Hi Alex,
If you don't set an offset for the Window, it will be aligned with epoch
[1], i.e. assume you started your program at time 00:02:18, then the
window by default starts 00:00:00 and ends 00:02:59.999 and you will
emit records 42 after you started your program.
If you need the window to count 3 minutes from any other time, then
please refer to using TumblingEventTimeWindows#of(Time size, Time offset).



On 27/03/18 16:22, NEKRASSOV, ALEXEI wrote:
> Hello,
> With time characteristic set to IngestionTime I expected
> “timeWindow(Time.minutes(3))” to NOT produce any records in the first 3
> minutes of running the job, and yet it does emit the record before 3
> minutes elapse.
> Am I doing something wrong? Or my understanding of timeWindow is incorrect?
> For example, in Flink UI I see:
> TriggerWindow(TumblingEventTimeWindows(180000),
> AggregatingStateDescriptor{serializer=org.apache.flink.api.java.typeutils.runtime.PojoSerializer@7c810ef9,
> aggFunction=nextgen.McdrAggregator@7d7758be}, EventTimeTrigger(),
> WindowedStream.aggregate(WindowedStream.java:752)) -> Map
> With “duration” 42s and “records sent” 689516.
> I expected no records would be sent out until 180000 ms elapse.
> Thanks,
> Alex Nekrassov
> nekras...@att.com <mailto:nekras...@att.com>

Nico Kruber | Software Engineer
data Artisans

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