Re: Update multiple rows in a CQL lightweight transaction

2014-02-27 Thread Sylvain Lebresne
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Clint Kelly wrote: > Thanks for your help everyone. > > Sylvain, as I understand it, the scenario I described above is not > resolved by CASSANDRA-6561, correct? > Well, no, my point is that it kind of is resolved. At least if we're still talking about: "If th

Re: Combine multiple SELECT statements into one RPC?

2014-02-27 Thread Sylvain Lebresne
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 1:00 AM, Clint Kelly wrote: > Hi all, > > Is there any way to use the DataStax Java driver to combine multiple > SELECT statements into a single RPC? I assume not (I could not find > anything about this in the documentation), but I just wanted to check. > The short answe

How to paginate through all columns in a row?

2014-02-27 Thread Lu, Boying
Hi, All, I'm using Netflix/Astyanax as a java cassandra client to access Cassandra DB. I need to paginate through all columns in a row and I found the document at about how to do that. But my requirement is a little different. I don't want

Why repair -pr doesn't work when RF=0 for 1 DC

2014-02-27 Thread Fabrice Facorat
Hi, we have a cluster with 3 DC, and for one DC ( stats ), RF=0 for a keyspace using NetworkTopologyStrategy. cqlsh> SELECT * FROM system.schema_keyspaces WHERE keyspace_name='foobar'; keyspace_name | durable_writes | strategy_class | strategy_options +

Issue with cassandra-pig-thrift.transport and Connection reset

2014-02-27 Thread Miguel Angel Martin junquera
HI all, I trying to do a cogroup with five relations that I load from cassandra previously. In single node and local casandra testing environment the script works fine but when I try to execute in a cluster over AWS instances with only one slave in hadoop cluster and One seed cassandra node I ha

Re: Intermittent long application pauses on nodes

2014-02-27 Thread Frank Ng
I just caught that a node was down based on running nodetool status on a different node. I tried to ssh into the downed node at that time and it was very slow logging on. Looking at the gc.log file, there was a ParNew that only took 0.09 secs. Yet the overall application threads stop time is 315

Re: Intermittent long application pauses on nodes

2014-02-27 Thread Benedict Elliott Smith
That sounds a lot like death by paging. On 27 February 2014 16:29, Frank Ng wrote: > I just caught that a node was down based on running nodetool status on a > different node. I tried to ssh into the downed node at that time and it > was very slow logging on. Looking at the gc.log file, there

Re: Issue with cassandra-pig-thrift.transport and Connection reset

2014-02-27 Thread Miguel Angel Martin junquera
I forgot I am using cassandra 2.04 , hadoop 1.2.1 and pig 0.12 Thanks 2014-02-27 17:29 GMT+01:00 Miguel Angel Martin junquera <>: > HI all, > > I trying to do a cogroup with five relations that I load from cassandra > previously. > > In single node and local cas

Upgrading Column Families with Composite to CQL3

2014-02-27 Thread Jon Carter
Hello everyone, I'm trying to update some column families to start using the CQL3 drivers instead of Hector (the Java driver that uses Thrift, I assume any changes that would allow Thrift to work would let Hector work, but there may be some idiosyncrasies with Hector I don't know about. I'll repo

Re: Intermittent long application pauses on nodes

2014-02-27 Thread Frank Ng
We have swap disabled. Can death by paging still happen? On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Benedict Elliott Smith <> wrote: > That sounds a lot like death by paging. > > > On 27 February 2014 16:29, Frank Ng wrote: > >> I just caught that a node was down based on run

Re: Upgrading Column Families with Composite to CQL3

2014-02-27 Thread Nate McCall
I'd recommend starting with the very latest Astyanax+DS Client hybrid as that will make the transition easier. See this Astyanax wiki page for details: CQL3 is meta data is basically just composites under the hood, so it will most

Re: Why repair -pr doesn't work when RF=0 for 1 DC

2014-02-27 Thread Yuki Morishita
Yes, it is expected behavior since 1.2.5( Since you set foobar not to replicate to stats dc, primary range of foobar keyspace for nodes in stats is empty. On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 10:16 AM, Fabrice Facorat wrote: > Hi, > > we have a cluster wi

Re: Why repair -pr doesn't work when RF=0 for 1 DC

2014-02-27 Thread Fabrice Facorat
So if I understand well from CASSANDRA-5424 and CASSANDRA-5608, as stats dc doesn't own data, repair -pr will not repair the data. Only a full repair will do it. Once we will add a RF to stats DC, repair -pr will work again. That's correct ? 2014-02-27 19:15 GMT+01:00 Yuki Morishita : > Yes, it i

Re: Why repair -pr doesn't work when RF=0 for 1 DC

2014-02-27 Thread Yuki Morishita
Yes. On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 12:49 PM, Fabrice Facorat wrote: > So if I understand well from CASSANDRA-5424 and CASSANDRA-5608, as > stats dc doesn't own data, repair -pr will not repair the data. Only a > full repair will do it. > > Once we will add a RF to stats DC, repair -pr will work again.

OOM while performing major compaction

2014-02-27 Thread Nish garg
I am having OOM during major compaction on one of the column family where there are lot of SStables (33000) to be compacted. Is there any other way for them to be compacted? Any help will be really appreciated. Here are the details /opt/cassandra/current/bin/nodetool -h us1emscsm-01 compact tom

[no subject]

2014-02-27 Thread Kumar Ranjan
Hey folks, I am dealing with a legacy CFs where super_column has been used and python client pycassa is being used. An example is given below. My question here is, can I make use of include_timestamp to select data between two returned timestamps e.g between 1393516744591751 and 1393516772131811.

Re: Commit logs building up

2014-02-27 Thread Nate McCall
What was the impetus for turning up the commitlog_segment_size_in_mb? Also, in nodetool tpstats, do what are the values for the FlushWriter line? On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Christopher Wirt wrote: > We're running 2.0.5, recently upgraded from 1.2.14. > > > > Sometimes we are seeing Commi

Re: OOM while performing major compaction

2014-02-27 Thread Edward Capriolo
One big downside about major compaction is that (depending on your cassandra version) the bloom filters size is pre-calculated. Thus cassandra needs enough heap for your existing 33 k+ sstables and the new large compacted one. In the past this happened to us when the compaction thread got hung up,

Re: OOM while performing major compaction

2014-02-27 Thread Robert Coli
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 11:09 AM, Nish garg wrote: > I am having OOM during major compaction on one of the column family where > there are lot of SStables (33000) to be compacted. Is there any other way > for them to be compacted? Any help will be really appreciated. > You can use user defined c

Re: Intermittent long application pauses on nodes

2014-02-27 Thread Benedict Elliott Smith
Well, paging still happens due to mmapped file I/O, however whilst this could easily cause a slow login it would struggle to cause a 315s GC pause. A slow network should also never cause this, though: the network threads are simply caught by any safepoint on returning to the VM, so don't delay GC.

Re: OOM while performing major compaction

2014-02-27 Thread Nish garg
Thanks for replying. We are on Cassandra 1.2.9. We have time series like data structure where we need to keep only last 6 hours of data. So we expire data using expireddatetime column on column family and then we run expire script via cron to create tombstones. We don't use ttl yet and planning

Re: OOM while performing major compaction

2014-02-27 Thread Tupshin Harper
If you can programmatically roll over onto a new column family every 6 hours (or every day or other reasonable increment), and then just drop your existing column family after all the columns would have been expired, you could skip your compaction entirely. It was not clear to me from your descript

Re: OOM while performing major compaction

2014-02-27 Thread Nish garg
Hello Tupshin, Yes all the data needs to be kept for just last 6 hours. Yes changing to new CF every 6 hours solves the compaction issue, but between the change we will have less than 6 hours of data. We can use CF1 and CF2 and truncate them one at a time every 6 hours in loop but we need some kin

Re: OOM while performing major compaction

2014-02-27 Thread Tupshin Harper
You are right that modifying your code to access two CFs is a hack, and not an ideal solution, but I think it should be pretty easy to implement, and would help you get out of this jam pretty quickly. Not saying you should go down that path, but if you lack better options, that would probably be my

Naming variables in a prepared statement in the DataStax Java driver

2014-02-27 Thread Clint Kelly
Folks, Is there a way to name the variables in a prepared statement when using the DataStax Java driver? For example, instead of doing: ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ... // some application logic String query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = ?"; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = session.prepare(qu

Re: Naming variables in a prepared statement in the DataStax Java driver

2014-02-27 Thread Clint Kelly
Ah never mind, I see, currently you can refer to the ?'s by name by using the name of the column to which the ? refers. And this works as long as each column is present only one in the statement. Sorry for the extra list traffic! On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 7:33 PM, Clint Kelly wrote: > Folks, >

CQL: Any way to have inequalities on multiple clustering columns in a WHERE clause?

2014-02-27 Thread Clint Kelly
All, Is there any way to have inequalities comparisons on multiple clustering columns in a WHERE clause in CQL? For example, I'd like to do: select * from foo where fam = 'Info' and qual > 'A' and qual < 'D' and version > 2013 ALLOW FILTERING; I get an error: Bad Request: PRIMARY KEY part

Re: CQL: Any way to have inequalities on multiple clustering columns in a WHERE clause?

2014-02-27 Thread DuyHai Doan
Clint, what you want is this : select * from foo where key=something and fam = 'Info' and (qual,version) > ('A',2013) and qual < 'D' ALLOW FILTERING On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 6:57 AM, Clint Kelly wrote: > All, > > Is there any way to have ineq

Re: How to paginate through all columns in a row?

2014-02-27 Thread Theo Hultberg
You can page yourself using the withColumnRange method (see the slice query example on the page you linked to). What you do is that you save the last column you got from the previous query, and you set that as the start of the range you pass to withColumnRange. You don't need to set an end of a ran