Josce Unknown wrote:
I am sure this would fix the problem. However, is this really the way it
should work?
The clock is four minutes off, let's PANIC?
VDR still defaults to start recordings three minutes before scheduled
time, right? I wouldn't want to rely my recordings on a clock that is
that bad.
To be honest, I have seen a lot of worse PC clocks around than the one I
have on my spare computer ...
The worst I had was on a 286, running 40s off per day. Good thing that
this is over. Today, I would count one or two minutes per month as worst
Back on the issue:
I've just tested this on my machine, with a small program that uses the
alarm() to sleep for 10 seconds, just as the watchdog uses alarm().
(Code is attached.)
This is a normal run:
#>date ; ./alarm ; date
Sa 9. Jun 11:50:36 CEST 2007
Sa 9. Jun 11:50:46 CEST 2007
The second run, I started the program at 11:52:55, and at 11:53 I
manually changed the clock to 11:54. This is what happened:
#>date ; ./alarm ; date
Sa 9. Jun 11:52:55 CEST 2007
Sa 9. Jun 11:54:04 CEST 2007
Just as I've expected: alarm() runs independent of any system clocks, it
always waits the specified time in seconds. There should be no reason to
modify the behavior of the watchdog, since alarm() doesn't care about
the calendar clock.
Btw: Even ntpd would step the clock in this case, because clock slew is
only used for time offsets of less than 128ms.
And, from the original post:
May 31 20:23:38 localhost vdr: [3413] System Time = Thu May 31 20:23:38 2007
May 31 20:23:38 localhost vdr: [3413] Local Time = Thu May 31 20:19:37 2007
May 31 20:21:01 localhost vdr: [3405] PANIC: watchdog timer expired - exiting!
The clock was set to 20:19:37, and the watchdog fires at 20:21:01 - 84
seconds later. There must be something different causing the watchdog to
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static void Watchdog(int signum)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (signal(SIGALRM, Watchdog) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
while (true) sleep(1);
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