2020-06-09 Thread David Belina
Si! On June 9, 2020 at 9:32:42 AM, Alessandra Ambrosini ( wrote: Buongiorno, Se passo a Catalina, la versione 10.15.5 posso utilizzare ancora Open office, la versione 64 bit? GRAZIE SALUTI -

Re: Openoffice Apache App on Table Support Question

2020-06-10 Thread David Belina
If you paid for Open Office you got ripped off (unless you got a CD with OO on it).  OO is free to download: On June 10, 2020 at 1:26:35 AM, David Robley ( wrote: Apache OpenOffice is free to download from http://www.openo

Re: Open Office is crashing. Why?

2020-07-01 Thread David Belina
I guess you didn’t realize that Open Office is only user supported so there is no support other than the community forums.  If you want phone support you get to purchase it  by buying and installing Microsoft Office and calling Microsoft not Open Office. On July 1, 2020 at 1:02:37 PM, Megan Ha

Re: Bouncing Message Listing

2020-07-01 Thread David Belina
HI: I am using the Thunder Bird vers email client for my,, and email addresses on a Win10x64 Home (1909) PC. Every now & then I have received a message similar to: > Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the > mailing

Re: Question sur Sécurité OpenOffice avec Editeur Inconnu

2020-07-02 Thread David Belina
MacOSX is not registered with Apple.  Is as or more secure than Microsoft. Google translate: MacOSX n'est pas enregistré auprès d'Apple. Est aussi ou plus sécurisé que Microsoft. On July 2, 2020 at 9:44:36 AM, ( wrote: Bonjour, Je souhaite télécharger Op

Re: Problems with Open Office

2020-07-06 Thread David Belina
Can I get a phone number to speak with an agent? My problem is too complicated to do texting. Jerry Gold - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@openoffice.ap

Re: Cursor movement

2020-07-11 Thread David Belina
When I use excel I can make the cursor move horizontally when I press enter. How do I do this in OpenOffice. Howard Bennett -- Howard

Re: Cursor movement

2020-07-11 Thread David Belina
Just hit tab - it saves the entry you are making and goes immediately to the cell on the right - just like Excel On July 11, 2020 at 5:31:14 PM, David Belina ( wrote: When I use excel I can make the cursor move horizontally when I press enter. How do I do this in

Re: Cursor movement

2020-07-11 Thread David Belina
OpenOffice | Preferences instead of Tools | Options. On 12/7/20 12:06 pm, Howard Bennett wrote: > Thanks, too damn simple for me to figure out on my own. > > On Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 19:37 David Belina wrote: > >> Just hit tab - it saves the entry you are making and goes immediate


2020-07-21 Thread David Belina On July 21, 2020 at 2:43:23 AM, Imballaggi Bustesi ( wrote: Buongiorno, Ho appena fatto l’aggiornamento del MAC a OS Catalina. Ho dei documenti che necessito di aprire con OpenOffice, ma non riesco a farlo in quanto mi vie

Re: mail merge not working

2020-07-23 Thread David Belina
This is beyond frustrating. I have watched every tutorial possible. I have uninstalled open office multiple times to no avail. All I am trying to do is a mail merge where I print out labels. Every time I try this I take my open office spread sheet convert it into a open office database file

Re: ascending/descending order

2020-08-01 Thread David Belina
If you are refering to the folder that opens when you do a “open” operation from the opening OO screen, it works just like the Windows folder, just click on the place it say “name” over the names of the files an it will alphabetically list the names of the files.  Clicking on date will organize

Re: tired of the crashes

2020-08-09 Thread David Belina
Without knowing the detail of your system, it’s hard to tell but I suspect it is your memory settings.  On a Mac, open OO and check the memory setting under Preferences in the left-hand pane.  I have 20MB set for mine and I never crash.  Don’t know where the setting is on Windows/Linux. On Aug

Re: openoffice issue

2020-09-11 Thread David Belina
What ever you are sung to convert PDF’s into or out of OpenOffice had a problem this the java program begin used to do the conversion (“cannot find file”).   Reinstall the extension? Github gas several programs.  Look for documentation there? On September 9, 2020 at 7:23:52 AM, Martin Groenesch

Re: Unsuccessfull login

2020-09-17 Thread David Belina
You don’t need a login to download any Open Office extension. I just downloaded what you say is what you want: Download Apache OpenOffice Extensions from On September 17, 2020 at 4:19:50 PM, Xesús González Rato ( wrote: Hello, I've been trying to login fo

Re: Re[2]: A few questions about Apache OpenOffice

2020-09-23 Thread David Belina
As it seems you are choosing Windows 10 for this, try Windows Deployment Services (the internet has dozens of sites that explain it).  (The client should probably have a Windows Server machine anyway, to manage the deployment. On September 23, 2020 at 6:37:01 AM, Amin J. P. (

Re: Scanning

2020-09-24 Thread David Belina
Preview would show what is scanned but if the program you did not OCR (Optical Character Reader) the file to convert it into text, OO will try to read it based on the tension you added to the files when you scanned it.  Research OCR in the documentation for your scanner program. Dave On Septe

Re: Problème enregistrement

2020-10-14 Thread David Belina
Bonjour, J’ai un problème pour enregistrer mes documents (nouveaux et existants), une erreur inconnue se produit. J’ai redémarrer mon appareil mais cela ne fonctionne pas. Pouvez-vous m’aider ? Cordialement Provenance : Courrier; pour Windows 10


2020-10-29 Thread David Belina
I opened this on my computer and the last page was 36. Dave On October 29, 2020 at 3:25:57 PM, nicholas ( wrote: open office folk i have tried and tried and TRIED to remove a formatting issue from the last three pages of a document and it won't go away.  i have attached it

Re: Updating OO 4.1.5

2020-10-30 Thread David Belina
Try this link for the best link to download: On October 30, 2020 at 7:13:47 AM, Stephen Cox - gmail ( wrote: Sirs, Your webpage says Open Office 4.1.7 Windows version 'W

Re: Download open office 4.1.8

2020-11-11 Thread David Belina
The download server is overloaded.  Try again (and again or wait one day). On November 11, 2020 at 7:05:43 AM, Ben Lensvelt ( wrote: Kan open office 4.1.8 niet downloaden (i cant download open office 4.1.8) -- M.Vr.Gr. Ben Lensvelt

Re: Apache open office

2020-11-17 Thread David Belina
This is Apple refusing to recognize apps that have not be run through their vetting process.  It has nothing to do with Open Office as this is an open source product. Check out Question 3 and 5 on the following link:

Re: Printing Problem

2020-12-05 Thread David Belina
The problem may not be with Open Office.  Here is a link to a page to removing black ink printing problems I found using an internet search. On December 5, 2020 at 8:02:13 AM, Julian THOMAS ( wrote: XP-245

Re: Unable to Download Updates

2020-12-12 Thread David Belina
The “workaround” is simple.  Go to, select your operating system and download.  The latest version is 4.1.8 On December 12, 2020 at 4:03:47 PM, Robert De Haas ( wrote: Hi, I keep getting the message "Search for updates failed" w


2020-12-14 Thread David Belina

Re: Open office on mac - can't open

2020-12-18 Thread David Belina
Read about half-way down this web page and you will see how to do it for any program that cannot be verified: On December 18, 2020 at 12:29:14 PM, Jeff Cheung ( wrote: Hi Users Open Office, I recently downloaded Open office on mac b

Re: Format for Header & Footer

2020-12-19 Thread David Belina
Open Office has a Wiki and I did a web search and found this page that has how to do header’s and footers (about the third topic on the page).  If your custom header or footer was done in OpenOffice you might be able to copy and paste the text but I think other attributes will need to be viewed

Re: Format for Header & Footer

2020-12-19 Thread David Belina
, David Belina wrote: > Open Office has a Wiki and I did a web search and found this page that > has how to do header’s and footers (about the third topic on the page). >  If your custom header or footer was done in OpenOffice you might be > able to copy and paste the text but I

Re: can't update

2020-12-21 Thread David Belina
IF you don’t seem to be able to update then just go to the download site and download: I read somewhere that the “update” feature is broken but I’m not sure of that but just downloading from the download site has worked for me. On December 21, 2020 at 12:35

Re: Checking for an update failed

2020-12-26 Thread David Belina
As I posted once before, I saw a post that said the “update” action on OpenOffice is broken.  I have resorted to just navigating to the download page periodically and checking to see if a new version exists on the download page , downloading and installing if their is a new version.  The new ver

Re: Apache Open Office 4.1.8 ... does it work on 64-bit Windows

2021-01-02 Thread David Belina
The download site clearly state that there is a 64-bit version, On January 2, 2021 at 9:34:51 AM, Nic Cols ( wrote: I have a new MS Surface, running Windows 10. Can I run AOO 4.1.8 on it? Nic Cols Garner NC 706-570-9859

Re: Apache for Mac Big Sur?

2021-01-04 Thread David Belina
I have it running on my MacBook Pro with Big Sur and it works very well.  You just have to make sure you follow the instruction for Mac because it is unsigned (according to Apple) On January 4, 2021 at 11:28:24 AM, Dave Fisher ( wrote: Hi - What fails currently with OpenOffi

Re: open office download?

2021-01-09 Thread David Belina
Try: On January 9, 2021 at 6:03:57 AM, Monica Bergström ( wrote: Hi I have downloaded the program but can not open it because the developer can not be confirmed. Security reasons ! What to do? I have also just install

Re: Forgot password to memoirs

2021-01-23 Thread David Belina
Hi, I have a page of different memoirs that I had written in Open Office. I have forgotten the passwords. How can I open these writings now? Suzanne Cerny

Re: Enquiring about the opensource of Apache OpenOffice

2021-01-27 Thread David Belina
Hi, I just wanted to enquire that can I use Apache OpenOffice for my own business? Thanks, Rijul

Re: documents

2021-02-15 Thread David Belina
If your computer crashed, the documents might not have been “saved” like when you exit the program but the computer doesn’t crash.  If you didn’t have period saving set as one of your options the files may still be there but the “History” may not recognize where they are.  Check the default save

Re: OpenOffice for Amazon Linux in aarch64 architecture

2021-02-16 Thread David Belina
Visit and see 0 you may have to click on the link for third party vendors (or just compile your own?) On February 16, 2021 at 6:40:46 PM, Jesús Alberto Cantú Peña ( wrote: Hello Can you please let me know if there is an open office ve

Re: Spreadsheet to word document

2021-03-11 Thread David Belina
You can convert to a PDF. On March 11, 2021 at 9:00:27 AM, Barry Hooks ( wrote: Can you convert or save an existing spreadsheet in Open Office to a word/text document? Thank you. Barry Hooks Sent from my iPad ---

Re: Apache OpenOffice Online

2021-03-21 Thread David Belina
Online Server WOPI is a Microsoft product.  Open Office seeks to replace 4 of the Office functions, Word, Powerpoint, Excel and Access with mostly equivalent applications that are free and not restricted by Microsoft. Why Open Office would want to integrate with applications t is trying to repl

Re: Help with a pdf form

2021-03-29 Thread David Belina
Just a small question:  Is this the behavior before or after converting to a pdf? On March 29, 2021 at 8:00:31 PM, Craig Russell ( wrote: Oops. It is an odt file that I'm exporting as a pdf form. > On Mar 29, 2021, at 6:17 PM, Craig Russell wrote: > > Hi, > > I'

Re: Help with a pdf form

2021-03-29 Thread David Belina
It seems to be both. I've tried to set the default for the option buttons to be selected or not selected but that doesn't seem to change any of the behavior. Thanks, Craig > On Mar 29, 2021, at 7:04 PM, David Belina <> wrote: > > Just a sma

Re: Install Open Office

2021-03-31 Thread David Belina
Are you using Windows or Mac?  What version?  What error message(s) do you get?  Where did you download the install from? Nobody can help unless you identify at least your platform and what error messages you get. On March 31, 2021 at 9:09:59 AM, Thomas Brooks ( wrote: Have

Re: Document doesnt want to save

2021-04-03 Thread David Belina
What location does it tell you has no space? On April 3, 2021 at 3:28:31 PM, Carver Means ( wrote: My document won't save. It says "OpenOffice could not save important internal information due to insufficient free space at the following location" etc. But when I opened

Re: Open Office für Mac OS Catalina

2021-04-28 Thread David Belina
Please read the  Mac section of ]Instructions for Downloading and  Installing Apache OpenOffice 4.0, 4.1 Versions at for  the solution.  On April 28, 2021 at 8:22:22 AM, Walter Heinicke ( wrote: Hallo, ich habe ein P


2021-04-28 Thread David Belina
Hi, I have a 15” MacBook Pro mid 2012, Catalina OS 10.15.7 and downloaded the Open Office but when I try to open it, Mac gives me a pop up sign that says that Mac OS CANNOT OPEN OPRN OFFICE CAUSE THE DEVELOPER IS NOT VERIFIED AND THAT THEY CANT KNOW IF ITS FREE FROM MALWARE. Whats the solutio

Re: trouble installing latest OpenOffice

2021-04-30 Thread David Belina
Try shutting your Windows machine down and turned off, restart and before you do anything else, try to use the install.  This should be the quickest way t stop the installer from starting twice. On April 30, 2021 at 8:01:09 PM, Lix Newton ( wrote: Hello Apache I have be

Re: trouble installing latest OpenOffice

2021-05-03 Thread David Belina
pps to display all running apps, and kill the one that should have died > in the first place. > > > On 4/30/21 8:06 PM, David Belina wrote: >> Try shutting your Windows machine down and turned off, restart and >> before you do anything else, try to use the instal

Re: Column number in footing

2021-06-28 Thread David Belina
This is from the OO help: The following routine returns the current insertion points location on a page in terms of lines and characters. The number of characters is meaningless if the insertion point is in a table. The link is On June 2

Re: unable to access files

2021-07-14 Thread David Belina
It would help if you would tell us what the message said. On July 14, 2021 at 12:40:43 PM, Eliot Brody ( wrote: Receive a message relating to "runtime" asking me to contact the program person. Eliot Brody Thank you.

Re: Firefox Download

2021-07-29 Thread David Belina
FireFox is a Web Browser like Chrome or Edge.  The fie you are trying to open is an installer or Firefox, not a document.  If you can find the file in under or your download directory in your browser you used to download the file, you Mac will open it if you click to double click in the file nam

Re: installation

2021-09-18 Thread David Belina
On my desktop computer, I have Apache Open Office installed. On this laptop, I would like the same, that is an icon to click on and the Open Office opens up so I can type there or move something to store in the Open Office. I need some help to accomplish this. Thank you, Judith Benton

Re: Linking sheets

2021-09-23 Thread David Belina
What you just described is a database. Dave On September 23, 2021 at 7:35:19 PM, Don Town ( wrote: Hello everyone Is there any way to link various sheets in a document? What I'd like to do is... to move ONE sheet...and when switching to another sheet, the software mig

Re: When is the version for Big Sur O.S. expected?

2021-09-26 Thread David Belina
Hi, I have been a user of your Open Office since apprx. 2010 and I love it. I recently got a new computer which uses the Mac OS (Big Sur) and after reading your blog, I understand that it is not ready to be distributed. Could you give me an idea of when it might be available? If you are clos

Re: Sending an e mail from documents

2021-09-27 Thread David Belina
If you are using Apache Open Office, under the file tab is a selection in the drop-down list for “Send” and clicking on that opens up a list with several option. Clicking from there will eventually open up you email application (Safari on a Mac) and you choose who you wish to send it to. Other

Re: Appearance of buttons in Open Office

2021-12-22 Thread David Belina
Hi Dierk, Can you provide more informations on your Operating System? Thanks All the best Peter On 22.12.21 20:39, Dierk Neugebauer wrote: > Hi, > > I am hoping that I can get some information here about a most annoying issue that I have with OO; it is so annoying that I am reluctant to use

Re: Croatian keyboard

2022-03-27 Thread David Belina
I think this has nothing to do with Open Office but is rather your settings for your computer. What operating system are you using, Window, Mac or Linux? On March 27, 2022 at 3:03:18 PM, Ken ( wrote: Why do I have a Croatian keyboard    I want to return to a standard Amer

Re: Update: After Windows 11 Update Open Office Starts But Goes Into Not Responding

2022-06-15 Thread David Belina
It works just fine with Windows 10 On June 15, 2022 at 7:54:57 AM, Geeny In A Bottle Komanac ( wrote: Do you know Elaine if upgrading from windows 8.1 to Windows 10 will corrupt Open Office version 4.1.9? Gina, RMT, Yoga Instructor ( On

Re: Cannot Install Apache Open Office on Mac

2022-08-24 Thread David Belina
The download page has a note (in red letters) that says “important hints for OSX (>= 10.7(DMG) which used to point to a page explaining how to install on a MAC.  It doesn’t as of this post.  Instead, go to and there are de

Re: download issues

2023-05-13 Thread David Belina
Go to: Elect your operating syste (Windows {32bit only - no 64-bit yet), Mac or Linux.  Select language. You will be redirected to SourceForge for the download. Do not download from any other place. Dave On May 13, 2023 at 1:41:12 PM, Jeff Saue

Re: Developer Verification

2023-05-16 Thread David Belina
This is a MacOS message, and a MacOS problem. MacOS uses a service called the Gatekeeper to discourage installing non-Apple software. Apple changes the Gatekeeper warnings and procedures often. You must ask Apple, or consult an  Apple forum if you are having difficulty with using MacOS. You may n

Re: [AOO-Templates]

2023-07-25 Thread David Belina On July 25, 2023 at 1:47:52 PM, Marianne Wehrheim ( wrote: ICH MÖXHTE open office vom alten RechneApple r auf den neuen Apple computer übertragen. Wenn ich Oo. Neu lade, ist es nur in en


2023-08-18 Thread David Belina
Hello, sorry; i was just added to the mailing list, I need to solve a problem about saving files in Openoffice: can i ask here for help? thanks Alice

Re: Question on Apache OpenOffice

2023-08-21 Thread David Belina
Subject: Question on Apache OpenOffice Good day from Singapore, I already have LibreOffice installed on my Windows 10 Aftershock gaming laptop. Can I still install Apache OpenOffice? Will there be any conflicts? Will LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice be able to live side by side? Thank you. Re

Re: screentshot

2024-04-02 Thread David Belina
I don't know. Someone in the forum will. Na -Original Message- From: Sent: Apr 1, 2024 7:55 PM To: Subject: screentshot Hi sorry, how do you now get a screenshot using 4.1.14 Apache? Gina, RMT, Yoga Instructor (http://www.geenyi

Re: Open office 4.1.12

2024-05-23 Thread David Belina
I was using your software just fine, today I couldn’t save a new file. I have an IPhone XR. It told me that that function wasn’t available and upgrade to the paid software. Are you no longer supporting IPhones? Thank you, Mike Sent from my iPhoneB�K

Re: Lost my license number

2024-07-13 Thread David Belina
Open Office does not require a license and never has - it is open source. Downloadload the latest version at: Dave B. On July 13, 2024 at 10:20:15 AM, Susan Lantz ( wrote: I have a license with you but due to computer issue

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