Hi James,
the number of subtasks being used is defined by the parallelism, the max
parallelism, however, "... determines the maximum parallelism to which
you can scale operators" [1]. That is, once set, you cannot ever (even
after restarting your program from a savepoint) increase the operator's
parallelism above this value. The actual parallelism can be set per job
in your program but also in the flink client:
flink run -p <parallelism> <jar-file> <arguments>



On 28/03/18 09:25, Data Engineer wrote:
> I have a sample application that reads around 2 GB of csv files,
> converts each record into Avro object and sends it to kafka.
> I use a custom FileReader that reads the files in a directory.
> I have set taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots to 4.
> I see that if I use setParallelism(3), 3 subtasks are created. But if I
> use setMaxParallelism(3), only 1 subtask is created.
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 12:29 PM, Jörn Franke <jornfra...@gmail.com
> <mailto:jornfra...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     What was the input format, the size and the program that you tried
>     to execute
>     On 28. Mar 2018, at 08:18, Data Engineer <dataenginee...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:dataenginee...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     I went through the explanation on MaxParallelism in the official
>>     docs here:
>> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/ops/production_ready.html#set-maximum-parallelism-for-operators-explicitly
>> <https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/ops/production_ready.html#set-maximum-parallelism-for-operators-explicitly>
>>     However, I am not able to figure out how Flink decides the
>>     parallelism value.
>>     For instance, if I setMaxParallelism to 3, I see that for my job,
>>     there is only 1 subtask that is created. How did Flink decide that
>>     1 subtask was enough?
>>     Regards,
>>     James

Nico Kruber | Software Engineer
data Artisans

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