> I tried scala 2.11 and 1.14 SNAPSHOT but nothing works.
> When I look at
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots/org/apache/flin
> k/flink-streaming-java.. everything is available
en one of the
> > committers can find the relevant patch from RocksDB master and backport
> > it.
> > That isn't the greatest user experience.
> >
> > Because of those disadvantages, we would prefer to do the upgrade to the
> > newer RocksDB version
> ~[?:1.8.0_292]
> at sun.security.ssl.TransportContext.dispatch(TransportContext.java:182)
> ~[?:1.8.0_292]
> at sun.security.ssl.SSLTransport.decode(SSLTransport.java:152)
> ~[?:1.8.0_292]
> at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.decode(SSLSocketImpl.java:
> Your Personal Data: We may collect and process information about you that
> may be subject to data protection laws. For more information about how we
> use and disclose your personal data, how we protect your information, our
> legal basis to use your information, your rights
file will contain the cleartext
> passwords for keystore and truststore files. Suppose if any attacker gains
> access to this configuration file, using these passwords keystore and
> truststore files can be read. What is the community approach to protect
> these passwords ?
> Re
What looks a bit strange to me is that with a running job, the
SystemProcessingTimeService should actually not be collected (since it is
still in use)!
My guess is that something is indeed happening during that time frame (maybe
job restarts?) and I would propose to check your logs for anything
ed security back
> on and did the curl, using this:
> openssl pkcs12 -passin pass:OhQYGhmtYLxWhnMC -in
> /etc/flink-secrets/flink-tls-keystore.key -out rest.pem -nodes
> curl --cacert rest.pem tls-flink-cluster-1-11-jobmanager:8081
> curl --cacert rest.pem --cert res
Hi Adam,
the flink binary will pick up any configuration from the flink-conf.yaml of
its directory. If that is the same as in the cluster, you wouldn't have to
pass most of your parameters manually. However, if you prefer not having a
flink-conf.yaml in place, you could remove the security.ssl.i
>> org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobServer.getFileInternal(BlobServer.java:521)
>> at
>> org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobServerConnection.get(BlobServerConnection.java:231)
>> at
>> org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobServerConnection.run(BlobServerConnecti
; I will try setting the temporary directory to something other than the
> default, can't hurt.
> Thanks for the help,
> Encho
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 3:41 PM Nico Kruber <mailto:n...@data-artisans.com>> wrote:
> Hi Encho,
> the SpillingAdapt
; org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.sort.UnilateralSortMerger$ReadingThread.go(UnilateralSortMerger.java:1066)
> at
> org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.sort.UnilateralSortMerger$ThreadBase.run(UnilateralSortMerger.java:827)
> Any ideas why the behaviour is not determinis
; like Flink inter-communications doesnt support SSL mutual auth. Any
> plans/ways to support it? We are going to have to create DMZ for each
> tenant without that, not preferable of course.
> - Ashish
Nico Kruber | Software Engineer
data Artisans
Follow us @dataArtisans
> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.streamstatus.StatusWatermarkValve.findAndOutputNewMinWatermarkAcrossAlignedChannels(StatusWatermarkValve.java:189)
> org.apa
> <http://org.apache.flink.runtime.io>.network.partition.consumer.LocalInputChannel$1.run(LocalInputChannel.java:159)
> >> at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:555)
> >> at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:505)
> >
JM and impacted TM.
> Job ID 390a96eaae733f8e2f12fc6c49b26b8b
> --
> Thanks,
> Amit
> On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 8:31 PM, Nico Kruber wrote:
>> Also, please have a look at the other TaskManagers' logs, in particular
>> the one that is running the operat
> >> >> > at
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> org.apache.flink.runtime.rpc.akka.AkkaRpcActor.lambda$onReceive$1(AkkaRpcActor.java
>>>> <http://tors.hash.MutableHashTable.pro>cessProbeIter(MutableHashTable.java:505)
>>>> at
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.hash.Mut
e JobManager logs, I see multiple entries saying "Checkpoint
> triggered".
> I would like to clarify whether the JobManager is triggering the
> checkpoint every 200 ms? Or does the JobManager only initiate the
> checkpointing and the TaskManager do it on its own?
> R
ink, where I start with parallelism of
> (for example) 1, but Flink notices I have high volume of data to process, and
> automatically increases parallelism of a running job?
> Thanks,
> Alex
> -Original Message-
> From: Nico Kruber [mailto:n...@data-artis
doesn't either
> restart or make the YARN app exit as failed?
> My launch command is basically:
> flink-${FLINK_VERSION}/bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -yn
> ${NODE_COUNT} -ys ${SLOT_COUNT} -yjm
ey only used by bash scripts?
> Alex
Nico Kruber | Software Engineer
data Artisans
Follow us @dataArtisans
Join Flink Forward - The Apache Flink Conference
Stream Processing | Event Driven | Real Time
Data Artisans GmbH | Stresemannstr. 121A,10963 Berlin, Germany
data Artisans, I
28/03/18 13:21, Data Engineer wrote:
> Agreed. But how did Flink decide that it should allot 1 subtask? Why not
> 2 or 3?
> I am trying to understand the implications of using setMaxParallelism vs
> setParallelism
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 2:58 PM, Nico Kruber <mailto:n
t; aggFunction=nextgen.McdrAggregator@7d7758be}, EventTimeTrigger(),
> WindowedStream.aggregate(WindowedStream.java:752)) -> Map
> With “duration” 42s and “records sent” 689516.
> I expected no records would be sent out until 18 ms elapse.
am not able to figure out how Flink decides the
>> parallelism value.
>> For instance, if I setMaxParallelism to 3, I see that for my job,
>> there is only 1 subtask that is created. How did Flink decide that
>> 1 subtask was enough?
l checkpoint must copy all current data.
> If, between two checkpoints, you write more data than the contents of
> the database, e.g. by updating a key multiple times, you may indeed have
> more data to store. Judging from the state sizes you gave, this is
> probably not the case.
Hi Sampath,
aside from allowing only certain origins via the configuration parameter
"web.access-control-allow-origin", I am not aware of anything like
username/password authentication. Chesnay (cc'd) may know more about
future plans.
You can, however, wrap a proxy like squid around the web UI if y
I'm no expert on Kafka here, but as the tasks are run on the worker
nodes (where the TaskManagers are run), please double-check whether the
file under /data/apps/spark/kafka_client_jaas.conf on these nodes also
contains the same configuration as on the node running the JobManager,
i.e. an appro
Thanks for reporting these issues,
1. This behaviour is actually intended since we do not spawn any thread
that is waiting for the job completion (which may or may not occur
eventually). Therefore, the web UI always submits jobs in detached mode
and you could not wait for job completion anyway. An
Hi Gregory,
I tried to reproduce the behaviour you described but in my case (Flink
1.5-SNAPSHOT, using the SocketWindowWordCount adapted to let the first
flatmap be a RichFlatMapFunction with a close() method), the close()
method was actually called on the task manager I did not kill. Since the
Hi Karim,
when I was trying to reproduce your code, I got an exception with the
name 'table' being used - by replacing it and completing the job with
some input, I did see the csv file popping up. Also, the job was
crashing when the file 1.txt already existed.
The code I used (running Flink 1.5-SN
Can you elaborate a bit more on what is not working? (please provide a
log file or the standard output/error).
Also, can you try a newer flink checkount? The start scripts have been
merged into a single one for 'flip6' and 'old' - I guess,
mesos-appmaster.sh should be the right script for you now.
Hi Miyuru,
Indeed, the behaviour you observed sounds strange and kind of go against
the results Stefan presented in [1]. To see what is going on, can you
also share your changes to Flink's configuration, i.e. flink-conf.yaml?
Let's first make sure you're really comparing RocksDBStateBackend with
I think, I found a code path (race between threads) that may lead to two
markers being in the list.
I created https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-8896 to track this
and will have a pull request ready (probably) today.
On 07/03/18 10:09, Mu Kong wrote:
> Hi Gordon,
> Thanks for y
Hi Lukas,
those are akka-internal names that you don't have to worry about.
It looks like your TaskManager cannot reach the JobManager.
Is 'jobmanager.rpc.address' configured correctly on the TaskManager? And
is it reachable by this name? Is port 6123 allowed through the firewall?
Are you sure th
Hi Yesheng,
`nohup /bin/bash -l bin/jobmanager.sh start cluster ...` looks a bit
strange since it should (imho) be an absolute path towards flink.
What you could do to diagnose further, is to try to run the ssh command
manually, i.e. figure out what is being executed by calling
bash -x ./bin/start
Hi Edward,
looking through the Kafka code, I do see a path where they deliberately
do not want recursive retries, i.e. if the coordinator is unknown. It
seems like you are getting into this scenario.
I'm no expert on Kafka and therefore I'm not sure on the implications or
ways to circumvent/fix th
Hi Miki,
I'm no expert on the Kubernetes part, but could that be related to
I'm not sure this is an Akka issue: if it cannot communicate with some
address it basically blocks it from further connection attempts for a
given time (here 5 seconds)
Hi Mu,
which version of flink are you using? I checked the latest branches for
1.2 - 1.5 to look for findLeaderForPartitions at line 205 in
Kafka08Fetcher but they did not match. From what I can see in the code,
there is a MARKER partition state with topic "n/a" but that is
explicitly removed from
issue, though I prefer to wait
> for ongoing changes in the network model and FLIP-6 to be finalised to apply
> this change properly (are they?).
> Paris
>> On 6 Mar 2018, at 10:51, Nico Kruber wrote:
>> Hi Ken,
>> sorry, I was mislead by the fac
Hi Ken,
sorry, I was mislead by the fact that you are using iterations and those
were only documented for the DataSet API.
Running checkpoints with closed sources sounds like a more general thing
than being part of the iterations rework of FLIP-15. I couldn't dig up
anything on jira regarding this
> log4j.appender.console.Target=System.out
> log4j.appender.console.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
> log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{-MM-dd
> HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %-60c %x - %m%n
> # Suppress the irrelevant (wrong) warnings
> log4j.logger.org.jboss.netty.chan
On 26/02/18 22:55, Ken Krugler wrote:
> Hi Nico,
>> On Feb 26, 2018, at 9:41 AM, Nico Kruber > <mailto:n...@data-artisa
Hi Ken,
LocalFlinkMiniCluster should run checkpoints just fine. It looks like it
was attempting to even create one but could not finish. Maybe your
program was not fully running yet?
Can you tell us a little bit more about your set up and how you
configured the LocalFlinkMiniCluster?
On 23/
without knowing Gelly here, maybe it has to do something with cleaning
up the allocated memory as mentioned in [1]:
taskmanager.memory.preallocate: Can be either of true or false.
Specifies whether task managers should allocate all managed memory when
starting up. (DEFAULT: false). When taskma
Judging from the code, you should separate different jars with a colon
":", i.e. "—addclasspath jar1:jar2"
On 26/02/18 10:36, kant kodali wrote:
> Hi Gordon,
> Thanks for the response!! How do I add multiple jars to the classpaths?
> Are they separated by a semicolon and still using one
o have a solution in hands.
> Thanks again.
> Adrian
> - Original message -
> From: Nico Kruber
> To: Adrian Vasiliu , user@flink.apache.org
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Unrecoverable job failure after Json parse error?
> Date: Tue, Jan 16,
w is that my source is not parallel, so when I am
> increasing parallelism, system's throughput falls.
> Is opening multiple sockets a quick solution to make the source parallel?
> G.
> 2018-01-16 10:51 GMT+00:00 Nico Kruber <mailto:n...@data-artisans.com>&g
Hi George,
I suspect issuing a read operation for every 68 bytes incurs too much
overhead to perform as you would like it to. Instead, create a bigger
buffer (64k?) and extract single events from sub-regions of this buffer
Please note, however, that then the first buffer will only be proce
Hi Adrian,
couldn't you solve this by providing your own DeserializationSchema [1],
possibly extending from JSONKeyValueDeserializationSchema and catching
the error there?
Just found a nice (but old) blog post that explains Flink's integration
with Kafka:
I guess, the basics are still valid
On 16/01/18 11:17, Nico Kruber wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> I'd suggest to start with [1] and [2]
Hi Jason,
I'd suggest to start with [1] and [2] for getting the basics of a Flink
The DataStream API basically wires operators together with streams so
that whatever stream gets out of one operator is the input of the next.
By connecting both functions to the same Kafka stream source, your
Just a guess, but probably our logging initialisation changes the global
log level (see conf/log4j.properties). DataStream.collect() executes the
program along with creating a local Flink "cluster" (if you are testing
locally / in an IDE) and initializing logging, among other things.
Please commen
Hi James,
In this scenario, with the restart strategy set, the job should restart
(without YARN/Mesos) as long as you have enough slots available.
Can you check with the web interface on http://:8081/ that
enough slots are available after killing one TaskManager?
Can you provide JobManager and Ta
IMHO, this looks like a bug and it makes sense that you only see this
with an HA setup:
The JobFound message contains the ExecutionGraph which, however, does
not implement the Serializable interface. Without HA, when browsing the
web interface, this message is (probably) not serialized since it is
Hi Vipul,
Yes, this looks like a problem with a different netty version being
picked up.
First of all, let me advertise Flink 1.4 for this since there we
properly shade away our netty dependency (on version 4.0.27 atm) so you
(or in this case Elasticsearch) can rely on your required version. Since
Actually, Flink's netty dependency (4.0.27) is shaded away into the
"org.apache.flink.shaded.netty4.io.netty" package now (since version
1.4) and should thus not clash anymore.
However, other netty versions may come into play from the job itself or
from the integration of Hadoop's classpath (if ava
Hi Kyle,
except for putting the jar into the lib/ folder and setting up
credentials, nothing else should be required [1].
The S3ErrorResponseHandler class itself is in the jar, as you can see with
jar tf flink-s3-fs-presto-1.4.0.jar | grep
Hi Vishal,
let me already point you towards the JIRA issue for the credit-based
flow control: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-7282
I'll have a look at the rest of this email thread tomorrow...
On 02/01/18 17:52, Vishal Santoshi wrote:
> Could you please point me to any
Sorry for the late response,
but I finally got around adding this workaround to our "common issues"
section with PR https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/5231
On 29/11/17 09:31, Ufuk Celebi wrote:
> Hey Dominik,
> yes, we should definitely add this to the docs.
> @Nico: You recently upd
Hi Dominik,
nice assessment of the issue: in the version of the cassandra-driver we
use there is even a comment about why:
try {
// prevent this string from being shaded
Class.forName(String.format("%s.%s.channel.Channel", "io", "netty"));
shaded = false;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
are you running Flink in an JRE >= 8? We dropped Java 7 support for
Flink 1.4.
On 14/12/17 12:35, 杨光 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am usring flink single-job mode on YARN. After i upgrade flink
> verson from 1.3.2 to 1.4.0, the parameter
> "yarn.taskmanager.env.JAVA_HOME" doesn’t work as before.
Hi Regina,
judging from the exception you posted, this is not about storing the
file in HDFS, but a step before that where the BlobServer first puts the
incoming file into its local file system in the directory given by the
`blob.storage.directory` configuration property. If this property is not
exposing 6124
> for the JobManager BLOB server. Thanks
> Bernd
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Nico Kruber [mailto:n...@data-artisans.com]
> Gesendet: Montag, 4. Dezember 2017 14:17
> An: Winterstein, Bernd; user@flink.apache.org
> Betreff: Re: Blob s
> Stephan
> On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 10:10 PM, Steven Wu <mailto:stevenz...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Here is the checkpoint config. no concurrent checkpoints
> with 2 minute checkpoint interval and timeout.
Hi Bernd,
thanks for the report. I tried to reproduce it locally but both a telnet
connection to the BlobServer as well as the BLOB download by the
TaskManagers work for me. Can you share your configuration that is
causing the problem? You could also try increasing the log level to
DEBUG and see if
Hi Steven,
by default, checkpoints time out after 10 minutes if you haven't used
CheckpointConfig#setCheckpointTimeout() to change this timeout.
Depending on your checkpoint interval, and your number of concurrent
checkpoints, there may already be some other checkpoint processes
running while you
Hi Regina,
can you explain a bit more on what you are trying to do and how this is
set up? I quickly tried to reproduce locally by starting a cluster and
could not see this behaviour.
Also, can you try to increase the loglevel to INFO and see whether you
see anything suspicious in the logs?
t is used, and 3 are free.
> c) Attached
> d) Attached
> e) I'll try the debug mode in Eclipse.
> Thanks,
> Shailesh
> On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 1:52 PM, Nico Kruber wrote:
> > regarding 3.
> > a) The taskmanager logs are missing, are th
> If jar -tf target/program.jar | grep MeasurementTable shows the class is
> present, are there other dependencies missing? You may need to add runtime
> dependencies into your pom or gradle.build file.
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 2:28 AM, Nico Kruber wrote:
> > Hi S
Hi Shankara,
sorry for the late response, but honestly, I cannot think of a reason that
some of your program's classes (using only a single jar file) are found some
others are not, except for the class not being in the jar.
Or there's some class loader issue in the Flink Beam runner (which I fin
regarding 3.
a) The taskmanager logs are missing, are there any?
b) Also, the JobManager logs say you have 4 slots available in total - is this
enough for your 5 devices scenario?
c) The JobManager log, however, does not really reveal what it is currently
doing, can you set the log level to DEBUG
We're actually also trying to have the serializer stateless in future and may
be able to remove the intermediate serialization buffer which is currently
growing on heap before we copy the data into the actual target buffer. This
intermediate buffer grows and is pruned after serialization if it i
>From what I read in [1], simply add JVM options to env.java.opts as you would
when you start a Java program yourself, so setting "-XX:+UseG1GC" should
enable G1.
[1] https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.3/setup/
On Friday, 15 September 2017
Hi Gwenhaël,
several functions in Flink require keyed streams because they manage their
internal state by key. These keys, however, should be independent of the
current execution and its parallelism so that checkpoints may be restored to
different levels of parallelism (for re-scaling, see [1]).
Hi Sathya,
have you checked this yet?
I'm no expert on the HA setup, have you also tried Flink 1.3 just in case?
On Wednesday, 8 November 2017 04:02:47 CET Sathya Hariesh Prakash (sathypra)
Hi Ivan,
sure, the more work you do per record, the slower the sink will be. However,
this should not influence (much) the liveness checks inside flink.
Do you get some meaningful entries in the TaskManagers' logs indicating the
I'm no expert on Avro and don't know how much actual work
Hi Shankara,
can you give us some more details, e.g.
- how do you run the job?
- how do you add/include the jar with the missing class?
- is that jar file part of your program's jar or separate?
- is the missing class, i.e. "com.huawei.ccn.intelliom.ims.MeasurementTable
$measurementTable" (an inner
Hi Aitozi,
the difference is the scope: the normal metrics (without
taskmanager.net.detailed-metrics) reflect _all_ buffers of a task while the
detailed statistics are more fine-grained and give you statistics per input (or
output) gate - the "total" there reflects the fact that each gate has mu
> Thanks and regards,
> Tovi
> -----Original Message-
> From: Nico Kruber [mailto:n...@data-artisans.com]
> Sent: יום ו 03 נובמבר 2017 15:22
> To: user@flink.apache.org
> Cc: Sofer, Tovi [ICG-IT]
> Subject: Re: Negative values using latency marker
> Hi To
Hi Elias,
let me answer the questions to the best of my knowledge, but in general I
think this is as expected.
(Let me give a link to the docs explaining the activation [1] for other
readers first.)
On Friday, 3 November 2017 01:11:52 CET Elias Levy wrote:
> What is the interaction of incrementa
Hi Ron,
imho your code should be fine (except for a potential visibility problem on the
changes of the non-volatile partitionMap member, depending on your needs).
The #open() method should be called (once) for each sink initialization
(according to the javadoc) and then you should be fine with t
Hi Tovi,
if I see this correctly, the LatencyMarker gets its initial timstamp during
creation at the source and the latency is reported as a metric at a sink by
comparing the initial timestamp with the current time.
If the clocks between the two machines involved diverge, e.g. the sinks clock
to create and run my own streaming program. They only contain java
> compiled class, if I am not mistaken.
> Let me try to create a scala example with similar build procedure.
> Thanks!
> On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 10:41 PM, Nico Kruber
> wrote:
> > Hi
Hi Shashank,
enabling Avro as the default de/serializer for Flink should be as simple as
the following, according to [1]
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
I am, however, no expert on this and the implications regarding the use of
Avro f
Hi Michael,
from what I see, Java and Scala examples reside in different packages, e.g.
* org.apache.flink.streaming.scala.examples.async.AsyncIOExample vs.
* org.apache.flink.streaming.examples.async.AsyncIOExample
A quick run on the Flink 1.3. branch revealed flink-examples-
Hi Federico,
I also did not find any implementation of a hive sink, nor much details on this
topic in general. Let me forward this to Timo and Fabian (cc'd) who may know
On Friday, 22 September 2017 12:14:32 CEST Federico D'Ambrosio wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'd like to use the H
Hi Elias,
in theory, it could be integrated into a single web interface, but this was
not done so far.
I guess the main reason for keeping it separate was probably to have a better
separation of concerns as the history server is actually independent of the
current JobManager execution and merely
Hi Elias,
indeed that looks strange but was introduced with FLINK-3172 [1] with an
argument about using the same configuration key (as opposed to having two
different keys as mentioned) starting at
On Thursday, 21 September 2017 20:08:01 CEST Narendra Joshi wrote:
> Nico Kruber writes:
> > according to [1], even with asynchronous state snapshots (see [2]), a
> > checkpoint is only complete after all sinks have received the barriers and
> > all (asynchronous) snapshot
Hi Marc,
I assume you have set a UID for your CoProcessFunction as described in [1]?
Also, can you provide the Flink version you are working with and the
serializer you are using?
If you have the UID set, your strategy seems to be the same as proposed by
[2]: "Although it is not possible to chan
Hi Haibin,
if you execute the program as in the Wiki edit example [1] from mvn as given
or from the IDE, a local Flink environment will be set up which is not
accessible form the outside by default. This is done by the call to
which also works
Hi Narendra,
according to [1], even with asynchronous state snapshots (see [2]), a
checkpoint is only complete after all sinks have received the barriers and all
(asynchronous) snapshots have been processed. Since, if the number of
concurrent checkpoints is 0, no checkpoint barriers will be emit
Hi Emily,
I'm not familiar with the details of the REST API either but if this is a
problem with the proxy, maybe it is already interpreting the encoded URL and
passes it on un-encoded - have you tried encoding the path again? That is,
encoding the percent-signs:
I looked at the commit you cherry-picked and nothing in there explains the
error you got. This rather sounds like something might be mixed up between
(remaining artefacts of) flink 1.3 and 1.2.
Can you verify that nothing of your flink 1.3 tests remains, e.g. running
JobManager or TaskManager i
Hi Philipp,
afaik, Flink doesn't offer this out-of-the-box. You could either hack
something as suggested or use Kafka to glue different jobs together.
Both may affect exactly/at-least once guarantees, however. Also refer to
> from localhost/
> 2017-08-30 16:01:58,162 DEBUG org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.
> BlobClient - GET content addressable BLOB
> 6bde2f7a709181065c6710c2252a5846f361ad68 from /
> 3) There actually wa
Hi Federico,
1) Which version of Flink are you using?
2) Can you also share the JobManager log?
3) Why do you think, Flink is stuck at the BlobCache? Is it really blocked, or
do you still have CPU load? Can you post stack traces of the TaskManager (TM)
and JobManager processes when you think they
oup, filter, for each "batch". And if we start the flink
> app on a whole week of data, we will have to start (24 * 7) batches.
> Parallelism has the default value except for the output writers (32 and 4)
> in order to limit the numbers of files on HDFS.
> -
Hi Anugrah,
you can track the progress at the accompanying jira issue:
Currently, roughly half of the tasks are done with a few remaining in PR
review stage. Note that the actual implementation differs a bit from what was
proposed in FLIP 19 thoug
n, for maintaining custom states of my program logic I guess I
> cannot use it.
> Thank you,
> Chao
> On 08/16/2017 03:31 AM, Nico Kruber wrote:
> > Hi Chao,
> >
> > 1) regarding the difference of CoFlatMapFunction/CoProcessFunction, let me
> > quote the
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