
I tried VNC+ZA (2.6.262) from home to the office and found that I still have 
the slow-down on Win98SE, but it works fine on Win2k.  [I might upgrade my 
home PC to XP as a result.]


>From: "Shing-Fat (Fred) Ma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: VNC + ZoneAlarm (fwd)
>Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 12:50:39 -0500
>I just tried it.  The fast behaviour is there, but not all the time.  It 
>isn't consistent.
>If I start up a windows based VNC viewer, I the the ssslllooowww 
>But if I disabel ZA and renable it, it sometimes become a fast connection.  
>wonder if it is still being monitored by ZA in that case.
>Fred Ma
>Department of Electronics
>Carleton University, Mackenzie Building
>1125 Colonel By Drive
>Ottawa, Ontario
>Canada     K1S 5B6
> >
> > Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 21:33:54 +0000 (GMT)
> > Subject: VNC + ZoneAlarm
> >
> > Several people (including myself) have posted here in recent months 
> > experienced a problem using VNC with ZoneAlarm (free firewall software).
> > The problem being that VNC performance drops to an unusable level if
> > ZoneAlarm is enabled.
> >
> > I used to have this problem myself.
> >
> > However, I tried VNC again with ZoneAlarm enabled just now, and it works
> > fine! No performance problem! The speed difference with ZA enabled or
> > disabled is noticable if you pay attention but is not enough to distract
> > me.
> >
> > Two things which could affect this have changed on my computer in the 
> > since I first encountered the problem and gave up using VNC+ZA together.
> > Firstly, I've upgraded from Windows 98 to Windows 2000. I *think* that
> > after the upgrade I had tried VNC+ZA and discovered the problem was 
> > there.  However I'm not 100% sure and it's possible I imagined trying
> > VNC+ZA under Windows 2000.
> >
> > Secondly, yesterday I updated to the latest version of ZoneAlarm, 
> > (I'm just using the freely available version, not ZA Pro), after it
> > prompted me to do so. So it's possible they've fixed something in this
> > release...?
> >
> > Hope this is of some help to somebody...
> >
> > seb
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