Please run jps to check which Java services are still running and to make sure 
if c* is running. Then please check if 9160 port is in use. netstat -nltp | 
grep 9160

This will confirm what is happening in your case.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 29-Sep-2014, at 7:15 pm, Andrew Cobley <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just come across this one, I’m at a bit of a loss on how to fix it.
> A user here did the following steps
> On a MAC
> Install Datastax Enterprise (DSE) using the dmg file
> test he can connect using the DSE cqlsh window
> Unistall DSE (full uninstall which stops the services)
> download apache cassandra 2.1.0
> unzip
> change to the non directory run sudo ./cassandra
> Now when he tries to connect using cqlsh from apache cassandra 2.1.0 bin   he 
> gets
> Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': 
> ConnectionShutdown('Connection <AsyncoreConnection(4528514448) 
> (closed)> is already closed',)})
> This is probably related to 
> but I can’t see why the uninstall of DSE is leaving the apache cassandra 
> release cqlsh unable to attach to the apache cassandra runtime.
> Ta
> Andy
> The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096

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