I'm just trying to make a few suggestions based on my personal
experience in installing and / or upgrading 6.3.0 the opther day. I
think we all want the maximum uptake of this software project, right?
Well, it was so frustrating not to get the web-based installer to work
- that I finally gave up trying to use it. The error too many
redirects from the browser, and the "notinitied" added to the end of
"openmeetings" in the url - (I assume this is java adding this - and I
would love to know what it means) - was a bad experience. Since I
experienced this on firefox, edge and chrome and opera - I feel that
there must be a real problem somewhere - that is going to alienate the
average potential user who tries an install. I don't have the
slightest idea of how to fix it.
As for the terminal command line install - that was very helpful, and
because it threw so many errors because of: 1) my usage of strong
passwords (I forgot that special characters had to be escaped in
bash), and 2) the example wasn't good, and didn't give explanations
about the order of things.
I would urge that the text about this method of installing show a note
that special characters in passwords have to be escaped, with an
example. Shoud they be enclused in single quotation marks, like pass
= 'pass=' or can each special character be escaped as in pass =
pass\= ?
I tried to follow the example (I am not an advanced bash user), and it
ended up giving the password that I use for smtp port 587 emal
authorization as the password of the OpenMeetings admin user! - so the
order of things wasn't clear enough to me. How about listing something
like (as a general guide to first time installers via the command line
that would be sufficient for most purposes, like):
(could someone verify that this is correct, please?): (and give an
illustration of using a password with special characters, please)?
replace every [abcde] with your data, omitting the braces:
./admin.sh -i -v -tz Europe/Berlin -email [admin email address]
-group webbase -user [admin user name] --password [admin user
password] --smtp-server localhost --smtp-port 587 --db-type mysql
--db-name [openmeeting database name] --db-user [openmeetings database
user] --db-pass [openmeetings database password] --email-auth-user
[email user for smtp authentication] --system-email-address [what is
this and why necessary?] --email-use-tls yes --db-user root --db-host
localhost --email-auth-pass [password for smtp authentication]
I think clarifying this guide and fixing the install info so it
works flawlessly first time would really help with profect adoption by
the general webmaster user.
Best regards,
Quoting Alvaro <zurca...@gmail.com>:
Hello Ed,
Good you got it!
Maxim will answare you.
On Tue, 05 Jul 2022 12:00:28 +0000
i...@bureau-de-poste.net wrote:
Hello Alvaro,
I installed finally with the command line and I think there is a
mistake that soemone might want to correct. I use very strong
passwords with lots of special characters (like ! _ ) = etc) and I had
to remove all the special characters from my passwords in the command.
Is this normal - not accepting special characters in passwords for a
command line install?
Quoting Alvaro <zurca...@gmail.com>:
...are you try with java 11 or 17?
It depend your OS.
If Java 17 then try java 11
On Sun, 03 Jul 2022 10:19:30 +0000
i...@bureau-de-poste.net wrote:
I am having to waste a lot of time with the 6.3.0 install - bno
matter what I do with my browser, I get the error:
and the word notinited
is added to the url when I try to go through the web based installer:
as in
https://ipv4:5443/openmeetings [1][1] redirects to
I have downloaded completely now browsers, and set them to the most
unsafe settings and to the default settings, I have cleared the
cookies and cache and history ...
This is absurd. Is there a direct path to call the install script ?
Is having coturn installed and / or running during an upgrade - can
that cause this?
I can neither install nor upgrade because of this absurd problem? Why
so may redirects?
[1] https://ipv4:5443/openmeetings%C2%A0
[1] https://ipv4:5443/openmeetings%C2%A0