On 05.12.22 16:54, Marko Mäkelä wrote:
If NumCamSlots is 0, SlotPriority[] is never accessed.
So why allocate memory for it if it is never used?
Allocating a variable-length array of length 0 is undefined behaviour.
The compiler is allowed to assume NumCamSlots>0 and optimize something
based on
On 24.12.22 10:33, Marko Mäkelä wrote:
sudo service vdr stop
sudo umount /video
sudo udisksctl power-off -b /dev/sda
The first step appears to terminate the shell script, because the shell
is a subprocess of VDR. So, the storage will remain mounted and powered
on. I guess that w
On 25.12.22 20:47, Marko Mäkelä wrote:
However, I'd say the most clean way is to include the unmount and
udiskctrl into the vdr shutdown itself, so these commands run within
the vdr service after the vdr process stops. That way you just have to
fire the service stop and are done.
Do you mean im
On 06.02.23 23:29, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
It is supposed to be shared by *exactly* two threads.
One only writing 'head', the other only writing 'tail'.
Two-ended buffers are pretty good when used correctly, but nowadays they
have a small chance of triggering memory ordering issues, where it i
Hi list,
Now that VDR 1.5.1 was published, I've also published the final 1.0
version of the shutdown rewrite. The changes since 0.4 are mainly by Klaus.
The patch is identical to the cha
Frank Schmirler wrote:
this patch allows plugins to replace the VDR mainmenus "Schedule", "Channels",
"Timers" and "Recordings" by a different implementation.
There are already a few plugins around which do something like that, using
their own idea of a patch. So Tobias Grimm, Martin Prochnow, C
Rolf Ahrenberg wrote:
I've noticed some shutdown problems with vdr-1.5.1 in my setup: when my
vdr wakes up for a timed recording, it doesn't automatically shutdown
itself anymore after the recording is done. The MinEventTimeout is set
to 15 minutes and MinUserInactivity to 600 minutes, but in m
Jürgen Schilling wrote:
I've the same problem with VDR 1.5.1... The VDR does not shutdown
after a recording.
It looks like VDR assumed the start to be manually, not automatically.
Same for you: Check the logs for "assuming manual start of VDR", "next
timer event at" and "next plugin wakeup a
Rolf Ahrenberg wrote:
No "assuming manual start of VDR" entry found on my logs, so this really
was on automatic wakeup for the timer.
If VDR did detect it as manual start, then something else must have
caused VDR to believe that there's an interactive user. Something
triggers the activity, ma
Rolf Ahrenberg wrote:
On Sun, 4 Mar 2007, Udo Richter wrote:
Mar 4 18:31:14 xxx vdr: [6740] LastActivity: Never
Mar 4 18:31:14 xxx vdr: [6740] ActiveTimeout: 2104
Mar 4 18:31:14 xxx vdr: [6740] Retry: Never
... goes on and on and no shutdown attempts...
Found it! And, more important
Hi list,
In the 'final' 1.0 version of the shutdown patch, and in VDR 1.5.1, a
small bug slipped through that prevented automatic shutdown after VDR
started for a recording only.
I've uploaded a new 1.1 version of the patches for VDR 1.4.5, VDR 1.5.0
and VDR 1.5.1 to my web page:
Dieter Bloms wrote:
I get a lot of these messages in my logfile.
What does channel 0 mean ?
video:~ # grep "timed out while tuning" /var/log/vdr
Mar 6 19:47:54 video vdr: [19313] frontend 1 timed out while tuning to channel
0, tp 212522
Channel 0 just means 'no channel', because VDR
lukkinosat wrote:
I make a message with:
cSkins::QueueMessage( mtInfo, "MyMessage", 30, -1 )
and the message is diplayed for 30 seconds.
But if I wish to remove the message before, what I
must make? Exist a function?
As soon as such a message is displayed, there's no way to abort it until
Udo Richter wrote:
I've been thinking about video cutting strategies, and I think its
possible to speed up the cutting process noticeable, with some
modifications to VDR.
Hi list,
I just had to do this in self-reply. ;)
For reference, this is my 'original' post:
Richard Lithvall wrote:
Why not just change the naming of video files to four, five or even
eight digits?
The real limit is that the file format and the VDR API uses byte sized
integers to represent this. (cIndexFile::Get uses an uchar *FileNumber.)
This could be extended, even with moderate
Matthias Schwarzott wrote:
Another thing that comes to my mind, but is sure hard to implement:
If I do two or more simultanous recordings from the same channel, why couldn't
VDR record this to the same file, and hardlink it to both directories. That
would reduce the need to create one long reco
Stefan Huelswitt wrote:
there is a race condition while terminating vdr.
Early in the shutdown process the Interface class is deleted. If
a signal is raised after that point, the signal handler will call
Interface->Interrupt() which is allready deleted.
The best fix is probably to disable all s
Heikki Manninen wrote:
On su, 2007-03-18 at 15:46 +0100, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
You can disable all the cThread::EmergencyExit() calls if you don't want
this. Maybe I should disable this by default in a future version - and wait
until people start complaining because recordings are broken... ;
Andreas Brachold wrote:
i like your patch, but its work only on some recordings.
Its failed with a segmentation fault, on cutting.
The only differ are unbalanced marks (out missed)
Confirmed, the patch doesn't handle the case that the last mark is a
cut-in mark, not a cut-out. In that case 'Ma
e9hack wrote:
I've selected some plugins for loading. It exist ca. 100 plugins in
the vdr lib directory. Does vdr load only the selected plugins or all
There is no common way how the plugins get selected for loading. VDR
itself does not load plugins unless instructed. (except for --ve
ShorTie wrote:
I understand the need for a rewrite of the shutdown sequence for vdr
when using timers and stuff.
But I was wondering if the good old crtl/c was going to make it’s way
back in?
The signal handler for SIGINT (aka. Ctrl+C) should work as before. Do
you have any problems with it
Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
we're suffering from continuous vdr restarts every few minutes during
recording of certain programs, while this is spat into syslog:
The signal quality looks fine.
Did you check the signal quality of the second card, or just the first
card? The femon plug
Anssi Hannula wrote:
However, the usual "use-already-tuned-devices" check in GetDevice() only
checks for device->Receiving(), which does not report transfer-moded
device, resulting in the new receiver being started on second device,
thus both devices being reserved for receiving data from the sam
Sven Schwyn wrote:
However, I've seen that some people had issues a few years ago with
ReiserFS (which I'm using, too). Now, I'm wondering if anybody using
ReiserFS had system freezes as well.
I had issues, and I'm still using Reiser3 for my video storage.
On slow platforms, with a stressed o
Guido Fiala wrote:
Maybe you should mount reiserfs with the "notail" option for video-partitions,
which should kill most of the overhead. I run reiserfs with vdr since 10
years or so, no problems at all even when running in 100% used diskspace
AFAIK notail disables reiser's ability to
Sven Schwyn wrote:
After some research on Reiser4 and the surprising twist in Hans Reiser's
personal fate (he was arrested with murder charges last October), I'm
having my doubts as far as further development/bugfixing is concerned
and therefore decided to switch back to ext3 before playing bac
Stefan Huelswitt wrote:
The current code segfaults on the first terminal access (e.g.
printf), if the effective vdr user doesn't have sufficient
Just a thought, would it work to open the terminal before switching the
user? Or is the access rights status checked again later on?
(/me w
Olaf Titz wrote:
The only quick solution I can think of is to turn off "Use episode name"
in "Setup/Recording".
It would be nice to have a flag in the individual timer for this.
There are a lot of shows where you want episode subdirs and a lot of
others where the EPG is so broken you're better
VDR User wrote:
This patch just changes charset querying to not only look at environment
variable LANG, but respect all in correct order. So now I can overwrite
charset setting with LC_CTYPE and LC_ALL.
Just curious, why would you need to query anything other than the
environment LANG variable?
Olaf Titz wrote:
After that, some existing cut marks are not on a GOP
boundary any more (looks like genindex really has fixed something). I
can't edit these cut marks any more.
Proposed fix: on the 7 and 9 keys, look if the mark is really on a GOP
boundary, and if not, scan for the next o
As you yourself said in the above/below statement, time is a limited
resource for this project and you can't spend all day developing
vdr (and you have a life besides vdr =). The way I see it, is a clear
roadmap could make the development more effective and avoid waste
Reinhard Nissl wrote:
I've just got a pure virtual function call in cDevice::Action() for
receiver[i]->Receive(b, TS_SIZE);
cReceiver::~cReceiver() calls Detach(), but at that time, it is simply
too late as the virtual method table entry for Receive() has already
been restored to 0.
I suggest t
Chris wrote:
> My shutdown script checks for different running processes (or connections)
> and does not quit vdr if at least one of the tests returns true. But since
> 1.5.2 (or probably since 1.5.0) the shutdown script remains as a zombie
> in such cases until vdr actually quits.
The shutdown sc
Chris wrote:
If I use an 'empty' shutdown script that just starts with "#!/bin/sh" or
bash or whatever, the script itself becomes a zombie. And if I use a script
with just an empty line, "sh" becomes the zombie. So in either way,
something is wrong and it can not be the script's fault.
I've che
Pasi Juppo wrote:
> For some reason VDR has decided to remove recordings. I've been
> suspecting this for some time but now I'm sure. I've been recording Tomi
> Traktori (a serie for kids) and there used to way more recordings that
> single page. Now only single page and all recordings in 2007 have
Unknown Unknown wrote:
> May 31 20:23:38 localhost vdr: [3413] Local Time = Thu May 31 20:19:37 2007
> (1180631977)
> May 31 20:21:01 localhost vdr: [3405] PANIC: watchdog timer expired -
> exiting!
> Could vdr turn off the watchdog before it sets the system time, if that is
> the problem?
PLU Dominique wrote:
> Is there a way to force vdr to first update system time to transponder time
> as design and after look if something is really scheduled ?
You could use a tool like dvbdate to update the clock before starting VDR.
If you have a permanent Internet connection, or at least some
Josce Unknown wrote:
I am sure this would fix the problem. However, is this really the way it
should work?
The clock is four minutes off, let's PANIC?
VDR still defaults to start recordings three minutes before scheduled
time, right? I wouldn't want to rely my recordings on a clock that is
Andrew Herron wrote:
> I will look at evms & lvm. Thanks.
> But I'd still like to understand how vdr's own managment of multiple
> video.xx directories works...
> Can anyone explain what my options are for using multiple video.xx
> directories?
The details about handling multiple video dir
Petri Hintukainen wrote:
> It might be even some plugin. All timeouts (cTimeMs, cCondVar,
> cCondWait) use current wall clock time to set the timeout.
Thats not even all: There are 140 references to time(NULL) in VDR, and
most of them are used for timeouts between a few seconds and some hours.
Andrew Herron wrote:
> If I have some existing vdr recordings on another partition is there a
> way to include these so that they are visible inside vdr's recording's
> menu?
You can symlink the partition into the first partition as directory. Not
very clean, but should work for playback.
Adrian C. wrote:
> Anything I record get's splited into numerous
> pieces (like VDR is recording every frame into diffrent file)... so when
> I try to playback a recording I don't get smooth playback but something
> like slow motion.
VDR does split files, but usually after 2gb, or at least 100m
Hi Klaus,
Found a bug in VDR-1.5.5 in non-UTF8 mode. In any text field, when the
cursor is on an uppercase non-ASCII character like ÄÖÜ, the up/down key
jumps directly to A.
The core problem is that the non-UTF8 version of Utf8ToArray
sign-extends chars to uints, turning the ä of the allowe
Brendon Higgins wrote:
> Jun 30 21:12:55 phi vdr: [3452] frontend 0 timed out while tuning to channel
> 0, tp 536
> I'm a bit confused that it's
> trying to access channel 0, since AFAICT there is *no* channel 0.
'Channel 0' is usually the scan for new channels on currently unused
Torgeir Veimo wrote:
> Bummer! I was hoping it could be used to detect ads during live TV and
> reduce the volume. Ads always have louder sound, which is extremely
> annoying.
Noad needs some time to find the most probable start/end point of
commercials, so its generally not able to do it live.
Gregoire Favre wrote:
> I use Min. event timeout/user inactivity of 60 minutes but when my
> computer poweron vdr only seems to wait for about 5 minutes before
> shuting down my computer if a timer isn't programmed which is quiete bad
> if I power it by hand and don't come after it directly.
Gregoire Favre wrote:
> Oh, that's a really bad way of doing things for me : it seems my
> vdrwatchdog initiate a "initializing full VDR restart".
> I only got those "problem" needing a restart of vdr at boot, so the new
> implementation will never work for me.
I don't really understand that. O
Norbert Goebel wrote:
> does vdr (especially version 1.4.7 as I am using this right now) tell
> the shutdownscript in any way what caused the shutdown-request (pressing
> the poweroff button on fb or the idle timer)?
See the INSTALL file of VDR. The 5'th parameter of the shutdown script
is 0 fo
Norbert Goebel wrote:
> Why is this done in this order and not like this:
> a) check the shutdown-hooks and if those exit with exitcode=0 do b) else
> abort the shutdown sequence without a message (exception: the script
> wants to be verbose and does it itself)
> b) display shutdown abort mess
I've published version 0.0.2 of the OSDServer plugin.
OSDServer is a plugin that allows external programs to use the OSD and
the menu system of VDR. Access is done via TCP/IP and a simple script
language that is primarily designed to be handled by perl programs and
shell scripts. Until now
Martin Prochnow wrote:
> I call in my plugin in a loop (in a thread) cCutter::Active() every
> second. If I stop an editing process over the main menu entry, VDR
> crashes from time to time:
cCutter::Active is more than a simple query function. It also does the
cleanup of the thread, the error
Joerg Bornkessel wrote:
> On try to load the plugin on vdr start, i get following ERROR in
> syslog:
> Jul 30 22:27:23 vdr1 vdr: [9428] ERROR:
> /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-mailbox.so.1.5.6: \
> undefined symbol: _ZN2Ax3VDR11OsdMenuBaseI8cOsdMenuE14clearStatusMsgEv
> Is there a workaround or
Petri Helin wrote:
> I traced the problem to the SystemExec call in
> cShutdownHandler::CallShutdownCommand where Setup.NextWakeupTime is
> updated only if the SystemExec call returns 0. i changed it to accept
> all values greater or equal to 0 and now Setup.NextWakeupTime gets
> updated proper
Hi list,
The original hard link cutter patch has received a few bug fixes and an
enhancement, so its time to release an updated version.
Quick info:
The hard link cutter patch changes the recording editing algorithms of
VDR to use file system hard links to 'copy' recording files whenever
Petri Helin wrote:
> It seems to me that VDR still fails writing the NextWakeupTime every now
> and then, even after I made the change described earlier. Do you have
> suggestions on how to shutdown properly in order to get the
> NextWakeupTime written to setup.conf? I run VDR as a daemon and sh
Petri Helin wrote:
> Udo Richter wrote:
>> In any case, try dumping the return value to syslog, I would really like
>> to know what additional flag is set on the return value.
> I got 6, 9 and 11 when I did some debugging earlier.
I *think* that these are kill si
Petri Helin wrote:
> Udo Richter wrote:
>> I *think* that these are kill signals received by the child process.
>> Which is strange, as the child does an exit immediately. (Unless you're
>> somewhere between 1.5.1 and 1.5.3 - this changed in 1.5.4)
Stone wrote:
> I noticed my vdr-1.5.6 did an emergency shutdown when I had poor signal
> reception during a recording, which in itself is a fine thing to do...
> but my "runvdr" script didn't seem to catch the bad exit code (exit 1)
> when vdr did that, so VDR never restarted.
> Does this ha
Hi list,
For all the version junkies out there, here is proxy plugin version
0.1.3, with full support for VDR 1.5.7 and its new i18n system. Also
fixed: Proxify the WakeupTime() call of VDR 1.5.1.
This version is fully backwards compatible, though it requires gettext
support to compile on all
Matthias Schwarzott wrote:
> makefile-destdir.diff:
> It add variable DESTDIR to makefile to install under $(DESTDIR) instead of /
I would prefer something like DESTDIR=/usr/local that can be redirected
to /usr or /tmp/newpackage/usr or similar, just as many configure
scripts do it. On the downs
Matthias Schwarzott wrote:
> This time I have some comments on Makefiles for plugins.
> 1. Is there any reason to not allow plain "make" without target to work? It
> would be so easy to move the "all:" target before "%.o: %.c" line.
My plugins usually have an early extra target like this to allow
Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> - Internationalization is now done with 'gettext' (following a suggestion by
> Lucian Muresan).
To add another report, I had some trouble to pick anything but English
at first. After some fiddling and trying the various hints, here's what
was missing for me:
Hi list,
I've uploaded a little perl script and instructions to convert from the
new gettext based po i18n files to the old i18n.c system of VDR 1.5.6
and earlier. By using this script its easy to use the new po based i18n
system for translations, and still compile the plugins with full i18n
Hi list,
I've uploaded the newest streamplayer-0.1.4 plugin release. The new
release restores full i18n functionality on all VDR versions, especially
VDR 1.5.7.
Get it here:
Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> On 08/18/07 12:29, Udo Richter wrote:
>> To add another report, I had some trouble to pick anything but English
>> at first. After some fiddling and trying the various hints, here's what
>> was missing for me:
>> [...]
Michael Brueckner wrote:
>> Get it here:
>> http://www.udo-richter.de/vdr/scripts.html#po2i18n
>> http://www.udo-richter.de/vdr/scripts.en.html#po2i18n
> The download-links don't work. I think you must link to 'po2i18n-0.1.tgz'
> instead of 'po2i18n.tgz' :)
Oooops! That happens if you don't c
Michael Nausch wrote:
> But If I try to do the same on my testsystem (vdr-1.4.7) it won't work!
> On syslog I'll only see:
> Aug 18 17:21:59 tecvdr vdr: [1916] executing '/usr/local/bin/vdrshutdown
> 1187452313 1800 0 "" 1'
> Aug 18 17:40:51 tecvdr vdr: [1921] executing '/usr/local/bin/vdrshutd
Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> VDR's locale files are named like "de_DE" (language_COUNTRY).
> There's no "@euro" or other stuff added to the names. VDR needs to
> know which files it actually has at its disposal, in order to
> present to the user a list of all available languages. It makes
> no sense
Luca Olivetti wrote:
> The diff fails on all po files, it's only me or does it happens to others?
po files are a pain for diff-patches because they have lists of source
code line numbers in the comments. If you've applied any other patch to
the VDR sources, and did a recompile, then all your po
Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
- When scanning the locale directory, VDR now explicitly looks for a file named
vdr.mo. Text files for plugins are now named "vdr-name.mo", when "name" is the
name of the plugin. The "newplugin" script has been changed accordingly, and
plugin authors should change t
Dieter Hametner wrote:
> I kind of enhanced your script to use the CPAN module Locale::PO for reading
> the .po/.pot files. Your implementation did not handle multi line msgids and
> msgstrs well.
Hmmm, ok, I don't have multi-line strings that need translation, but
this is probably worth a fix.
Matthias Fechner wrote:
>> cp Make.config.template Make.config
>> edit it and set LOCDIR=./locale
> ok I changed it, now VDR says at startup:
> Aug 20 14:53:36 localhost vdr: [23028] found 21 locales in ./locale
> Aug 20 14:53:36 localhost vdr: [23028] no locale for language code 'deu,ger'
> [..
Hi list,
I've uploaded version 0.2 of the po2i18n script that converts i18n
strings from gettext to i18n.c format.
The new version now properly handles multi-line i18n strings. To keep
things simple, its still NOT based on Locale::PO. (Sorry, Dieter. ;) )
Also, the Makefile integration for aut
Gergely TAMAS wrote:
> Does someone have a patch which enables xineliboutput 1.0.0rc2 to work
> with vdr 1.5.9 ?
There's an official patch on the dev' web page:
(You'll need both, the 1.5.3 patch and the 1.5.9 patch)
Lauri Tischler wrote:
> that plugin is ancient. Is there somewhere a plugin which compiles
> under 1.4.6 or so.
A compatibility patch working on all versions of VDR is available here:
Torsten Kunkel wrote:
> I would love it, if the Makefile could give an errorcode if something
> went wrong.
> Normally I'm using "make plugins && ./runvdr" when testing plugins.
> But if the compile of one or many plugins failes, the makefile gives an
> OK, and vdr starts (with the old plugincode).
Stone wrote:
> vdr: [4922] ERROR: cOsd::SetAreas returned 5
This is oeWrongAlignment, and is returned if an OSD area has negative
size, is outside of the screen, or does not byte-align.
The latter is triggered if a 1-bit OSD has a width that is not multiple
of 8, a 2-bit OSD has a width not mul
dom.plu wrote:
> It can be interresting to use the emergency shutdown only when there are no
> other records running at the same time
Sounds like a good idea:
Emergency exit on failing to record:
* Never
* Only if this doesn't break other recordings
* Always
Maybe this could even be based on reco
JJussi wrote:
> How about, when there is no stream - no writing to HD.. OK, if there is 15
> minutes break middle of stream, then recording "jump" those 15 minutes during
> playback.
To clear things up: Of course, if there's no stream for whatever
reasons, VDR already does NOT write anything to
I've published version 0.1.0 of the OSDServer plugin.
OSDServer is a plugin that allows external programs to use the OSD and
the menu system of VDR. Access is done via TCP/IP and a simple script
language that is primarily designed to be handled by perl programs and
shell scripts. Until now
Antti Seppälä schrieb:
> BTW. we've actually been looking into adding support for receiving rtsp
> streams and while it is more laborous than other protocols I think
> implementing it would be entirely possible.
I have an experimental version of my streamplayer plugin that allows to
use RTSP stre
Antti Seppälä wrote:
> exec vlc "mms://livemedia.omroep.nl/vprohollanddoc-bb" --sout
> "#transcode{vcodec=mp2v,acodec=mpga,vb=2400,ab=320}:standard{access=udp,mux=ts{pid-video=1,pid-audio=2,pid-spu=3},dst=}"
> --intf dummy
To get some more weired AVI formats into shape for FF cards,
Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>> i suggest the introduction of a new command line option to switch
>> off writing any epg data (implicitly switching off epg scan). this way
>> only the server vdr maintains the epg and the clients only read it.
> The clients would only read this once at program start.
Andrey Kuzmin wrote:
> I think that Morfsta's main point isn't any specific feature of VDR
> like HD support. The point is VDR's development model itself. It is
> closed now. Patches are not the answer to this problem. Developers have
> to be very motivated to maintain patches from version till ver
Hi list,
I've improved the hard link cutter patch. The new 0.2.0 version has
support for multiple /videoXX folders. The new patch tries to find a
compatible /videoXX folder that can hold a hard link for each file. Deep
mounted video folders (like mount to /video/nfs-server/ or
Gregoire Favre wrote:
> Great, I didn't try the Hard Link cutter (see
> http://www.linuxtv.org/pipermail/vdr//2008-January/015070.html ) because
> I can't seem to apply it cleanly on my vdr, do you have an idea on a
> good way to cut H.264 reccording ?
Any detailed information would help. Note tha
Hi list,
Asking myself if I want to build kernels and drivers for 4 different PCs
or try my luck with an old DVB API patch for vdr-1.5.14, I've chosen the
latter. The attached patch implements fallback for VDR in case no
multiproto DVB driver headers are available.
I'm not really sure what
Hi list,
Based on the original DVB API patch of last week, I've done a cleaner
rewrite of the patch. This time, the changes to the VDR sources are
limited to a few #includes and replacements of ioctl calls by the new
DVBFE_ioctl wrapper call. All the magic goes into this API wrapper, that
Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>Should there be a stable version 1.6.0 now, based on what's in
>version 1.5.14, but without DVB-S2 or even H.264 support?
My answer is a clear and determined 'Maybe'. ;)
A new stable release would bring lots of useful features to the end user
that is still sitt
For people who encounter this bug on recent kernels:
dvb_api_wrapper.c:189: error: '__invalid_size_argument_for_IOC' cannot
appear in a constant-expression
This is caused by an obscure kernel compile check that is supposed to do
macro parameter checking for ioctl constants, but also prevents
Theunis Potgieter wrote:
> udev rules
Any good rules that could be used as a starting point?
I thought of doing this with udev, but there are some obstacles for
that: First, a DVB device has several device files, not just one. And
second, the usual trick to add a custom name as symlink doesn't
Wolfgang Rohdewald wrote:
> since asprintf leads to segfaults if feeded with incorrect UTF-8 characters,
> I wanted to write a wrapper function which would then check the return value
> of asprintf.
I never understood what the problem is with utf8 and asprintf, since
utf8 is mostly ASCIIZ backwa
Wolfgang Rohdewald wrote:
> char *s;
> asprintf(&s,"%ld-%.9s",random(),artist.original());
> segfaults only if illegal utf8 chars appear in artist.original()
> asprintf returns -1, so s is nothing that could be freed,
> and this gives a nice backtrace:
So its basically just free'
Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> until he learned that every card in the system MUST
> have a -good- antenna signal, regardless if the card is used or not...
> because EPG scan would use every card and that VDR behaves -unexpectable-
> sick without -good- antenna signals.
I cannot confirm that. My VDR alwa
Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> This "unloading" leads to ACPI interrupr errors
> On the VDR console i could see 3 line
> ACPI disabling interupt
This is not an error. If a DVB driver is unloaded, its IRQ is unused and
ACPI disables this IRQ line. As soon as the driver gets loaded again,
the ACPI IRQ w
Rainer Zocholl wrote:
>> For who knows french, there is an interresting thread about udev on
>> the dvbkivabien forum. I did use it to have my nexus always as primary
>> device
>> http://dvbkivabien2.info/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=11255
> "Vous devez tre inscrit et connect pour pouvoir consulter l
Rainer Zocholl wrote:
>> 1.4.7), so having no signal on DVB-S is not un-typical for my system.
> 1.4.3 had the problem to restart vdr in such cases, beraking all
> other recording(*).
> This restart is not very noticable in the recording.
Believe me, I do notice them. And they really only ha
Udo Richter wrote:
> Theunis Potgieter wrote:
>> udev rules
> Any good rules that could be used as a starting point?
Since there's no working solution yet that really satisfied me, I've
digged into this, trying to get automatic persistent numbering of
Malcolm Caldwell wrote:
In case there's no older version of channels.conf, is there some simple
sed/awk/perl script to remove the extra fields, or is it not strictly
Is it just a 's/M2O0S0//' when you only have dvb-s channels?
Should be pretty much it.
Why not make 1.6.0 ignore this
Hi list,
After some delays, I've finally updated some of my stuff to the latest
i18n standards of VDR. streamplayer-0.1.5 and proxy-0.1.4 now use the
VDR-1.5.8+ compatible i18n system including backwards compatibility and
all the latest newplugin changes. Also, both now have Italian
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