Guido Fiala wrote:
Maybe you should mount reiserfs with the "notail" option for video-partitions, which should kill most of the overhead. I run reiserfs with vdr since 10 years or so, no problems at all even when running in 100% used diskspace often.
AFAIK notail disables reiser's ability to pack small (<12k) files 
together, and since recordings are just a little bit bigger, I don't 
think that this would help.
The time I had this issue, I was excessively using VDR's ability to 
automatically delete old recordings, so free disk space was always 
running down to 1 GByte (39 min), and this remaining GByte was mostly 
fragmented down to thousands of pieces of a few KBytes. I doubt that any 
other file system would do better.


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