Re: paging through an entire table in chunks?

2014-09-29 Thread Brice Dutheil
You may be using the async feature of the java driver. In order to manage complexity related to do several queries I used RxJava, it leverages readability and asynchronicity in a very elegant way (much

DSE install interfering with apache Cassandra 2.1.0

2014-09-29 Thread Andrew Cobley
Hi All, Just come across this one, I’m at a bit of a loss on how to fix it. A user here did the following steps On a MAC Install Datastax Enterprise (DSE) using the dmg file test he can connect using the DSE cqlsh window Unistall DSE (full uninstall which stops the services) download apache cas

Re: DSE install interfering with apache Cassandra 2.1.0

2014-09-29 Thread Sumod Pawgi
Please run jps to check which Java services are still running and to make sure if c* is running. Then please check if 9160 port is in use. netstat -nltp | grep 9160 This will confirm what is happening in your case. Sent from my iPhone > On 29-Sep-2014, at 7:15 pm, Andrew Cobley wrote: > > Hi

Re: DSE install interfering with apache Cassandra 2.1.0

2014-09-29 Thread Andrew Cobley
Without the apache cassandra running I ran jps -l on this machine ,the only result was 338 sun.tool.jps.Jps The Mac didn’t like the netstat command so I ran netstat -atp tcp | grep 9160 no result Also for the native port: netstat-atp tcp | grep 9042 gave no result (command may be wrong)

Cassandra throwing java exceptions for nodetool repair on indexed tables

2014-09-29 Thread Jeronimo de A. Barros
Hi All, We're running 2 cassandra 2.1 clusters (development and production) and whenever I run a nodetool repair on indexed tables I get an java exception about creating snapshots: Command line: [2014-09-29 11:25:24,945] Repair session 73c0d390-47e4-11e4-ba0f-c7788dc924ec for range (-72986898607

Re: Cassandra throwing java exceptions for nodetool repair on indexed tables

2014-09-29 Thread Robert Coli
On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 8:35 AM, Jeronimo de A. Barros <> wrote: > We're running 2 cassandra 2.1 clusters (development and production) and > whenever I run a nodetool repair on indexed tables I get an java exception > about creating snapshots: > Don't run 2.1 in producti

Re: Repair taking long time

2014-09-29 Thread Robert Coli
On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 9:52 AM, Gene Robichaux wrote: > I am fairly new to Cassandra. We have a 9 node cluster, 5 in one DC and > 4 in another. > > > > Running a repair on a large column family seems to be moving much slower > than I expect. > Unfortunately, as others have mentioned, the slown

Re: simple map / table scans without hadoop?

2014-09-29 Thread Robert Coli
On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 9:08 PM, Kevin Burton wrote: > I have the requirements to periodically run full tables scans on our > data. It’s mostly for repair tasks or making bulk UPDATEs… but I’d prefer > to do it in Java because I need something mildly trivial. >

Re: Apache Cassandra 2.1.0 : cassandra-stress performance discrepancy between SSD and SATA drive

2014-09-29 Thread Shing Hing Man
I have run a sysbench file io test on my home PC and office PC. The result is given below. The result shows my office PC (with a SSD) is about 3 times more performant than my home PC (with a sata hard disk). Home PC : gauss:~> sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=50G prepare sysbench 0.5:

Re: Repair taking long time

2014-09-29 Thread Rahul Neelakantan
What is the recommendation on the number of tokens value? I am asking because of the issue with sequential repairs on token range after token range. Rahul Neelakantan > On Sep 29, 2014, at 2:29 PM, Robert Coli wrote: > >> On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 9:52 AM, Gene Robichaux >> wrote: >> I am fair

Re: Repair taking long time

2014-09-29 Thread Ken Hancock
On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Robert Coli wrote: > > As an aside, you "just lose" with vnodes and clusters of the size. I > presume you plan to grow over appx 9 nodes per DC, in which case you > probably do want vnodes enabled. > I typically only see discussion on vnodes vs. non-vnodes, but i

Re: Cassandra throwing java exceptions for nodetool repair on indexed tables

2014-09-29 Thread Jeronimo de A. Barros
Hi again, On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Robert Coli wrote: > Don't run 2.1 in production yet if you don't want to deal with bugs like > this in production. > Well, I got the last "stable" cassandra... going back to 2.0 then. > If you do file a JIRA, please let the list know what the URL is

Re: using dynamic cell names in CQL 3

2014-09-29 Thread Robert Coli
On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 6:13 AM, shahab wrote: > It seems that I was not clear in my question, I would like to store values > in the column name, for example would be event_name > ("temperature") and column-content would be the respective value (e.g. > 40.5) . And I need to know how t

Re: A trigger that modifies the current Mutation

2014-09-29 Thread Robert Coli
On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 11:08 PM, Pinak Pani <> wrote: > I wanted to create a trigger that alters the current mutation. > (ObMetaAside : Dear God... why?) Triggers will probably not survive in their current form. If I was planning to use them for anything, I woul

Re: using dynamic cell names in CQL 3

2014-09-29 Thread Andrew Cobley
Isn’t the correct way to do this in CQL3 to use sets and user defined types (in C* 2.1) ?: create type sensorreading( date timestamp, name text, value int); CREATE TABLE sensordata ( name text, data set>, PRIMARY KEY (name) ); insert into keyspace2.sensordata (name, data) values ('1234', {{date:

Not-Equals (!=) in Where Clause

2014-09-29 Thread Timmy Turner
Looking through the CQL 3.1 grammar for Cassandra 2.1, I noticed that the not-equals operator (!=) is in the grammar definition, but I can't seem to find any legal way to use it. Is != supported as part of the where clause in Cassandra? Or is it the grammar for some other purpose?

Re: Running out of disk at bootstrap in low-disk situation

2014-09-29 Thread Robert Coli
On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 12:11 AM, Erik Forsberg wrote: > I've added all the 15 nodes, with some time inbetween - definitely more > than the 2-minute rule. But it seems like compaction is not keeping up with > the incoming data. Or at least that's my theory. > I personally would not combine vnode

Re: unreadable partitions

2014-09-29 Thread Robert Coli
On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 3:45 AM, tommaso barbugli wrote: > I see some data stored in Cassandra (2.0.7) being not readable from CQL; > this affects entire partitions, querying this partitions raise a Java > exception: > If the SSTable is not corrupt but is not readable via CQL and generates an ex

Re: Node Joining, Not Streaming

2014-09-29 Thread Robert Coli
On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 11:01 AM, Gene Robichaux wrote: > I just added two nodes, one in DC-A and one in DC-B. > > > > The node in DC-A started and immediately started to stream files from its > piers. The node in DC-B has been in the JOINING state for nearly 24 hours > and I have not seen any s

Re: Is there harm from having all the nodes in the seed list?

2014-09-29 Thread Robert Coli
On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Donald Smith <> wrote: > Is there any harm from having all the nodes listed in the seeds list in > cassandra.yaml? > Yes, seed nodes cannot bootstrap. See comments there for

Re: Reading SSTables Potential File Descriptor Leak 1.2.18

2014-09-29 Thread Robert Coli
On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Tim Heckman wrote: > As best I could tell, the majority of the file descriptors open were for a > single SSTable '.db' file. Looking in the error logs I found quite a few > exceptions that looked to have been identical: > ... > Before opening a JIRA ticket I thou

timeout for port 7000 on stateful firewall? streaming_socket_timeout_in_ms?

2014-09-29 Thread Donald Smith
We have a stateful firewall between data centers for port 7000 (inter-cluster). How long should the idle timeout be for the connections on the firewall? Similarly what's appropriate for streaming_socket_timeout_in_ms in cassandra.yaml? The defaul

Re: Indexes Fragmentation

2014-09-29 Thread Robert Coli
On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Arthur Zubarev wrote: > > There are 200+ times more updates and 50x inserts than analytical loads. > In Cassandra to just be able to query (in CQL) on a column I have to have > an index, the question is what tall the fragmentation coming from the > frequent updates

best practice for waiting for schema changes to propagate

2014-09-29 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all, I often have problems with code that I write that uses the DataStax Java driver to create / modify a keyspace or table and then soon after reads the metadata for the keyspace to verify that whatever changes I made the keyspace or table are complete. As an example, I may create a table cal

Re: Casssandra cluster setup.

2014-09-29 Thread Robert Coli
On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 6:32 AM, Muthu Kumar wrote: > > I am trying to configure a Cassandra cluster with two nodes. I am new > to Cassandra. > > I am using datastax distribution of Cassandra ( windows). I have > installed the same in two nodes and configured it works as a separate > instance b

Re: Saving file content to ByteBuffer and to column does not retrieve the same size of data

2014-09-29 Thread Robert Coli
On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 3:50 AM, Carlos Scheidecker wrote: > I can successfully read a file to a ByteBuffer and then write to a > Cassandra blob column. However, when I retrieve the value of the column, > the size of the ByteBuffer retrieved is bigger than the original ByteBuffer > where the file

Re: Repair taking long time

2014-09-29 Thread Ben Bromhead
use On 30 September 2014 05:24, Ken Hancock wrote: > > On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Robert Coli wrote: > >> >> As an aside, you "just lose" with vnodes and clusters of the size. I >> presume you plan to grow over appx 9 nodes per DC, i

Re: best practice for waiting for schema changes to propagate

2014-09-29 Thread Ben Bromhead
The system.peers table which is a copy of some gossip info the node has stored, including the schema version. You should query this and wait until all schema versions have converged.