On Mon, 13 Jan 2014 23:25:59 -0700
mike wrote:
> I have come to the conclusion that the powers that be have finally
> totally prevented root from logging into a graphic environment.
> Before the deluge of why root should not log in, I have some reasons
> that deal with the way I remote in from on
Good question. Basically a couple of specialized applications that I
run because of work that essentially need to be invoked from a gui
desktop due to the failings of the programs.
I would guess that there might be someway to start a Gnome session from
within a su session but, I am certainly
Thanks g!
The actual line had PermitRootLogin Yes commented out! I removed the
comment and all is well in Fedora 19.
I will try this later on Fedora 20 and see if it works there also. If so
I will upgrade the whole place to 20 sometime this month.
Thanks Again g.
Mike D.
On 1/13/2014 11:
try reboot, or open the gnome program using "gnome" in the terminal. If this
still can't work,u can try reinstall the gnome program
发自 Windows 8 网易邮箱
在 2014年01月13 17:29,"Marco Maccaferri" 写道:
I have installed Fedora 20 and found that the menu items are no longer
On Mon, 13 Jan 2014, g wrote:
> to all who have replied.
> On 01/13/2014 11:52 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> <>
> just what makes you think that with all the students that will be
> using the laptops, that there will not be one or two, or more,
> that have experience with linux.
> all the
On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 12:34:51PM -0800, Steven Rosenberg wrote:
> If nobody cares, and nothing's going to change in terms of a packaged
> Catalyst, I'd sure like to know now.
> But as a formerly happy Fedora user, this is pretty much a deal-breaker for
> me.
Officially there will never be
I'm looking at a motherboard update and have apparently left it too
long: it's hard to find new MBs that have PATA connectors (there are a
few, but choice is pretty limited). The hard drives for this machine
are SATA, but the optical drives are PATA. There are a few PATA to
SATA converters whi
On Tue, 14 Jan 2014 13:12:04 +
Ian Malone wrote:
> (Actually, given how cheap new ones are I wonder if they're better
> quality anyway.)
New ones almost certainly will handle higher speed media and
write faster (which would only matter if you write a lot of
stuff, mind you :-).
users mail
Hi All;
I've installed Fedora 20 on a Dell XPS 15 with a 3200x1800 screen
It works well but I need a magnifying glass to see the text. I tried
going into
system settings for KDE and setting the default dpi which sort of works
for appps
but I still have a teeny tiny start menu and taskbar (and
I installed today Fedora 20 on i686 machine.
When I ran uname -r I so that the kernel
I have is: 3.11.10-301.fc20.i686 + PAE
Is the PAE kernel for i686 the default one ? or maybe I missed
something in the installation ?
users mailing list
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On Tue, 14 Jan 2014 15:46:45 +0200
Kevin Wilson wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed today Fedora 20 on i686 machine.
> When I ran uname -r I so that the kernel
> I have is: 3.11.10-301.fc20.i686 + PAE
> Is the PAE kernel for i686 the default one ? or maybe I missed
> something in the installation ?
On Tue, 14 Jan 2014, Tim wrote:
> jdow:
> >> If students are involved I'd be inclined to find a fairly ironclad
> >> method of preventing access to the Windows disks. Otherwise, students
> >> being students, they will start unauthorized prying around on the
> >> attached Windows install and potent
You could always start with the last available SRPM and see if you can
manage to update it...
users mailing list
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On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 15:46:45 +0200,
Kevin Wilson wrote:
I installed today Fedora 20 on i686 machine.
When I ran uname -r I so that the kernel
I have is: 3.11.10-301.fc20.i686 + PAE
Is the PAE kernel for i686 the default one ? or maybe I missed
something in the installation ?
The bre
Hey Mike,
You could always/perjaps use VNC, and remotely access the vnc app over
a secure ss tunnel, or just access VNC via it's regular/assigned vnc
VNC works, gives you a complete desktop to run whatever you'd run on
the normal desktop. And yeah, the downside is it's slower!
On T
I'm asking this question out of frustration. What's the point of filing
bugs against Fedora at bugzilla.redhat.com when the response I get is "ask
up stream they can help you"?
I filed a bug (1040518) against the Mate desktop, and was told to ask
upstream for help because they can help me. I don
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 5:24 PM, pgaltieri . wrote:
> I'm asking this question out of frustration. What's the point of filing
> bugs against Fedora at bugzilla.redhat.com when the response I get is "ask
> up stream they can help you"?
At least you got a response. Half of the bugs I filed just r
hi mike,
On 01/14/2014 03:48 AM, mike wrote:
Thanks g!
welcome. glad it worked.
The actual line had PermitRootLogin Yes commented out! I removed
the comment and all is well in Fedora 19.
i thought about that i went to bed. i almost got up to post again,
then i thought with you doing what
I used to middle click a URL in a mutt email, and it would open in my
web browser (Firefox). Now when I do so it prints it, including all
headers. If I change my mutt config to include print="ask-yes", it
displays a "key is not bound message". Right clicking on the link
displays a (GUI) menu with v
hi rday,
On 01/14/2014 06:06 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
except that it's not a college course, it's a *professional* linux
admin course as i make a living teaching linux and kernel
programming and device drivers and stuff like that to corporations,
so threatening to fail paying customers i
On Jan 14, 2014, at 6:12 AM, Ian Malone wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking at a motherboard update and have apparently left it too
> long: it's hard to find new MBs that have PATA connectors (there are a
> few, but choice is pretty limited). The hard drives for this machine
> are SATA, but the optica
I filed a bug (1040518) against the Mate desktop, and was told to ask
upstream for help because they can help me. I don't understand this. I
installed Mate from the Fedora DVD and I therefore expect the Fedora
engineers to act as buffer between me and upstream. It should be their
Around 05:24pm on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 (UK time), pgaltieri . wrote:
> ask Linus I'm sure he can help you" ? I guarantee you not very long. It
> was my responsibility to work with whoever I needed to to fix the
> customer's problem, but the customer dealt with me until the problem was
> fix
On Jan 14, 2014, at 10:24 AM, "pgaltieri ." wrote:
> I'm asking this question out of frustration. What's the point of filing bugs
> against Fedora at bugzilla.redhat.com when the response I get is "ask up
> stream they can help you"?
If the bug is a packaging or dependency related bug, then
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 6:11 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
> If the bug is a packaging or dependency related bug, then use RHBZ. If it's
> a feature request, or broken feature that surely would affect every distro's
> instance of that component, then file it upstream. Often the Fedora package
> maintai
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 09:24:00AM -0800, pgaltieri . wrote:
> I'm asking this question out of frustration. What's the point of filing
> bugs against Fedora at bugzilla.redhat.com when the response I get is "ask
> up stream they can help you"?
> I filed a bug (1040518) against the Mate desktop,
On Jan 14, 2014, at 11:19 AM, Tethys wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 6:11 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> If the bug is a packaging or dependency related bug, then use RHBZ. If it's
>> a feature request, or broken feature that surely would affect every distro's
>> instance of that component, the
I didn't pay for the internal testing group, but I still had to fix
problems they reported.
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Steve Searle wrote:
> Around 05:24pm on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 (UK time), pgaltieri . wrote:
> > ask Linus I'm sure he can help you" ? I guarantee you not very long
Even reporting upstream doesn't always help. The problem I mentioned has
been sitting upstream for 3 weeks with no response. I had to create a
github account just so I could post asking for an update. The general
issue is there is an inconsistency with how Fedora bugs are dealt with.
Some bugs a
Looking to see how to craft a kickstart (ks.cfg) file by hand that
demonstrates the overall process of setting up a hidden partition, as
well as regular partitions on the drive.
I'm looking to play with creating a regular install of centos (or
whatever) on the main partitions, as well as do s
On Tue, 14 Jan 2014 11:54:58 -0800
pgaltieri . wrote:
> Even reporting upstream doesn't always help. The problem I mentioned has
> been sitting upstream for 3 weeks with no response.
3 weeks? That's like a nanosecond in linux bug time :-). I've got bugs
that are *years* old:
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 2:37 PM, pgaltieri . wrote:
> I didn't pay for the internal testing group, but I still had to fix
> problems they reported.
Oh, come on. The internal testing group is not working for free. Are
they? They are your colleagues. So the comparison is still off the ma
On Jan 14, 2014 1:04 PM, "bruce" wrote:
> Hi.
> Looking to see how to craft a kickstart (ks.cfg) file by hand that
> demonstrates the overall process of setting up a hidden partition, as
> well as regular partitions on the drive.
> I'm looking to play with creating a regular install of cento
I have it installed, but AFAICT it doesn't do anything, nor is there a
GUI to config it.
I've installed xscreensaver because I enjoy a few minutes of eye candy
before the monitor is turned off.
Please do not reply telling me you don't use gnome and I'm at fault or
in some way deficient for using
Hey pete!
basically, starting to see exactly what a dual boot process is, how it
works, how the cfg file is setup, etc..
and as I understand the drive, once can create different partitions,
which can then be split to have multiple boot processes.
I was looking into how to actually have a process
Or equiv?
The freepbx has information on installation on Centos, but not for fedora.
We have Asterisk 11 (what the Centos wiki shows), but how to proceed.
Or is there something 'better' than freepbx?
Also they are announcing Freepbx 12 on Asterisk 12. When might Asterisk
12 come out for Fe
Hash: SHA1
On 1/14/2014 3:31 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> Or equiv?
> The freepbx has information on installation on Centos, but not for
> fedora.
> We have Asterisk 11 (what the Centos wiki shows), but how to
> proceed. Or is there something 'better' than
On 01/14/2014 03:40 PM, Mark Haney wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On 1/14/2014 3:31 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Or equiv?
The freepbx has information on installation on Centos, but not for
We have Asterisk 11 (what the Centos wiki shows), but how to
proceed. Or
Hash: SHA1
On 01/14/2014 03:21 PM, Steven Stern wrote:
> I have it installed, but AFAICT it doesn't do anything, nor is
> there a GUI to config it.
> I've installed xscreensaver because I enjoy a few minutes of eye
> candy before the monitor is turned off.
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 11:54:58AM -0800, pgaltieri . wrote:
> github account just so I could post asking for an update. The general
> issue is there is an inconsistency with how Fedora bugs are dealt with.
> Some bugs are triaged and re-assigned to the appropriate component if
> necessary. Some a
Michael Cronenworth wrote:
Your e-mail made me investigate again. Font rendering changes in freetype.
Just to update anyone that may (or may not, from the lack of comments) want to
FreeType in Fedora 20 uses a new font renderer and the Cantarell font, which is
the default in Gnome, beh
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 9:24 AM, pgaltieri . wrote:
> I'm asking this question out of frustration. What's the point of filing
> bugs against Fedora at bugzilla.redhat.com when the response I get is "ask
> up stream they can help you"?
I had a very good experience when I filed a bug in Fedora aga
On Jan 14, 2014, at 12:54 PM, pgaltieri . wrote:
> The general issue is there is an inconsistency with how Fedora bugs are dealt
> with. Some bugs are triaged and re-assigned to the appropriate component if
> necessary. Some are redirected upstream where they sit for weeks without
> being ad
On 14 January 2014 20:17, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> >Even reporting upstream doesn't always help. The problem I mentioned
> has been > sitting upstream for 3 weeks with no response
> Yes indeed. That can happen. What did you really expect? You are not
> using a commercial product with any kin
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Ian Malone wrote:
> On the other hand the casual bug reporter can't be expected to be able to
> determine that their bug is an upstream one, so if the package maintainer
> or triager is able to look at a bug and say, "this is an upstream issue",
> then click a
Read my last sentence. I want to run it on an ARM platform. For some
time, that will mean Fedora. What ver of Fedora is Redhat 7 built on?
Will there be an arm distro for it at some point?
I just did a quick google and found an ARM port called RedSleeve that's based
on CentOS. However, a
On 01/14/2014 05:17 PM, Mark Haney wrote:
Read my last sentence. I want to run it on an ARM platform. For some
time, that will mean Fedora. What ver of Fedora is Redhat 7 built on?
Will there be an arm distro for it at some point?
I just did a quick google and found an ARM port called RedS
On 01/14/2014 05:29 PM, Jim wrote:
On 01/14/2014 05:17 PM, Mark Haney wrote:
Read my last sentence. I want to run it on an ARM platform. For some
time, that will mean Fedora. What ver of Fedora is Redhat 7 built on?
Will there be an arm distro for it at some point?
I just did a quick goog
Any gotchas that I should be aware of?
Ian Pilcher arequip...@gmail.com
Sent from the cloud -- where it's already tomorrow
On 01/14/2014 05:41 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
On 01/14/2014 05:29 PM, Jim wrote:
On 01/14/2014 05:17 PM, Mark Haney wrote:
Read my last sentence. I want to run it on an ARM platform. For some
time, that will mean Fedora. What ver of Fedora is Redhat 7 built on?
Will there be an arm distr
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 04:41:44PM -0600, Ian Pilcher wrote:
> Any gotchas that I should be aware of?
I did it the week of the release and didn't hit anything.
Open source is the future. It sets us free.
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Suvayu Ali wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 04:41:44PM -0600, Ian Pilcher wrote:
>> Any gotchas that I should be aware of?
> I did it the week of the release and didn't hit anything.
As a matter of interest, what is the advantage of doing this
rather than using fedup?
Timothy Murphy
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 04:41:44PM -0600, Ian Pilcher wrote:
> Any gotchas that I should be aware of?
> Thanks!
I was thinking to go with you, but then I decided that the
recommended way:
sudo fedup --network 20
may be smoother, and so it was.
Do you have any reason to use yum instead o
On 01/14/2014 04:56 PM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> As a matter of interest, what is the advantage of doing this
> rather than using fedup?
In my case, I still use GRUB legacy as my bootloader. AFAIK, fedup
doesn't work with this setup.
On Tue, 14 Jan 2014 23:49:46 +0100 Suvayu Ali wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 04:41:44PM -0600, Ian Pilcher wrote:
> > Any gotchas that I should be aware of?
> I did it the week of the release and didn't hit anything.
I had a huge issue with one machine: the one that had blueman
installed. I
Hi Gang,
I want to change the email address to the lists that I am on; I could just
add the new email to the list, but conceivably I want to rid the list of
this address in favour of my institutional / university address. Is there a
method to accomplishing this without asking someone from the comp
hello richard,
On 01/14/2014 09:47 PM, Richard Vickery wrote:
Hi Gang,
I want to change the email address to the lists that I am on; I could
just add the new email to the list, but conceivably I want to rid the
list of this address in favour of my institutional / university
address. Is there a
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