Hello everyone, I'm trying to update some column families to start using the CQL3 drivers instead of Hector (the Java driver that uses Thrift, I assume any changes that would allow Thrift to work would let Hector work, but there may be some idiosyncrasies with Hector I don't know about. I'll report back if there are any) for at least future development. It would be nice if they can be updated in place without breaking compatibility with Hector, but if not there's little enough to rewrite that's it's no big deal, as long as the data is accessible without reloading it.
So far I've found documentation on how to use ALTER TABLE to update column families with a Composite as the row key and/or column name, but I haven't seen anything on converting the column value blob to a group of columns when it is a Composite. Is it possible to add the metadata necessary in place or would using CQL3 require some sort of ETL to convert it? Would altering it allow both Hector and CQL3 to operate on a given column family at the same time or would it only be accessible to CQL3 afterwards? I'm using Cassandra 1.2.5. Thanks, Jon