Actually I made an error - when I manually click on the mic in an
audio only room, the mic does work, but the red adn white "x" does not
appear on the microphone symbol. Do you want me to file a bug report
on this ?
Thank you.
----- Forwarded message from i...@bureau-de-poste.net -----
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 13:08:00 +0000
From: i...@bureau-de-poste.net
Reply-To: user@openmeetings.apache.org
Subject: Re: How to set mic default=on for a specific room or user?
To: user@openmeetings.apache.org
thanks, but on Chrome and on Edge (on Wondows 10 Pro) the mic is not
turned on by default for me. Could this be because my camera on this
laptop has the mic built-in to it? For example, Even when I manually
turn the mic on in an audio only room, I still can't hear myself, as I
can when both the camera and mic are enabled in a regular conference
room. So, it is working by default, but only if both are enabled in
conference type room. Is this the intended behavior?
Quoting Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>:
this is default for room of type "conference" You can turn on
"Audio-only" flag, in this case camera will be unavailable for
everybody in the room
On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 19:14, <i...@bureau-de-poste.net> wrote:
Is there a way to configure the microphone and / or the camera to
be automatically "ON" (activated) for a room, so that all connected
users have these values set to on by default? I can't find a way
to do this.
This is on 5.0.0 M3
Thank you.
Maxim aka solomax_
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