Re: [EXTERNAL] Cassandra vs MySQL

2018-03-20 Thread Jeff Jirsa
I suspect you're approaching this problem from the wrong side. The decision of MySQL vs Cassandra isn't usually about performance, it's about the other features that may impact/enable that performance. - Will you have a data set that won't fit on any single MySQL Server? - Will you want to write

Re: cassl 2.1.x seed node update via JMX

2018-03-22 Thread Jeff Jirsa
What's the "one-year gossip bug" in this context? On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 3:26 PM, Carl Mueller wrote: > Thanks. The rolling restart triggers the gossip bug so that's a no go. > We'lre going to migrate off the clsuter. Thanks! > > > > On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 5:04 PM, Nate McCall > wrote: > >>

Re: 回复: replace dead node vs remove node

2018-03-22 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Subrange repair of only the neighbors is sufficient Break the range covering the dead node into ~100 splits and repair those splits individually in sequence. You don’t have to repair the whole range all at once -- Jeff Jirsa > On Mar 22, 2018, at 8:08 PM, Peng Xiao <

Re: Update to C* 3.0.14 from 3.0.10

2018-03-23 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Why .14? I would consider 3.0.16 to be production worthy. -- Jeff Jirsa > On Mar 23, 2018, at 2:01 PM, Nitan Kainth wrote: > > Hi All, > > Our repairs are consuming CPU and some research shows that moving to 3.0.14 > will help us fix them. I just want to know community&

Re: Measuring eventual consistency latency

2018-03-25 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Probably closer to Will be in 4.0 -- Jeff Jirsa > On Mar 25, 2018, at 4:44 PM, Christophe Schmitz > wrote: > > Hi Jeronimo, > > I am not sure that will address your exact request, but did you look at this > i

Re: A node down every day in a 6 nodes cluster

2018-03-26 Thread Jeff Jirsa
-- Jeff Jirsa > On Mar 26, 2018, at 7:56 PM, Xiangfei Ni wrote: > > Hi Cassandra experts, > I am facing an issue,a node downs every day in a 6 nodes cluster,the > cluster is just in one DC, > Every node has 4C 16G,and the heap configuration is MAX_HEAP_SIZE=8192m &

Re: 答复: A node down every day in a 6 nodes cluster

2018-03-26 Thread Jeff Jirsa
+86 13797007811 <+86%20137%209700%207811>|Tel: + 86 27 5024 2516 > <+86%2027%205024%202516> > > > > *发件人:* Jeff Jirsa > *发送时间:* 2018年3月27日 11:03 > *收件人:* > *主题:* Re: A node down every day in a 6 nodes cluster > > > > That wa

Re: Single sstable file compaction issue

2018-03-26 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Tombstones probably aren't clearing because the same partition exists with older timestamps in other files (this is the "sstableexpiredblockers" problem, or "overlaps"). If you're certain you are ok losing that data, then you could stop the node, remove lb-143951-big-* , and start the node. This i

Re: Execute an external program

2018-03-27 Thread Jeff Jirsa
CDC may also work for newer versions, but it’ll happen after the mutation is applied -- Jeff Jirsa > On Mar 27, 2018, at 5:31 PM, Christophe Schmitz > wrote: > > Hi Earl, > > You probably want to check Cassandra triggers: >

Re: 答复: 答复: A node down every day in a 6 nodes cluster

2018-03-27 Thread Jeff Jirsa
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space You’re oom’ ing -- Jeff Jirsa > On Mar 27, 2018, at 6:45 PM, Xiangfei Ni wrote: > > Hi Jeff, > Today another node was shutdown,I have attached the exception log > file,could you please help to analyze?Thanks. > > Be

Re: Urgent Problem - Disk full

2018-04-04 Thread Jeff Jirsa
expanded the cluster over time and you see an imbalance of disk usage on the oldest hosts, “nodetool cleanup” will likely free up some of that data -- Jeff Jirsa > On Apr 4, 2018, at 4:32 AM, Jürgen Albersdorfer > wrote: > > Hi, > > I have an urgent Problem. - I will run

Re: Urgent Problem - Disk full

2018-04-04 Thread Jeff Jirsa
There is zero reason to believe a full repair would make this better and a lot of reason to believe it’ll make it worse For casual observers following along at home, this is probably not the answer you’re looking for. -- Jeff Jirsa > On Apr 4, 2018, at 4:37 AM, Rahul Singh wr

Re: Text or....

2018-04-04 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Compressing server side and validating checksums is hugely important in the more frequently used versions of cassandra - so since you probably want to run compression on the server anyway, I’m not sure why you’d compress it twice -- Jeff Jirsa > On Apr 4, 2018, at 6:23 AM, DuyHai D

Re: Cssandra acid compliance?

2018-04-12 Thread Jeff Jirsa
May see more isolation for our atomic operations with tickets like (for example) I don't know of any foreign key tickets off the top of my head, and I'm almost positive nobody plans on working on that type of concept soon. On Thu, Apr 12, 20

Re: Sorl/DSE Spark

2018-04-12 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Pretty sure Ben meant that datastax produces DSE, not Cassandra, and since the questions specifically mentions DSE in the subject (implying that the user is going to be running either solr or spark within DSE to talk to cassandra), Ben’s recommendation seems quite reasonable to me. -- Jeff

Re: DigestMismatchException after upgrade from c*-2.1.17 to c*-3.0.15

2018-04-17 Thread Jeff Jirsa
This isn’t really an error and shouldn’t be logged because so few people understand it well enough to find it useful. Some number of digest mismatches are expected if you read as you write. I wouldn’t worry about it unless you’re having a problem. -- Jeff Jirsa > On Apr 17, 2018, at 12

Re: inexistent columns familes

2018-04-17 Thread Jeff Jirsa
It's probably not ideal, but also not really a bug. We need to create the table in the schema to see if it exists on disk so we know whether or not to migrate it, and when we learn it's empty, we remove it from the schema but we dont delete the directory. It's not great, but it's not going to cause

Re: inexistent columns familes

2018-04-17 Thread Jeff Jirsa
r each performs: nodetool flush > ${keyspace} ${cf} and then nodetool snapshot ${keyspace} -cf ${cf} > Does 3.0.16 not having this "bug"? > Regards > L. > > On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 1:50 PM, Jeff Jirsa wrote: > >> It's probably not ideal, but also not really a bu

Re: Detecting data centre failure

2018-04-19 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Many drivers have a downgrading consistency feature that does it for you, but really you probably want to catch the timeout or unavailable exception and handle it in your app -- Jeff Jirsa > On Apr 19, 2018, at 5:52 AM, Venkata Hari Krishna Nukala > wrote: > > Hi, > > I

Re: Datastax Cassandra version 6

2018-04-19 Thread Jeff Jirsa
It doesn’t answer your question, but I’m obligated to point out that Datastax’s product is Datastax Enterprise / DSE, not “Datastax Cassandra”, as Cassandra is a trademark of the Apache software foundation. -- Jeff Jirsa > On Apr 19, 2018, at 9:42 AM, Chandan Goel wrote: >

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Cassandra downgrade version

2018-04-19 Thread Jeff Jirsa
snapshot, but that may be better than nothing -- Jeff Jirsa > On Apr 19, 2018, at 9:48 AM, Durity, Sean R > wrote: > > This answer surprises me, because I would expect NOT to be able to downgrade > if there are any changes in the sstable structure. I assume: > -

Re: Phantom growth resulting automatically node shutdown

2018-04-19 Thread Jeff Jirsa
There have also been a few sstable ref counting bugs that would over report load in nodetool ring/status due to overlapping normal and incremental repairs (which you should probably avoid doing anyway) -- Jeff Jirsa > On Apr 19, 2018, at 9:27 AM, Rahul Singh wrote: > > I’ve seen

Re: Cassandra doesn't insert all rows

2018-04-21 Thread Jeff Jirsa
a version of Cassandra with bugs in short read protection -- Jeff Jirsa > On Apr 21, 2018, at 2:05 PM, Soheil Pourbafrani wrote: > > I consume data from Kafka and insert them into Cassandra cluster using Java > API. The table has 4 keys including a timestamp based on millisecond.

Re: does c* 3.0 use one ring for all datacenters?

2018-04-26 Thread Jeff Jirsa
2018 at 1:04 AM, Jinhua Luo wrote: > >> > >> You're assuming per DC has same total num_tokens, right? > >> If I add a new node into DC1, will it change the tokens owned by DC2 and > >> DC3? > >> > >> 2018-04-12 0:59 GMT+08:00 Jeff Jirsa : > >

Re: what happens for concurrent node add/removal?

2018-04-28 Thread Jeff Jirsa
The second node will fail to start because of concurrent movement concerns There’s a flag to override this if you know when it’s safe (for advanced users only) -- Jeff Jirsa > On Apr 28, 2018, at 3:10 AM, Jinhua Luo wrote: > > HI All, > > For example, if at the same

Re: Does node add/remove requires all cluster nodes be present?

2018-04-30 Thread Jeff Jirsa
the losing range -- Jeff Jirsa > On Apr 30, 2018, at 8:57 PM, Jinhua Luo wrote: > > Hi All, > > When a new node added, due to the even distribution of the new tokens, > the current nodes of the ring should migrate data to this new node. > > So, does it requires all

Re: Cassandra limitations

2018-05-04 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Cluster. The overhead is per cluster. There are two places you'll run into scaling pain here. 1) Size of the schema (which we have to serialize to send around) - too many tables, or too many columns in tables, can cause serializing schema to get really expensive and cause problems 2) Too many mem

Re: Cassandra limitations

2018-05-04 Thread Jeff Jirsa
hen we should stop ..say 100 ? > > > On Friday, May 4, 2018, Jeff Jirsa wrote: > >> Cluster. The overhead is per cluster. >> >> There are two places you'll run into scaling pain here. >> >> 1) Size of the schema (which we have to serialize to send around

Re: Running multiple instances of Cassandra on each node in the cluster

2018-05-10 Thread Jeff Jirsa
It works fine, and there can be meaningful performance benefits if you have a sufficiently large machine where either you have so much RAM or so much disk that a single instance would likely underutilize those resources. You can configure it by adding multiple IPs to the servers, and running one in

Re: Basic Copy vs Snapshot for backup

2018-05-10 Thread Jeff Jirsa
If you backup the current state of the sstables at the time you upload the new sstables, you can keep a running point-in-time view without an explicit snapshot. This is similar to what tablesnap does ( ) On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 12:30 PM, Ben Slater wrote

Re: Cassandra upgrade from 2.1 to 3.0

2018-05-10 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Which minor version of 3.0 -- Jeff Jirsa > On May 11, 2018, at 2:54 AM, kooljava2 wrote: > > > Hello, > > Upgraded Cassandra 2.1 to 3.0. We see certain data in few columns being set > to "null". These null columns were created during the row creation time.

Re: Cassandra HEAP Suggestion.. Need a help

2018-05-10 Thread Jeff Jirsa
There's no single right answer. It depends a lot on the read/write patterns and other settings (onheap memtable, offheap memtable, etc). One thing that's probably always true, if you're using ParNew/CMS, 16G heap is a bit large, but may be appropriate for some read heavy workloads, but you'd want

Re: Database not getting updated

2018-05-11 Thread Jeff Jirsa
This usually happens when you’ve got weird timestamps or a delete in the future - check your clocks, make sure your timestamp resolution uses the same units in all applications (likely microseconds), make sure you’re running NTP everywhere -- Jeff Jirsa > On May 11, 2018, at 5:37

Re: Error after 3.1.0 to 3.11.2 upgrade

2018-05-11 Thread Jeff Jirsa
That looks like Cassandra 3.10 not 3.11.2 It’s also just the auth cache failing to refresh - if it’s transient it’s probably not a big deal. If it continues then there may be an issue with the cache refresher. -- Jeff Jirsa > On May 12, 2018, at 5:55 AM, Abdul Patel wrote: > &g

Re: Error after 3.1.0 to 3.11.2 upgrade

2018-05-11 Thread Jeff Jirsa
The read is timing out - is the cluster healthy? Is it fully upgraded or mixed versions? Repeated isn’t great, but is the application impacted? -- Jeff Jirsa > On May 12, 2018, at 6:17 AM, Abdul Patel wrote: > > Seems its coming from 3.10, got bunch of them today for 3.11.2, so i

Re: Insert-only application repair

2018-05-12 Thread Jeff Jirsa
ter replacement (true in general) -- Jeff Jirsa > On May 12, 2018, at 5:27 AM, onmstester onmstester > wrote: > > Thank you Nitan, > That's exactly my case (RF > CL). But as long as there is no node outage, > shouldn't the hinted handoff handle data cons

Re: Error after 3.1.0 to 3.11.2 upgrade

2018-05-12 Thread Jeff Jirsa
RF of one means all auth requests go to the same node, so they’re more likely to time out if that host is overloaded or restarts Increasing it distributed the queries among more hosts -- Jeff Jirsa > On May 12, 2018, at 6:11 AM, Abdul Patel wrote: > > Yeah found that all had 3 re

Re: Cassandra upgrade from 2.1 to 3.0

2018-05-12 Thread Jeff Jirsa
9:50 GMT-7, kooljava2 > wrote: > > > Hello Jeff, > > 2.1.19 to 3.0.15. > > Thank you. > > On Thursday, 10 May 2018, 17:43:58 GMT-7, Jeff Jirsa > wrote: > > > Which minor version of 3.0 > > -- > Jeff Jirsa > > > On May 11, 2018, at 2:54

Re: Academic paper about Cassandra database compaction

2018-05-14 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Interesting! I suspect I know what the increased disk usage in TWCS, and it's a solvable problem, the problem is roughly something like this: - Window 1 has sstables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - We start compacting 1, 2, 3, 4 (using STCS-in-TWCS first window) - The TWCS window rolls over - We flush (sstable

Re: Academic paper about Cassandra database compaction

2018-05-15 Thread Jeff Jirsa
On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 11:04 AM, Lucas Benevides <> wrote: > Thank you Jeff Jirsa by your comments, > > How can we do this: "fix this by not scheduling the major compaction > until we know all of the sstables in the window are available to be

Re: Reading from big partitions

2018-05-19 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Column index size in the yaml (increase it to trade GC pressure for disk IO) If you’re on anything other than 3.11.x, upgrade to 3.11.newest -- Jeff Jirsa > On May 19, 2018, at 8:42 PM, onmstester onmstester > wrote: > > Hi, > Due to some unpredictable behavior in inpu

Re: Snapshot SSTable modified??

2018-05-23 Thread Jeff Jirsa
In versions before 3.0, sstables were written with a -tmp filename and copied/moved to the final filename when complete. This changes in 3.0 - we write into the file with the final name, and have a journal/log to let uss know when it's done/final/live. Therefore, you can no longer just watch for a

Re: Log application Queries

2018-05-25 Thread Jeff Jirsa was added to cassandra 4.0 On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 8:24 AM, Nitan Kainth wrote: > Hi, > > I would like to log all C* queries hitting cluster. Could someone please > tell me how can I do it at cluster level? > Will nodetool setlogginglevel w

Re: Time Series schema performance

2018-05-29 Thread Jeff Jirsa
There’s a third option which is doing bucketing by time instead of by hash, which tends to perform quite well if you’re using TWCS as it makes it quite likely that a read can be served by a single sstable -- Jeff Jirsa > On May 29, 2018, at 6:49 AM, sujeet jog wrote: > > Folks,

Re: Strange metadata being appended in some rows

2018-05-30 Thread Jeff Jirsa
, it’s possible a bad disk or bit flip could have corrupted some of your data, but hard to say much beyond that. -- Jeff Jirsa > On May 30, 2018, at 3:42 PM, Charulata Sharma (charshar) > wrote: > > Hi, > > I am observing a very strange behavior in our cluster. Metadata is

Re: Mongo DB vs Cassandra

2018-05-31 Thread Jeff Jirsa
277 TB/day seems like the type of task I'd not trust to random mailing list advice. Cassandra can do that, but it's nontrivial. MongoDB may be able to do it, too (not sure). A lot of it will depend on how you're trying to query the data. On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 9:00 AM, Sudhakar Ganesan < sudha

Re: 3.11.2 memory leak

2018-06-04 Thread Jeff Jirsa
There have been a few people who have reported it, but nobody (yet) has offered a patch to fix it. It would be good to have a reliable way to repro, and/or an analysis of a heap dump demonstrating the problem (what's actually retained at the time you're OOM'ing). On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Ab

Re: Cassandra 3.0.X migarte to VPC

2018-06-07 Thread Jeff Jirsa
On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 9:12 AM, Nitan Kainth wrote: > Riccardo, > > Simplest method can be is to add VPC as an additional datacenter to > existing cluster; once New DC has synced up all data, just switch over your > application. Only caveat is that there should be enough network bandwidth > betwe

Re: Cassandra 3.0.X migarte to VPC

2018-06-07 Thread Jeff Jirsa
up new snitch > protocol right? > > On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 12:15 PM, Jeff Jirsa wrote: > >> >> >> >> On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 9:12 AM, Nitan Kainth >> wrote: >> >>> Riccardo, >>> >>> Simplest method can be is to add VPC a

Re: data consistency without using nodetool repair

2018-06-09 Thread Jeff Jirsa
> On Jun 9, 2018, at 10:28 PM, onmstester onmstester > wrote: > > > I'm using RF=2 (i know it should be at least 3 but i'm short of resources) > and WCl=ONE and RCL=ONE in a cluster of 10 nodes in a insert-only scenario. > The problem: i dont want to use nodetool repair because it would pu

Re: data consistency without using nodetool repair

2018-06-09 Thread Jeff Jirsa
- repair is a smaller problem than RF=2 and writing at ONE -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jun 9, 2018, at 10:52 PM, onmstester onmstester > wrote: > > Thanks Jeff, > If i run repair every 10 days, then, would there be a chance of losing data > by losing one node (data inserted exactly

Re: Size of a single Data Row?

2018-06-10 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Let's talk about what the real limitations are. There are two here that you should care about: 1) Cassandra runs in the JVM. When you read and write to Cassandra, those objects end up in the heap as byte arrays. If you're regularly reading and writing 100MB byte arrays, it's easy to see situations

Re: Read Latency Doubles After Shrinking Cluster and Never Recovers

2018-06-11 Thread Jeff Jirsa
No -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jun 11, 2018, at 7:49 AM, Fd Habash wrote: > > I will check for both. > > On a different subject, I have read some user testimonies that running > ‘nodetool cleanup’ requires a C* process reboot at least around 2.2.

Re: What will happen after adding another data disk

2018-06-12 Thread Jeff Jirsa
JBOD before 3.6 or so mixed data between disks in a way that if one disk failed, you needed to treat them all as failed and replace the host -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jun 12, 2018, at 1:53 AM, Kyrylo Lebediev wrote: > > Also it worth noting, that usage of JBOD isn't recomme

Re: Tombstone

2018-06-19 Thread Jeff Jirsa
The most likely explanation is tombstones in files that won’t be collected as they potentially overlap data in other files with a lower timestamp (especially true if your partition key doesn’t change and you’re writing and deleting data within a partition) -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jun 19, 2


2018-06-19 Thread Jeff Jirsa
young gen size, the first example is probably no problem even with dozens of concurrent reads, but the second will trigger a young gc every 10-15 reads (could be promotion, depending on how many concurrent reads you’re doing). -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jun 19, 2018, at 1:53 AM, Vsevolod Filare


2018-06-19 Thread Jeff Jirsa
It's in the middle of trying to replay the unfinished compaction logs - there's a file in your data directories that will end with .log - can you paste the contents somewhere like pastebin/gist? On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 7:42 AM, Deniz Acay wrote: > I checked file system integrity and contents.

Re: copy sstables while cassandra is running

2018-06-24 Thread Jeff Jirsa
rsync while running. Stop. Rsync again. Start. -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jun 24, 2018, at 1:05 PM, Nitan Kainth wrote: > > Yeah you are right Pradeep. I overlooked the point there. > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Jun 24, 2018, at 1:10 PM, Pradeep Chhetri wrote: &g

Re: Maximum SSTable size

2018-06-27 Thread Jeff Jirsa
hard caps (unless you know what you’re doing). -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jun 27, 2018, at 3:11 PM, ZAIDI, ASAD A wrote: > > With Leveled compaction strategy , you can set target size with > sstable_size_in_mb attribute however actual size can still be larger than > target given

Re: stream failed when bootstrap

2018-06-27 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Try again and this time don’t remove tables during bootstrap (the streaming code doesn’t handle removing tables very well). -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jun 27, 2018, at 7:30 PM, dayu wrote: > > Hi everyone > I am joining a new node to a cluster. but it failed even if I use > nod

Re: stream failed when bootstrap

2018-06-27 Thread Jeff Jirsa
That log message says you did: CF 53f6d520-2dc6-11e8-948d-ab7caa3c8c36 was dropped during streaming If you’re absolutely sure you didn’t, you should look for schema mismatches in your cluster -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jun 27, 2018, at 7:49 PM, dayu wrote: > > CF 53f6d520-2dc6-

Re: stream failed when bootstrap

2018-06-27 Thread Jeff Jirsa
any real tables? -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jun 27, 2018, at 7:58 PM, dayu wrote: > > That sound reasonable, I have seen schema mismatch error before. > So any advise to deal with schema mismatches? > Dayu > > At 2018-06-28 09:50:37, "Jeff Jirsa" wrote: > >That

Re: C* in multiple AWS AZ's

2018-06-28 Thread Jeff Jirsa
The single node in 1e will be a replica for every range (and you won’t be able to tolerate an outage in 1c), potentially putting it under significant load -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jun 28, 2018, at 7:02 AM, Randy Lynn wrote: > > I have a 6-node cluster I'm migrating to the new i3 t

Re: Cassandra backup to alternate location

2018-06-28 Thread Jeff Jirsa
No - they'll hardlink into the snapshot folder on each data directory. They are true hardlinks, so even if you could move it, it'd still be on the same filesystem. Typical behavior is to issue a snapshot, and then copy the data out as needed (using something like

Re: Debugging high coordinator latencies

2018-06-30 Thread Jeff Jirsa reads like a Datastax version - I know there’s a few reports of recyclers not working great in 3.11.x but haven’t seen many heap related leak concerns with 3.0.14 -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jun 30, 2018, at 5:49 PM, Tunay Gür wrote: > > Dear Cassandra users, > > I'm observ

Re: Problem with dropped mutations

2018-07-02 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Dropped mutations are load shedding - somethings not happy. Are you seeing GC pauses? What heap size and version? What memtable settings ? -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jul 2, 2018, at 12:48 AM, Hannu Kröger wrote: > > Yes, there are timeouts sometimes but more on the read side. And y

Re: Is there a plan for Feature like this in C* ?

2018-07-02 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Its a stable API - the project doesn’t ship a Kafka connector but certainly people have written them -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jul 2, 2018, at 6:50 PM, Kant Kodali wrote: > > Hi Justin, > > Thanks, Looks like a very early stage feature and no integration with Kafka > yet I su

Re: Auto Compactions not running on Cassandra 3.10

2018-07-04 Thread Jeff Jirsa
resolution you’re using on writes -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jul 4, 2018, at 11:08 AM, Anshul Rathore wrote: > > > Hi > > We are using 4 node cassandra 3.10 cluster. > For some reason autocompaction is not running on one of the table which uses > DTCS. TTL on this tabl

Re: How to query 100 primary keys at once

2018-07-05 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Either of those solutions are fine, you just need to consider throttling/limiting the number of concurrent queries (either in the application, or on the server side) to avoid timeouts. On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 11:16 AM, Goutham reddy wrote: > Hi users, > Querying multiple primary keys can be ach

Re: Cassandra Upgrade with Different Protocol Version

2018-07-05 Thread Jeff Jirsa
steps to repro -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jul 5, 2018, at 6:39 PM, James Shaw wrote: > > other concerns: > there is no replication between 2.11 and 3.11, store in hints, and replay > hints when remote is same version. have to do repair if over window. if read > quorum 2/3, will

Re: Cassandra Upgrade with Different Protocol Version

2018-07-05 Thread Jeff Jirsa
> On Jul 5, 2018, at 12:45 PM, Anuj Wadehra > wrote: > > Hi, > > I woud like to know how people are doing rolling upgrade of Casandra clustes > when there is a change in native protocol version say from 2.1 to 3.11. > During rolling upgrade, if client application is restarted on nodes, the

Re: Compaction process stuck

2018-07-05 Thread Jeff Jirsa
You probably have a very large partition in that file. Nodetool cfstats will show you the largest compacted partition now - I suspect it's much higher than before. On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 9:50 PM, atul atri wrote: > Hi Chris, > > Compaction process finally finished. It took long time though. > >

Re: Tuning Replication Factor - All, Consistency ONE

2018-07-10 Thread Jeff Jirsa
On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 8:29 AM, Code Wiget wrote: > Hi, > > I have been tasked with picking and setting up a database with the > following characteristics: > >- Ultra-high availability - The real requirement is uptime - our whole >platform becomes inaccessible without a “read” from the d

Re: Write Time of a Row in Multi DC Cassandra Cluster

2018-07-11 Thread Jeff Jirsa
For tracking delay in very recent versions, this exists: -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jul 11, 2018, at 1:05 AM, Simon Fontana Oscarsson > wrote: > > I thought you just wanted to test how big delay you have, that's why I

Re: Compaction out of memory

2018-07-12 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Probably close - maybe file handles or map counts. ulimit -a and/or cat /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count Would be useful -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jul 12, 2018, at 3:47 AM, Hannu Kröger wrote: > > Could the problem be that the process ran out of file handles? Recommendation > is to tune

Re: cassandra cluser sizing

2018-07-12 Thread Jeff Jirsa
if you have multiple (lots of) disks and are running Cassandra before CASSANDRA-6696 (which made jbod safer). -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jul 12, 2018, at 7:37 AM, Vitaliy Semochkin wrote: > > Hi, > > Which amount of data Cassandra 3 server in a cluster can serve at max? > The doc

Re: Cassandra recommended server uptime?

2018-07-17 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Should not need regular reboots for Cassandra’s sake, but you should be regularly patching your servers -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jul 17, 2018, at 2:09 AM, Vsevolod Filaretov wrote: > > Good time of day everyone; > > Does Cassandra have a "recommended uptime"? I.e., do

Re: cassandra cluser sizing

2018-07-17 Thread Jeff Jirsa
-- Jeff Jirsa > On Jul 17, 2018, at 5:35 PM, Eunsu Kim wrote: > > Can I ask you an additional question here? > > How much free space should I have if most tables use > TimeWindowCompactionStrategy? > > >> On 13 Jul 2018, at 10:09 PM, Vitaliy Semochkin wrote: &g

Re: apache cassandra development process and future

2018-07-18 Thread Jeff Jirsa
There are 4+ implementations of CQL in addition to Apache Cassandra - the ones I can think of off the top of my head include DSE, Yugabyte, CosmosDB, and Scylla. You'll want to define "popular". If by popular you mean "which implementation of CQL has the most installed servers", nobody knows for s

Re: apache cassandra development process and future

2018-07-19 Thread Jeff Jirsa
It will (did) slow, but it didn’t (won’t) stop. There’s some really interesting work in the queue, like , that should make a lot of users very happy. -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jul 19, 2018, at 6:59 AM, Vitaliy Semoch

Re: Cassandra crashed with no log

2018-07-21 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Anything in non-Cassandra logs? Dmesg? -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jul 21, 2018, at 11:07 PM, onmstester onmstester > wrote: > > Cassandra in one of my nodes, crashed without any error/warning in > system/gc/debug log. All jmx metrics is being monitored, last fetched values > fo

Re: cassandro nodes restarts

2018-07-25 Thread Jeff Jirsa
If I were you I’d disable that warning (or set it much higher). -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jul 25, 2018, at 7:32 PM, R1 J1 wrote: > > cassandro nodes restarts > > > > we see errors typically like these > > > WARN [Native-Transport-Requests-3] 2018-07-25 20:51:38,

Re: Cassandra crashes after loading data with sstableloader

2018-07-29 Thread Jeff Jirsa
sstables? How big is your heap? Are you already serving traffic? -- Jeff Jirsa > On Jul 29, 2018, at 3:43 PM, Rahul Singh wrote: > > What does “hash” Data look like? > > Rahul >> On Jul 24, 2018, 11:30 AM -0400, Arpan Khandelwal , >> wrote: >> I need to clone

Re: Alter table

2018-07-30 Thread Jeff Jirsa
This is safe (and normal, and good) in all versions except those impacted by So if you're on 2.1, 2.2, or 3.11 you're fine If you're on 3.0 between 3.0.0 and 3.0.13, you should upgrade first (to newest 3.0, probably 3.0.17) If you're on a vers

Re: Secure data

2018-08-01 Thread Jeff Jirsa
EBS encryption worked well on gp2 volumes (never tried it on any others) -- Jeff Jirsa > On Aug 1, 2018, at 7:57 AM, Rahul Reddy wrote: > > Hello, > > Any one tried aws ec2 volume encryption for Cassandra instances? > >> On Tue, Jul 31, 2018, 12:25 PM Rahu

Re: Alter table

2018-08-01 Thread Jeff Jirsa
think you should be afraid of either) -- Jeff Jirsa > On Aug 1, 2018, at 6:43 PM, Visa wrote: > > Thanks for all the inputs! We’ll stick to the current approach then. > > How about dropping columns - If we also stop writes beforehand, we should be > safe from data ali

Re: Cassandra rate dropping over long term test

2018-08-03 Thread Jeff Jirsa
; there are 4 strategies but size tiered is default and easiest to understand. You’re seeing mostly writes because the reads are likely in page cache (the kernel doesn’t need to go to disk to read the files, it’s got them in memory for serving normal reads). -- Jeff Jirsa > On Aug 3, 2

Re: Bootstrap OOM issues with Cassandra 3.11.1

2018-08-06 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Are you using materialized views or secondary indices? -- Jeff Jirsa > On Aug 6, 2018, at 3:49 PM, Laszlo Szabo > wrote: > > Hello All, > > I'm having JVM unstable / OOM errors when attempting to auto bootstrap a 9th > node to an existing 8 node cluster (256 tok

Re: Bootstrap OOM issues with Cassandra 3.11.1

2018-08-06 Thread Jeff Jirsa
objects, we may be able to figure out what’s going on -- Jeff Jirsa > On Aug 6, 2018, at 5:42 PM, Jeff Jirsa wrote: > > Are you using materialized views or secondary indices? > > -- > Jeff Jirsa > > >> On Aug 6, 2018, at 3:49 PM, Laszlo Szabo >> wrote:

Re: Bootstrap OOM issues with Cassandra 3.11.1

2018-08-07 Thread Jeff Jirsa
d latency: 6.094 ms > Local write count: 250971 > Local write latency: 0.024 ms > Pending flushes: 0 > Percent repaired: 0.0 > Bloom filter false positives: 0 > Bloom filter false ratio: 0.0 > Bloom filter space used: 1709848 > Bloom filter off heap memory used: 1709824 &

Re: TWCS Compaction backed up

2018-08-07 Thread Jeff Jirsa
You could toggle off the tombstone compaction to see if that helps, but that should be lower priority than normal compactions Are the lots-of-little-files from memtable flushes or repair/anticompaction? Do you do normal deletes? Did you try to run Incremental repair? -- Jeff Jirsa >

Re: TWCS Compaction backed up

2018-08-07 Thread Jeff Jirsa
May be worth seeing if any of the sstables got promoted to repaired - if so they’re not eligible for compaction with unrepaired sstables and that could explain some higher counts Do you actually do deletes or is everything ttl’d? -- Jeff Jirsa > On Aug 7, 2018, at 5:09 PM, Brian Spind

Re: about cassandra..

2018-08-09 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Agreed about deflate. Also you can adjust your chunk size, which may help ratios as well, especially if you expect your data to compress well - often larger chunks will compress better, but it depends on the nature of your data. In the near future, look for work from Sushma @ Instagram to make av

Re: JBOD disk failure

2018-08-14 Thread Jeff Jirsa
disk and run repair - 6696 will keep data for a given token range all on the same disks, so the resurrection problem is solved. -- Jeff Jirsa > On Aug 14, 2018, at 6:10 AM, Christian Lorenz > wrote: > > Hi, > > given a cluster with RF=3 and CL=LOCAL_ONE and applicatio

Re: Recommended num_tokens setting for small cluster

2018-08-29 Thread Jeff Jirsa
3.0 has a (optional?) feature to guarantee better distribution, and the blog focuses on 2.2. Using fewer will minimize your risk of unavailability if any two hosts fail. -- Jeff Jirsa > On Aug 29, 2018, at 11:18 AM, Max C. wrote: > > Hello Everyone, > > Datastax recomm

Re: Bootstrap streaming issues

2018-08-29 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Is the bootstrap plan succeeding (does streaming start or does it crash before it logs messages about streaming starting)? Have you capped the stream throughput on the existing hosts? -- Jeff Jirsa > On Aug 29, 2018, at 5:02 PM, Jai Bheemsen Rao Dhanwada > wrote: > > Hello

Re: Bootstrap streaming issues

2018-08-29 Thread Jeff Jirsa
that’s awful. Hopefully either of the two above JIRAs lands to make this less awful. -- Jeff Jirsa > On Aug 29, 2018, at 6:29 PM, Jai Bheemsen Rao Dhanwada > wrote: > > It fails before bootstrap > > streaming throughpu on the nodes is set to 400Mb/ps > >> On

Re: Bootstrap streaming issues

2018-08-29 Thread Jeff Jirsa
CMS is fine at 12G for sure, likely up to 16G You’ll want to initiate CMS a bit earlier (55-69%), and you likely want new gen to be larger - perhaps 3-6G You’ll want to manually set the memtable size - it scales with heap by default After bootstrap you can lower it again -- Jeff Jirsa

Re: Bootstrap streaming issues

2018-08-29 Thread Jeff Jirsa
You’re seeing an OOM, not a socket error / timeout. -- Jeff Jirsa > On Aug 29, 2018, at 10:56 PM, Jai Bheemsen Rao Dhanwada > wrote: > > Jeff, > > any idea if this is somehow related to : > > does

Re: Large sstables

2018-08-30 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Either of those are options, but there’s also sstablesplit to break it up a bit Switching to LCS can be a problem depending on how many sstables /overlaps you have -- Jeff Jirsa > On Aug 30, 2018, at 8:05 AM, Vitali Dyachuk wrote: > > Hi, > Some of the sstables got too big 10

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