JBOD before 3.6 or so mixed data between disks in a way that if one disk 
failed, you needed to treat them all as failed and replace the host

Jeff Jirsa

> On Jun 12, 2018, at 1:53 AM, Kyrylo Lebediev <kyrylo_lebed...@epam.com> wrote:
> Also it worth noting, that usage of JBOD isn't recommended for older 
> Cassandra versions, as there are known issues with data imbalance on JBOD.
> iirc JBOD data imbalance was fixed in some 3.x version (3.2?)
> For older versions creation one large filesystem on top md or lvm device 
> seems to be a better choice.
> From: Eunsu Kim <eunsu.bil...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 9:06:07 AM
> To: user@cassandra.apache.org
> Subject: Re: What will happen after adding another data disk
> In my experience, adding a new disk and restarting the Cassandra process 
> slowly distributes the disk usage evenly, so that existing disks have less 
> disk usage
>> On 12 Jun 2018, at 11:09 AM, wxn...@zjqunshuo.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I know Cassandra can make use of multiple disks. My data disk is almost full 
>> and I want to add another 2TB disk. I don't know what will happen after the 
>> addition.
>> 1. C* will write to both disks util the old disk is full?
>> 2. And what will happen after the old one is full? Will C* stop writing to 
>> the old one and only writing to the new one with free space?
>> Thanks!

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