So if I understand well from CASSANDRA-5424 and CASSANDRA-5608, as
stats dc doesn't own data, repair -pr will not repair the data. Only a
full repair will do it.

Once we will add a RF to stats DC, repair -pr will work again. That's correct ?

2014-02-27 19:15 GMT+01:00 Yuki Morishita <>:
> Yes, it is expected behavior since
> 1.2.5(
> Since you set foobar not to replicate to stats dc, primary range of
> foobar keyspace for nodes in stats is empty.
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 10:16 AM, Fabrice Facorat
> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we have a cluster with 3 DC, and for one DC ( stats ), RF=0 for a
>> keyspace using NetworkTopologyStrategy.
>> cqlsh> SELECT * FROM system.schema_keyspaces WHERE keyspace_name='foobar';
>>  keyspace_name  | durable_writes | strategy_class
>>                  | strategy_options
>> ----------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------
>>  foobar |           True |
>> org.apache.cassandra.locator.NetworkTopologyStrategy |
>> {"s1":"3","stats":"0","b1":"3"}
>> When doing a "nodetool repair -pr foobar" on a node in DC stats, we
>> notice that the repair doesn't do anything : it just skips the
>> keyspace.
>> Is this normal behavior ? I guess that some keys belonging to DC
>> stats's primary range token should have been repaired in the two
>> others DC ? Am I wrong ?
>> We are using cassandra 1.2.13, with 256 vnodes and Murmur3Partitioner
>> --
>> Close the World, Open the Net
> --
> Yuki Morishita
>  t:yukim (

Close the World, Open the Net

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