo. Smartgrid still need a lot to reach jqgrid's functionality (in Client side) but web2py helper for it is very powerful. On 2/18/12, Willoughby <neil.erik...@gmail.com> wrote: > Thanks Jim - easier upgrades and lower overhead is definitely an attraction! > I guess my next step is to do some quick prototypes and see. > Thanks for sharing your experience... > >