Thank you all for your fast response!

I have made a new *.py file in the model with that content:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division

ZERO = "ноль"

L_1_HE = HE = [ZERO, "один", "два", "три", "четыре", "пять", "шесть",
"семь", "восемь", "девять", "десять",
    "одинадцать", "двенадцать", "тринадцать", "четырнадцать",
    "шестнадцать", "семнадцать", "восемнадцать", "девятнадцать"]

L_1_SHE = SHE = [ZERO, "одна", "две"] + L_1_HE[3:]

L_10 = [ZERO, "десять", "двадцать", "тридцать", "сорок", "пятьдесят",
    "шестьдесят", "семьдесят", "восемьдесят", "девяносто"]

L_100 = [ZERO, "сто", "двести", "триста", "четыреста", "пятьсот",
    "шестьсот", "семьсот", "восемьсот", "девятьсот"]

N_ROUBLE = "рубл"
N_COP = "копе"

N_DOLLAR = "доллар"
N_CENT = "цент"

    N_COP: SHE,
    N_CENT: HE,

N_1000 = "тысяч"
N_MILLION = "миллион"
N_BILLION = "миллиард"

    N_ROUBLE:     ["ей", "ь", "я", "я", "я"] + 30 * ["ей"],
    N_COP:    ["ек", "йка", "йки", "йки", "йки"] + 30 * ["ек"],
    N_DOLLAR:    ["ов", "", "а", "а", "а"] + 30 * ["ов"],
    N_CENT:    ["ов", "", "а", "а", "а"] + 30 * ["ов"],
    N_1000:    ["", "а", "и", "и", "и"] + 30 * [""],
    N_MILLION:    ["ов", "", "а", "а", "а"] + 30 * ["ов"],
    N_BILLION:    ["ов", "", "а", "а", "а"] + 30 * ["ов"],

def write_1_to_999(n, gender_digits=HE):
    assert n<=999

    if n==0:
        return ZERO

    n_100 = n // 100
    n_10 = n % 100 // 10
    n_1 = n % 10

    res = []

    if n_10 == 1:
        res.append(gender_digits[10*n_10 + n_1])
    return " ".join([s for s in res if s != ZERO])

def ending_index(n):
    n_2 = n % 100
    return n_2 if n_2 < 20 else n_2 % 10

def form_group_name(group, n):
    return group + ENDINGS[group][ending_index(n)]

def form_group(group, n, gender_digits=HE):
    return ("%s %s" % (write_1_to_999(n, gender_digits),
form_group_name(group, n))) if n else ZERO

def write_number(n, gender_digits=HE):
    assert type(n) in (int, long)
    if n==0:
        return ZERO

    n_3 = n % 10**3
    n_6 = n % 10**6 // 10**3
    n_9 = n % 10**9 // 10**6
    n_12 = n % 10**12 // 10**9
    res = []

    res.append(form_group(N_BILLION, n_12))
    res.append(form_group(N_MILLION, n_9))
    res.append(form_group(N_1000, n_6, SHE))
    res.append(write_1_to_999(n_3, gender_digits))
    return ", ".join([s for s in res if s != ZERO])

def write_price(n_rub, n_cop=0, currency=RUR):
    rub_id, cop_id = currency
    n = int(n_rub)
    res = []
    res.append("%s %s" % (write_number(n, GENDER[rub_id]),
form_group_name(rub_id, n)))
    res.append(form_group(cop_id, n_cop, GENDER[cop_id]))
    return ", ".join([s for s in res if s != ZERO])

And then I use the main function write_price() in my view like this:
{{=write_price(cur_invoice.invoice_sum, int(drob))}}
It works perfectly!

On 25 фев, 18:56, Anthony <> wrote:
> On Saturday, February 25, 2012 3:28:39 AM UTC-5, cyber wrote:
> > ... but if I use web2py in MS Windows from the box?
> > I have no ideas of how to use additional modules to be able to import
> > required pieces of code from them.
> Are you using the web2py Windows binary, or are your running from web2py
> source using your own installation of Python? I recommend the latter. In
> that case, you can install Python setuptools
> ( and use easy_install to
> install the Pytils egg. Alternatively, it might work if you simply copy the
> "pytils" folder from Pytils into your web2py site-packages folder (or even
> your application's "modules" folder).
> Anthony

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