Re: confirm subscribe to

2020-03-11 Thread info Usually, this happens when you just hit the "reply" button. If this does not work, simply copy the address and paste it into the "To:" field of a new message. This confirmation serves two purposes. Fir

New user config question - 1st post

2020-03-19 Thread info
browsers? 3) I am trying to test this with apache2 stopped - does OM 5 with KMS run better served with just tomcat or will it serve more users, etc. faster with apache2 on top?  I have seen some info on proxying with apache2.4 but it isn't clear if that is the way to go, if apache2 is

questions about enabling https for both versions 5.0.0 M3 and 4.0.10

2020-03-23 Thread info
Hello, Two questions about enabling https properly so the browsers don't block the site: 1) I wonder if you have a guide for enabling https on the Debian Buster 10 with OpenMeetings 4.0.10 using the red5-2 tomcat server? There isn't a keystore file in this version like there is for the

How to set mic default=on for a specific room or user?

2020-03-25 Thread info
Hello, Is there a way to configure the microphone and / or the camera to be automatically "ON" (activated) for a room, so that all connected users have these values set to on by default?  I can't find a way to do this.   This is on 5.0.0 M3 Thank you. Ed

Re: How to set mic default=on for a specific room or user?

2020-03-25 Thread info
Hello, thanks, but on Chrome and on Edge (on Wondows 10 Pro) the mic is not turned on by default for me. Could this be because my camera on this laptop has the mic built-in to it?  For example, Even when I manually turn the mic on in an audio only room, I still can't hear myself, as I ca

How to set mic default=on for a specific room or user?

2020-03-25 Thread info
Hello, Actually I made an error - when I manually click on the mic in an audio only room, the mic does work, but the red adn white "x" does not appear on the microphone symbol. Do you want me to file a bug report on this ? Thank you. Ed - Forwarded message from i...@bureau-de-poste

Fwd: How to set mic default=on for a specific room or user?

2020-03-25 Thread info
Hello Again, I hope I'm not top posting or something like that - I'm new to mailing lists. Once again I made an error describing the problem. Here is exactly what happens: On Chrome, in an audio only room, the mic is not enabled by default. It can be enabled, and the red-white "x" appears

Re: How to set mic default=on for a specific room or user?

2020-03-25 Thread info
At   -  a public audio only room: On Edge, there is no "x" on the mic icon, and the mic is not "on" by default - it can be enabled by clicking on the mic icon, and it works when done, however no red-white "x" appears on the mic icon. On C

Re: How to set mic default=on for a specific room or user?

2020-03-25 Thread info
I was using the old edge. On the new edge the mic is not activated by default, but it can be turned on and the icon changes to the colored icon with slash, and it works. Quoting Maxim Solodovnik : What Edge are you using? Super new Edge or old Edg

A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-27 Thread info
Hello everyone, I love this software 5.0.0 M3 (running on Ubuntu 18.04) with KMS 6.13 A few questions and an important suggestion: 1) I have been unable to install this on debian buster so that it works well - can this be done? How? We'd like to be able to use this on buster. 2) When havi

unable to get KMS 6.13.0 started on debian buster 5.0.0 M3 tomcat3 running OK

2020-03-27 Thread info
eline-based processing of media. Homepage: this is the output of /opt/log/openmeetings.log:  INFO 03-14 15:54:38.301 o.s.w.c.ContextLoader:271 [main] - Root WebApplicationContext: initialization started  INFO 03-14 15:54:38.953 o.s.o.j.LocalEntityManage

Re: unable to get KMS 6.13.0 started on debian buster 5.0.0 M3 tomcat3 running OK

2020-03-27 Thread info
urento Media Server    KMS is a WebRTC-compatible server that processes audio and video  streams, doing composable pipeline-based processing of media.   Homepage: this is the output of /opt/log/openmeetings.log:     INFO 03-14 15:54:38.301 o.s.w.c.Con

Re: unable to get KMS 6.13.0 started on debian buster 5.0.0 M3 tomcat3 running OK

2020-03-27 Thread info
Replaces: kurento-media-server-6.0   Description: Kurento Media Server    KMS is a WebRTC-compatible server that processes audio and video  streams, doing composable pipeline-based processing of media.   Homepage: this is the output of /opt/log/openmeetings.log:     INFO 0

Re: unable to get KMS 6.13.0 started on debian buster 5.0.0 M3 tomcat3 running OK

2020-03-27 Thread info
lugins-base1.5-0   Suggests: kurento-dbg   Breaks: kurento-media-server-6.0   Replaces: kurento-media-server-6.0   Description: Kurento Media Server    KMS is a WebRTC-compatible server that processes audio and video  streams, doing composable pipeline-based processing of media.   Homepage: https://ww

Re: Aw: Re: A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-28 Thread info
Hello, This is better - personally I would color the camera and mic icons that are activated, so they look "ON" - (without the slash of course) - and to indicate the "OFF" status - it is fine - with the slash. For example, when you hover over (or mouse over) the tiny speaker icon in the

Re: Aw: Re: A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-28 Thread info
One last idea - and I understand that I am just a tester / user of this and that it is your project in which I participate ( I also participate in spark, hadoop, nutch - i love apache projects), but since you asked, I would change the color of everythign that is "ON" or enabled to green an

Re: A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-29 Thread info
Hello, I'll put my answers prefaced like this --> --> I don't know javascript and don't use it!  I saw the sandstone colors and I would suggest using the green  (success) color for the icons to show when the camera and microphone are enabled, and use the orange (warning) with the slash th

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread info
Hello, I want to move my M3 test instance to  M4 (or is there a 5.0.0 stable alpha or something like that which incorporates nightly the M4 changes you are committing?) - I shoudl take the latest 3076 at : is

Re: A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-29 Thread info
That's great! Either the orange or red with a slash through it for the devices that are off.  That's all I wanted. Personally I do NOT like the "EXIT" highlighted in orange - I think that should stay the same color as the other text links. That is my opinion. Best, ed Quoting Juan Anton

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread info
Hi, If you mean this, it doesn't exist - file not found error: Quoting Maxim Solodovnik : Yep   Build server will serve you with the most recent version (demo-next has one of the latest builds ...) On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 at 18:10, w

M4 release date? low-latency kernel?

2020-04-01 Thread info
Hello Maxime, Do you have a date planned for the M4 release? Do you have a tentative date for the 5.0.0 stable release?   Is M4 actually a release candidate ? the last one? Lastly, I notice that your test server (demo-next) is very fast and very responsive. Are you using a low-latency kerne

Re: M4 release date? low-latency kernel?

2020-04-01 Thread info
Hello, You must have NVMe disks on your demo next server - it is so fast. :) We'll then I'll test the latest build of M4 ona low-latency kernel.   Ubuntu makes a few low-latency kernels for audio and video recording (for example Ubuntu Studio) - because they have very low latency - like 1

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-04-14 Thread info
Hello Maxim and others, This is not a "blocker", but a suggestion. I am seeing the following on the public video and whiteboard room on latest Chrome on Windows 10: My suggestions: 1)  In the left column user column when I mouse-over the nice

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-04-14 Thread info
Hello again, I have now seen the text in the mouse-over "Mute microphone of others" in the dragable user rectangle in the center of the whiteboard, so I withdraw my earlier suggestion number 2 - I think this can be left exactly as it is.  Sorry about that confusion. Best regards, ed Q

Re: Feedback: Today conference

2020-04-14 Thread info
Hello All, I have an interesting idea, I think. The test server at seems to me to be very fast. Why don't many of us testers agree to meet at a specific time in a specific room - I suggest the Public Video and Whiteboard Room (room no. 4), an

Re: Feedback: Today conference

2020-04-14 Thread info
Hello, I only want to meet in a test room if there are a minimum of 4 simultaneous users, so I won't be available today. Why don't we try to do this on Thursday, at 19:00 UTC (London) time. That will give others a chance to plan this. If others have a better time, please say so . Regards

Invitation to: Test of Room 4 (public video and whiteboard room) tomorrow, Thursday APril 16 at 19:00 UTC (London time)

2020-04-15 Thread info
Hello All, I have an interesting idea, I think. The test server  (5.0.0 M4) at seems to me to be very fast. Why don't many of us testers agree to meet tomorrow, Thursday, April 16 in a specific room - I suggest the Public Video and Whiteboard

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-04-16 Thread info
Hello Maxim and others, This is a very serious suggestion. I am seeing the following on the public video and whiteboard room on latest Chrome on Windows 10: My suggestions: 1)  In the left column user column when I mouse-over the nice green

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release - Character String Translations - EN, PT, FR, ES, IT

2020-04-18 Thread info
Hello,  Here are the new English, Portugese and French (not a native Portguese or French speaker, so OK to review this - but should be good): EN The microphone is on. Click to turn off. The camera is on. Click to turn off.   The microphone is off. Click to turn on.   The camera is tu

Re: change password encoding MD5

2020-04-18 Thread info
Hello, About all this work you are doing on the manual, I hope you are making a manual for  the current M4 and not M3 - as some of the symbols have changed, etc. Best regards, Ed Quoting "K. Kamhamea" : You are right we should not invest to much time and efforts here. It is rather a n

Re: [DISCUSS] Why OpenMeetings needs a Style Guide

2020-04-18 Thread info
Hello, Let's NOT let this style guide idea block the forthcoming 5.0.0 release - which we have been waiting for for so long, please. If people want to have a style guide - let's do it for the 5.0.1 or 5.1 release, please. This will take too long to do before the 5.0.0 release. best, Ed

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release - Character String Translations - EN, PT, FR, ES, IT

2020-04-19 Thread info
Hello, just change "=2E" to a period "." I speak some German. Best, Ed Quoting Maxim Solodovnik : =2E looks weird :( On Sun, Apr 19, 2020, 17:28 Marcus Wellnitz wrote: German: Mikrofon ist eingeschaltet=2E Klicken zum ausschalten=2E Kamera ist eingeschaltet=2E Klicken zum auss

Re: [DISCUSSION] Plans for the next release

2020-04-20 Thread info
Wonderful! I think we are ready. If there is a problem with recording - it looks to be a firewall issue - that is something different than the release. We already have all the features that are absolutely necessary and we really need a stable release. I suggest that any additional features

Request for help testing / benchmarking low-latency kernel for 5.0.0

2020-05-21 Thread info
Hello, We are testing the linux low latency kernel (which is more forgiving than the real-time kernel. It also permits a broader set of uses more suitable for a normal vps or dedicated server which is not 100% dedicated to KMS). We are testing this on a vps serving web paegs with tomcat,

Re: [DISCUSSION] next release

2020-08-17 Thread info
Hello, I know that you don't mean this type of thing, but just for what it's worth - a few English improvements (I'm a former English teacher!): - Flash plugin (is no more required) in the browser --> "is no longer required ..." - Libraries are updated (with latest versions) --> "to latest

Re: [DISCUSSION] next release

2020-08-17 Thread info
_Then  __use --> "Camera resolution changes take effect immediately"_ Quoting Maxim Solodovnik : Hello Ed, On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 at 18:13, wrote: _Hello, I know that you don't mean this type of thing, but just for what it's worth - a few English improvements (I'm a former English

Re: [DISCUSSION] next release

2020-08-19 Thread info
Hi, I vote for immediate release of OM 5.0.0 stable. The entire world needs this now, and we cannot wait for a few special cases to be resolved. Those special casis, squid proxies, how to's  behind various firewalls and different server setups - that's all post-release support. Please re

Installation alongside apache2 webserver and postfix/dovecot mail server ?

2020-08-30 Thread info
Hello, Do I run any risk following the debian buster instructions with coturn on an existing server running apache2.4, mariadb 10.3, php 7.4-fpm, postfix and dovecot, etc. ?   In other words, could enabling the coturn server affect the smtp tls with postfix and the apache2 https port 443

General question about docker

2020-09-03 Thread info
Hello, I followed the install on debian buster instructions.  I would like to know how to make the kms service start automatically within docker upon a server restart.  For all other services, adding the appropriate entry to the /etc/rcx files does the trick, but not for a service that only 

Re: [DISCUSSION] Additional room menu

2020-09-23 Thread info
Hello, If I understand the request correctly, you want a name for the 5th top level menu item once a user has chosen a room and is inside that room. If my understanding is correct, I would suggest: "Settings" or "Room Settings" "Display" or "Room Display" might also work. Best, Ed Quo

Re: There is no Asterisk configured

2020-09-29 Thread info
Hello Maxim, Would FreeSWITCH be easier to integrade than asterixk? Would it do the same thing? Best, ed Quoting Maxim Solodovnik :   On Tue, 29 Sep 2020 at 22:32, Ali Alhaidary wrote: I know that product very well, we used to implement it in call centers that we build. I

Recent ApacheCon

2020-10-03 Thread info
Hello All, Was OpenMeetings used at all for any part of the recent ApacehCon?  I mean to host virtual lectures, meetings, discussions, etc. Best, Ed

A question about running Tomcat alongside of Apache or NginX

2020-10-03 Thread info
Hello All, I have a general question about installing and running OM on an existing server serving web pages with Apache or NginX server. Does this type of congiruataion cause any known problems for OM? ( For example having apache or NginX running - could that possible cause a part of OM

TCP socket error: Connection reset by peer ( ? Saint Petersburg IP ?)

2020-10-09 Thread info
Hello, We are getting a tcp connection error in coturn that is from a Saint Petersburg IP address. What is this?: root@server1:~# service coturn status ● coturn.service - coTURN STUN/TURN Server    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/coturn.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)    Act

Re: Call for Logo

2020-10-13 Thread info
Hello, If we're voting, I like: 1, then 9, for the full logo, and 1 only for the square logo. I don't like anything else at all. Best regards, ed Quoting Thomas Scholzen : Dear All, I would like to get the discussion about the logos

Action Icons for non-moderators are action icons not state icons

2020-10-28 Thread info
Hello, I am suing the stable 5.0.1 and I notice that the superuser or the main user that is logged-in has the camera and microphone icons in green if they are enabled and in orange if they are disabled. Thus, these are icons that show their state. When I look at the little icons for use

How to erase chat history ?

2020-11-01 Thread info
Hello, I can't find how to erase the chat history of a given room. What must be done, please? thanks, Ed

Re: How to erase chat history ?

2020-11-01 Thread info
What version of OM are you using? 5.0.1 or a build of 5.1.0 ? Thanks, Ed Ali Alhaidary a écrit : On 11/1/20 2:24 PM, Ali Alhaidary wrote: it is bellow chat area, above text area On 11/1/20 2:20 PM, wrote: Hello, Thank you for your response. I don't have those tabs

Re: How to erase chat history ?

2020-11-01 Thread info
That gear symbol for my version (5.0.1 stable) says "font style" and only has font style buttons. Ali Alhaidary a écrit : On 11/1/20 2:24 PM, Ali Alhaidary wrote: it is bellow chat area, above text area On 11/1/20 2:20 PM, wrote: Hello, Thank you for your respons

Re: How to erase chat history ?

2020-11-01 Thread info
Hello, Thanks for your help, I'm using 5.0.1 stable, and I new see that the missing tab IS present in Firefox, and in Edge - it is the 5th tab. This is a problem with Chrome browser! If anyone else has this problem I will JIRA. Thanks for your help, Ed Alvaro a écrit : ...only an user

Re: How to erase chat history ?

2020-11-01 Thread info
It is a spacing problem that only affects chrome latest for Windows 10. The 5th tab shows on Opera, Edge and Firefox (I don't use Safari, so I don't know). Is anyone using Chrome latest that can state this problem no longer exists in latest 5.1.0? My screen is full hd - 1920 x 1080 and

Re: How to erase chat history ?

2020-11-01 Thread info
Hello, I will create an issue in JIRA. I should say, however, that I "dragged" the chat vertical column a little to the left in one room, and the 5th tab (the important one with the save and delete icons) appeared; and since that moment, the 5th tab appears in ALL rooms without having to

best practice to autostart kms in docker container and tomcat3 for Om 5.1.0 ?

2021-02-01 Thread info
Hello, Does anyone have a best practice for autostarting kms inside docker whenever there is a docker or server restart? Could you share it please? Also, for tomcat3 to restart automatically on reboot I had to add the following symlinks: ln -s /etc/init.d/tomcat3 /etc/rc0.d/K01tomcat3 ln -

Re: best practice to autostart kms in docker container and tomcat3 for Om 5.1.0 ?

2021-02-01 Thread info
Hello, Thanks - is that the best way? I think a best practice is to add --restart unless-stopped to your tutorial docker run command so it looks like: docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name kms -p : --mount type=bind,source=/opt/open510/webapps/openmeetings/data,target=/opt

errors in upgrade backup and import functionality ?

2021-02-01 Thread info
Hi, I just updated to 5.1.0 from 5.0.3 and when I followed the upgrade guide and clicked on the system backup button, nothing seemed to happen and I couldn't find a backup that had been generated anywhere on the server! But I had a funny named file in my downloads directory a "notconfirmed+st

Re: HTTP Status 404 – Not Found

2021-02-18 Thread info
Hello, This user "Aleksandr" is SPAMMING the maillist and my email address, and he should be removed. I do not want him to ever spam me agin. Recently his messages have been commercial, not just lame. Ed

Re: HTTP Status 404 – Not Found

2021-02-21 Thread info
Hello Maxim, My mistake - the spam - a couple of them - was sent to the email address I use on this list. Please Aleksandr take me off of your list - I'm not interested, and I don't read Russian. Thanks, Ed Le 2021-02-19 01:56, Maxim Solodovnik a écrit : Hello Ed, I don't see any spam

Re: New installation tutorials OpenMeetings 6.2.0 on different OSes

2021-10-31 Thread info
Can you not host 1 updated container ? Then we pull from that ? On 28/10/2021 09:57, Maxim Solodovnik wrote: Each Docker image is about 2Gb too much for nightly build you can build the dockerized version yourself :))) The instructions are here:

Re: New installation tutorials OpenMeetings 6.2.0 on different OSes

2021-10-31 Thread info
Just exploring how containers can help. On 31/10/2021 09:39, Maxim Solodovnik wrote: from mobile (sorry for typos ;) On Sun, Oct 31, 2021, 14:47 > wrote: Can you not host 1 updated container ? Then we pull from that ? I have no storage for this :(

Re: log4j vulnerability

2021-12-16 Thread info
A search on our open meetings server (6.2.0) for apache log4j vulnerabilities: find / -type f -print0 |xargs -n1 -0 zipgrep -i log4j2 2>/dev/null produced these results: com/hazelcast/logging/Logger.class:Binary file (standard input) matches com/hazelcast/logging/Log4j2Factory$Log4j2Logg

Re: letsencrypt on openmeetings docker

2022-01-17 Thread info
Have you done this before, any chance I can see your sample ? Thanks, Dan On 17/01/2022 17:10, Maxim Solodovnik wrote: Yes, sure :) You can modify 'docker' file and rebuild Or mount 'conf' folder and perform necessary changes :) from mobile (sorry for typos ;) On Mon, Jan 17, 2022, 23:46

playing an m4a filetype

2022-01-23 Thread info
Hello, OpenMeetings doesn't play a very common type of audio file: M4a by default. Will it play this filetype if I make any configuration changes? Is it possible to get OpenMeetings 6.2.0 to play an M4a file? Best, Ed

Re: Testing OM 7.0.0 #.....

2022-04-19 Thread info
Ill also try setting this up for a test: On 19/04/2022 08:47, Maxim Solodovnik wrote: I guess it might be VNC Or maybe there are some other options for remote controlling Mac (I'm not

6.3.0 install / upgrade problems with too many redirects - browser blocks

2022-07-03 Thread info
I am having to waste a lot of time with the 6.3.0 install - bno matter what I do with my browser, I get the error: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS and  the word  notinited is added to the url when I try to go through the web based installer: as in https://ipv4:5443/openmeetings  redirects to https:/

Re: 6.3.0 install / upgrade problems with too many redirects - browser blocks

2022-07-05 Thread info
Hello, I was trying with Java 17, of course since I am on bullseye and installing / upgrading 630 and I followed your tutorial. I have now tried with Java 11 and the error is still produced with the same /notinited added on to the end of the url, and the same browser error message: Too M

Re: 6.3.0 install / upgrade problems with too many redirects - browser blocks

2022-07-05 Thread info
Hello Alvaro, I installed finally with the command line and I think there is a mistake that soemone might want to correct. I use very strong passwords with lots of special characters (like ! _ ) = etc) and I had to remove all the special characters from my passwords in the command. Is th

Re: 6.3.0 install / upgrade problems with too many redirects - browser blocks

2022-07-06 Thread info
base password] --email-auth-user [email user for smtp authentication]  --system-email-address [what is this and why necessary?] --email-use-tls yes --db-user root --db-host localhost --email-auth-pass [password for smtp authentication]   I think clarifying this guide and fixing the install inf

Error uploading .pdf document to Whiteboard in 6.3.0

2023-01-10 Thread info
Hi, Using 6.3.0 : when I try to upload a very small .pdf file, I receive this error (and it does not display on the Whiteboard): THERE WERE ERRORS WHILE PROCESSING THE FILE FILE IS NOT FOUND EXIT VALUE CONVERSION MESSAGES 1 process: convert PDF to images command: convert -density 150 -defin

Re: Error uploading .pdf document to Whiteboard in 6.3.0

2023-01-10 Thread info
Hello, Thanks for your response. The file exists, and it is a valid .pdf - when downlaoded it opens fine on my windows desktop. Running that command produced this: root@server1:~# convert -density 150 -define pdf:use-cropbox=true /opt/om_data/upload/files/d3615d92-6778-4074-a1c6-c441419d024

Re: Error uploading .pdf document to Whiteboard in 6.3.0 - additional info:

2023-01-10 Thread info
Hello, I tried modifying the file /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml but that didn't work (unless that file is still in some kind of OP cache ?) - I noticed that there appeared to be errors in the file settings - I have commented at the end of line: should this be "anonymous" ? this was orig

Problems with documentation

2013-02-07 Thread Info 3bits
Hi all, I'm trying to install new version 2.1 but when I copy the commands from the pdf (Installing OM2.x On Debian64 - Headless.pdf) I get garbage. I tried to paste the code in Notepad++ to convert the encoding to several standard values but no luck. I tried also downloading the PDF and even

Re: Problems with documentation

2013-02-07 Thread Info 3bits
Stephen, thanks for your quick reply. I open the Installing OM2.x On Debian64 - Headless.pdf file in the browser (Chrome) directly from the link and got the problem. Even when you open the contextual menu and Chrome shows "Search "..." with Google it shows garbage. Then I saved the file and

Re: Problems with documentation

2013-02-07 Thread Info 3bits
Stephen, FYI, it happens only in the Debian 64 installation PDF file. The rest are OK. Fernando > Which parts are you having issues with? > Sent from my iPhone > On 7 Feb 2013, at 18:39, "Info 3bits" wrote: >> Hi all, >> I'm trying to install new vers

Re: Updatd Debian Guide Uploaded - 08/02/2013

2013-02-08 Thread Info 3bits
Stephen, I still have issues in some texts. For example, when I copy WEB-INF then I paste WEB.INF I noticed the same problem in other lines for example when you untar a file: tar .zxvf instead of tar -zxvf I was investigating more in the PDF file and I hope I found the problem. The source doc

Re: Updatd Debian Guide Uploaded - 08/02/2013

2013-02-08 Thread Info 3bits
quential damage resulting from this email containing computer viruses. > Disclaimer added by CodeTwo Exchange Rules > > -Original Message- > From: Info 3bits [] > Sent: 08 February 2013 12:03 > To: Stephen Cottham > C

Re: Problems with documentation

2013-02-08 Thread Info 3bits
Stephen, I still have problems with the /etc/init.d/red5 when I copy the text in the guide and paste into the editor. First I get the garbage again when copy while in the lines is working well. Second, the PDF header and footer are also copied so you need to clean the code later when pasted in

Testing page freezed

2013-04-08 Thread Info 3bits
Hi, I'm using version 2.1 and getting problems in the test window. You can test the audio and video but when the countdown shows 0s the screen is freezed (the level meter). Then the "Start Conference" button seems disabled and you can't enter in the room. The only way to exit is closing the bro