[USRP-users] Routing 10Gbe SFP+ via a switch to 25Gbe host

2023-07-04 Thread Leon Wabeke
Hi All Given the amount of small form factor hosts that now support 2.5Gbe I was wondering if anyone has tried/had success to connect an X310’s 10Gbe SFP+ via a switch to convert it to 2.5Gbe. It has been mentioned on this mailing list that the network stack is very minimal on the X310, but I a

[USRP-users] RFNoC Image Builder: two problems with Vitis HLS

2023-07-04 Thread Bachmaier, Luca
Hello everyone, I'm currently stuck with creating a custom RFNoC bitfile with rfnoc_image_builder. I'm building the image for a USRP N310 and the software I'm using is the following: - Debian 12 - Python 3.11.2 - UHD - Vivado 2021.1 (installed with the additional patc

[USRP-users] Re: Problems streaming with X310 using Rust

2023-07-04 Thread Marcus Müller
Hi Mark, first time I see samcrow's uhd-rust! Interesting, and it does quite a few things. Now, I'll guess that the uhd-rust streamer objects are working subtly differently than the underlying C++ objects, and you notice that here. It does seem to make a few assumption on internals of UHD,

[USRP-users] Re: RFNoC Image Builder: two problems with Vitis HLS

2023-07-04 Thread Wade Fife
Hi Luca, Can you try going into the uhd/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/ and running `make cleanall` and running the build again? You should not have had to manually upgrade IP unless there was some kind of mismatch somewhere. Perhaps you tried building first without the patch but didn't clean out the old IP

[USRP-users] Custom RFNoC block: data throughput bottleneck

2023-07-04 Thread Philipp Niedermayer
Dear all, we are working on a custom OOT RFNoC Block implementation [1] on a USRP X310 and are facing data throughput bottlenecks. The DSP is controlled via GNU Radio / UHD like this: Signal Source -> RFNoC TX Streamer -> custom OOT block -> RFNoC RX Streamer -> QT GUI Time Sink When runnin