I have experienced the exact same problem. My VNC speed over my cable
modem drops on the order of 30x when I enable ZA. I too feel like I'm on
dial-up connection when I have VNC+ZA active concurrently.
My short term solution is do one of the following:
1. Shut off ZA while I'm using
That's excellent news. I had reported running some experiments from the
office with ZA+VNC on a Win2K laptop, and having success -- i.e., no
performance drag. I had meant to try the Win2K machine from home this
weekend, but hadn't gotten around to it. My home machine is running Win98
I tried VNC+ZA (2.6.262) from home to the office and found that I still have
the slow-down on Win98SE, but it works fine on Win2k. [I might upgrade my
home PC to XP as a result.]
>From: "Shing-Fat (Fred) Ma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
When I'm at my desk, I have my CRT set to 1280x1024, but when I undock my
laptop, I drop down to 1024x768. As a result, I use "-geometry 980x700" in
my VNC session, so that I can guarantee it will fit on either screen.
Otherwise, I'd have to deal with the issues you had, or run VNC