Installing default registry settings

2001-12-19 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Hello everyone, I am new to the group and this is my first posting. I am attempting to deploy WinVNC across my LAN/WAN for administration purposes. (About 125-150 users using a variety of Windoze versions, mostly '95.) I am still experimenting with it and have found that on most machines

RE: Installing default registry settings

2001-12-19 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Steve, Please forgive my ignorance, but... When I am attempting to install the Default reg. settings I simply go to the start menu, programs, WinVNC, Administrative Tools, Install Default Registry Settings. How do I apply the directory addresses you suggested? Have a Good Day, Michael L.

RE: Installing default registry settings

2001-12-19 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Just for the record, The shortcut properties all looked correct. Double clicking on the ".reg" file produced the same error. On this one test machine I finally got it to work by opening the registry editor and choosing "Import Registry File..." and navigating to the very same file that wouldn't

RE: Installing default registry settings

2001-12-19 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Scanman, I'm sorry if I seem dense, (Its only because I am! LOL) but I don't understand where I am supposed to put the quotation marks. The shortcut points to target: "C:\Program Files|ORL\VNC\VNCHooks_Settings.reg" and the *.reg file is exactly there. It is already in Quotation marks j

Re: Multiple Viewer

2001-12-21 Thread MichaelLashinsky
I do not think it's a legitimate use to implement it as "Spyware". Even if the ACLU or other civil rights groups do not BBQ you, the bad press isn't worth it. You are better off controlling at the hardware level. Remove the games, filter the web browsers at the server, lock down policies on the

WinVNC and AllowProperties

2002-01-02 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Happy New Year Everyone!! I have been working with VNC in my company and am starting to deploy it throughout my company. My strategy is to install as a service, (Dis)AllowProperties and RemoveWallpaper in the Windows Registry. Manually delete the viewers on my user's computers, and remove

Re: WinVNC and AllowProperties

2002-01-02 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Wow! Hey Alex, Thanks!! That was some answer. It wasn't exactly what I was asking but it did help answer the question anyway. I was having trouble when I entered the dword AllowProperties (0) to disable the properties function on the systray icon, sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn

Re: Netgear Router, Port 5900, Not Working

2002-01-07 Thread MichaelLashinsky
>4) I know this is probably blatantly obvious but make sure your host >computer is powered on when you try to connect. It is conceivable that >someone is going around powering off the computers before leaving at night >after you leave and turning them back on in the morning before you arrive. Do

Re: disabled wallpaper feature

2002-01-14 Thread MichaelLashinsky
I think you could just remove (or not insert) the 'RemoveWallpaper' registry entry. I have been manually inserting them as I install on user's machines. However, they SHOULD know when you log onto their machine. If they are doing something they shouldn't, you still caught them red-handed w

Re: disabled wallpaper feature

2002-01-14 Thread MichaelLashinsky
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ORL\WinVNC3, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\Default, HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\ORL\WinVNC3, I right click in the right hand pane and select "New DWord Value" then enter "AllowProperties" to disable the properties function so my users can't muff up the s

RE: disabled wallpaper feature

2002-01-15 Thread MichaelLashinsky
your welcome. Have a Good Day, Michael L. - To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also:

Re: Silent install

2002-01-22 Thread MichaelLashinsky
It should not be too hard to set it all up in a batch file " *.bat " and have it install, then run the shortcut for the default reg. settings. Then the shortcut for the " Install as Service" and " Run Service Helper". Finally run a " *.reg " file to install your default reg settings such


2002-01-28 Thread MichaelLashinsky
I talk on the phone to my users while I am using VNC on their machines. The LAN doesn't use the phone lines. If I really needed to chat, i would op[en a notepad document and take turns typing. Have a Good Day, Michael L. - To

Re: Password not set???

2002-01-28 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Drew, I believe that the app mode and the service use different registry hives. See the service icon in the task tray? Without starting the app mode, Right click on it and choose properties and set the password from there. Post weather(sp) or not that does it. I am curious if I am correct or no

Re: Password Change

2002-01-29 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Andrew, I am not sure about doing it remotely, but you can change the password by going to another machine with the same OS, changing the password to what you want, then exporting the password registry key into a *.reg file. How to get it onto the suspect machine is up to you. If you also

Re: Win 98 setup?

2002-01-30 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Luke, The IP address is a loopback address or something like that. It is a default address for the card in your machine. I hope this helps. Have a Good Day, Michael L.

RE: Win 98 setup?

2002-01-30 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Pardon me if I am wrong. Perhaps some of the other guys can comment on this as well. Just because you are dialing up to connect to another PC, I think you would still need a protocol. I would think you could use windows networking for this. Go into the controlPanel\network area of windows and

Re: BBS?

2002-01-31 Thread MichaelLashinsky
I thought that is what this is? Have a Good Day, Michael L. - To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also: --

RE: Win 98/95 setup - slow access

2002-02-01 Thread MichaelLashinsky
I've also noticed that. I can also dramatically increase speed by keeping colors to 256. Have a Good Day, Michael L. "Joe O'Bremski

Re: Remove Wallpaper

2002-02-05 Thread MichaelLashinsky
I get poor results with the "RemoveWallpaper" option. Sometimes it works, mostly it does not. Have a Good Day, Michael L. - To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See a

Re: Remove Wallpaper

2002-02-05 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Alex, You said a mouthful!! Have a Good Day, Michael L. - To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also: -

Re: Macintosh PPC - Run as a Hidden Process

2002-02-06 Thread MichaelLashinsky
I am a Mac User and I am going to play around with VNC on my mac at home just as soon as I can make the repairs it needs to be a member of the family again. Have a Good Day, Michael L. - To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] w

RE: VNC won't start on WIN98SE Pentium II

2002-02-11 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Robert, You probably made a mistake somewhere in the install and setup and cannot find it. I would suggest going to the troubled machine and uninstalling VNC. Then go into the registrry and delete the 'ORL' keys. Make sure you search the entire registry for any references to ORL or VNC so y

Re: Trouble connecting

2002-02-12 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Hey group, Something occurred to me while toying with a laptop for a dial in user. The WinVNC icon doesn't appear until some form of network connection is made. If one were casually observing the lack on an icon, one might think there was a problem with VNC when there really was a problem


2002-02-13 Thread MichaelLashinsky
The user is supposed to know. This is a remote control program, not Spyware. You are giving IT a bad name. Have a Good Day, Michael L. Robert Ja

Re: VNC Install Woes

2002-02-19 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Here is something to try. Uninstall and them search the registry for the key "ORL" and delete all referen ces to "ORL" and "VNC". Then Reinstall. Right after you select the i"nstall as service" also select the "Install service helper". See if that helps. Have a Good Day, Michael L.

RE: Hidden icon

2002-02-22 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Life without Users??? Can you say "Unemployed?" Have a Good Day, Michael L. Richard Clegg

Re: shutdown gotcha with Win32 host

2002-03-06 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Been there too! I would love an unconditional reboot option! Even in person I have had to occationally go for the power switch to kill a machine. Have a Good Day, Michael L.

Re: shutdown gotcha with Win32 host

2002-03-06 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Yes there are power cycle devices. I have seen one that can reboot devices remotly. It is called a Network Power Switch and this model handles 8 devices. Have a Good Day, Michael L.

Automatic Install

2002-03-13 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Good Morning Group, I am writing a Windows batch file to install VNC on user's workstations (mostly '95 and '98) without input from users. I have an *.iss file and I have it working. I put into the batch file a reference to the WinVNCHooks.reg file and another *.reg file to put in the def

Re: remove program

2002-03-14 Thread MichaelLashinsky
If you are removing from a windows computer, use the "Add/Remove Programs" tool in the Control Panels. Then Go to your start menu, choose "Run", Type in "Regedit" at the prompt and press "Enter". Now go to the "Edit" menu and choose the "Find" command. Search for "ORL" and delete the keys

Re: remove program for Lyle Nelson

2002-03-18 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Hey Lyle, How did you make out? Have a Good Day, Michael L. MichaelLashinsky@drugpl

Re: [VCN] ivisit

2002-03-18 Thread MichaelLashinsky
David, While I am not qualified to answer your question directly, I believe that you are asking to much of VNC. I know how much the desktop wallpaper slows down the connection and other screen changes take a few seconds to refresh. Your application is probably too demanding for this softw

Re: VNC as a virus

2002-04-03 Thread MichaelLashinsky
These recent threads are cracking me up!! (If only it weren't so true...) Have a Good Day, Michael L. - To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also:

Re: Silent Setup of VNC

2002-04-09 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Hello, I have a similar experience in my company. I followed the instructions in the documentation and created an *.iss file. I would recommend setting up a log-on script to run a batch file that installs the hooks *.reg file, then runs the silent install. If you want you can also set up

Wouldn't it be nice...

2002-04-09 Thread MichaelLashinsky
OK guys, only slightly off topic. I keep my monitor at 1024 x 768. When I view a screen that is set to 800 x 600, no problem. When I view a screen that is 1024 x 768 my screen becomes like a blivitt! (That's 5 pounds of fertilizer in a 2 pound bag.) What I mean is that my screen is now c

RE: Wouldn't it be nice...

2002-04-10 Thread MichaelLashinsky
This group is great!! Thanks! Later guys. Have a Good Day, Michael L. - To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also:

Re: Running VNC and PC Anywhere on one machine

2002-04-11 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Hello, I have PCAnywhere on my workstation (P350, win'2000) and VNC as well. I use PCAnywhere to connect to my servers and VNC to connect to my users. I have not had a problem but I have never tried running them at the same time. Have a Good Day, Michael L. --

Way, way off topic, but...

2002-05-13 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Hi guys, Forgive me. It's off topic, but, I'm going to ask anyway because you guys are great! I can't find anything on the web. In many of my win'98 installs when i am in windows explorer view and I collapse a branch in the left pane it springs back opened. When I close it again it stay

Re: Windows 98

2002-05-17 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Chris, I don't get it. What makes his question any different from any other question? How does the "disclaimer" that he couldn't find a previous reference to his question open you up for any liability? I'm not flaming. I really don't understand your reply and would like an explanation.

RE: Windows 98

2002-05-17 Thread MichaelLashinsky
OK, (Boy, this subject is going to get stale really fast...) That portion at the bottom is obviously an auto-attachment from his email server. (Apparently his job.) But since the email is addressed to the 'group', anyone in the group that replies is the intended recipient. However, anyon

Re: File Transfer with WinVNC?

2002-05-20 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Just a thought. For windows platforms: NetMeeting has a good file transfer tool. With VNC already running, you can turn it on and off at both ends yourself. I haven't had need to try it yet. I work within my own network and have shared drives for that stuff. Good luck. Have a Good Day, Mi

Re: VNC list - possible disruption

2002-05-21 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Thank you all for your efforts. Have a Good Day, Michael L. - To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also: --

Off topic, virus activity

2002-05-22 Thread MichaelLashinsky
Have you guys seen a jump in virus activity? At my company it's off the scale! We went from 2 a month to dozens every day in the last two months! Be sure you keep your AV software up to date. Have a Good Day, Michael L. --

Re: Off topic, virus activity

2002-05-22 Thread MichaelLashinsky
I;m getting 20 or thirty a day. Mostly KLEZ. I wonder if the terrorists are behind it to slow down our infrastructure? (Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean their not after me!) Have a Good Day, Michael L. - To unsubscrib

Re: Off topic, virus activity

2002-05-22 Thread MichaelLashinsky
As I understand it, the Klez goes into the MS address book in a computer, and sends copies of itself out to every name in the book using it's own built in SMTP engine. It sure is being a pain in the ass lately! I am not usually a violent person, but if we ever catch the person/people behind it,

RE: Off topic, virus activity

2002-05-22 Thread MichaelLashinsky
cool... Have a Good Day, Michael L. Roger Clark Williams