If you paid for Open Office you got ripped off (unless you got a CD with OO on 
it).  OO is free to download:  http://www.openoffice.org/download/index.html

On June 10, 2020 at 1:26:35 AM, David Robley (robley.dav...@gmail.com) wrote:

Apache OpenOffice is free to download from  
http://www.openoffice.org/download/ and should only be downloaded from  
there to ensure you don't get some additional and possibly unwanted extras.  

You don't say how your spell check isn't working: if it is flagging all  
words as mis-spelled, see  

If it is not showing errors on mis-spelled words, see  

Since you are not subscribed to this list you may not see all the  
replies to your query. To subscribe to Apache OpenOffice mailing lists  
go to http://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html  

As a courtesy I have sent a copy of this reply to you as well as to the  
mailing list. Do Not reply to me personally but just to the list at  
<users@openoffice.apache.org> - replies to my personal email address  
will be ignored.  

On 10/6/20 10:13 am, Crystal Howard wrote:  
> Good evening Support,  
> The "spelling correction" function in the Openoffice Apache app on my tablet 
> is not working.  
> Should I delete the app and reload it? Would that correct the bug, or is 
> there something else I can do in the app to fix?  
> If I do need to delete app and reload, will the subscription I paid, still 
> apply?  
> Thanks  
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android  

David Robley  

There are no atheists in the foxholes.  

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org  
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@openoffice.apache.org  

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