Secondary index query + 2 Datacenters + Row Cache + Restart = 0 rows

2013-02-01 Thread Alexei Bakanov
Hello, I've found a combination that doesn't work: A column family that have a secondary index and caching='ALL' with data in two datacenters and I do a restart of the nodes, then my secondary index queries start returning 0 rows. It happens when amount of data goes over a certain threshold, so I

Re: Start token sorts after end token

2013-02-01 Thread Jeremy Hanna
See - should be fixed in 1.1.10 and 1.2.2. On Jan 30, 2013, at 9:18 AM, Tejas Patil wrote: > While reading data from Cassandra in map-reduce, I am getting > "InvalidRequestException(why:Start token sorts after end token)" > > Below is the c

Re: too many warnings of Heap is full

2013-02-01 Thread Guillermo Barbero
> What is the cardinality like on these indexes? Can you provide the > schema creation for these two column families? This is the schema of the CFs: create column family CF_users with comparator = UTF8Type and column_metadata = [

neither 'nodetool repair' nor 'hinted hanoff/read repair' work for secondary indexes

2013-02-01 Thread Alexei Bakanov
Hi again, Once started playing with CCM it's hard to stop, such a great tool. My issue with secondary indexes is following: neither explicit 'nodetool repair' nor implicit 'hinted handoffs/read repairs' resolve inconsistencies in data I get from secondary indexes. I observe this for both one- and

Re: Inserting via thrift interface to column family created with Compound Key via cql3

2013-02-01 Thread aaron morton
Whats the full error stack on the client ? Are you using a pre-build thrift client or you own ? If the later try using a pre built client first, like Hector or pycassa. If it works there look into how that code works and go from there. Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandr

Re: cluster issues

2013-02-01 Thread aaron morton
For Data Stax Enterprise specific questions try the support forums Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Developer New Zealand @aaronmorton On 31/01/2013, at 8:27 AM, S C wrote: > I am using DseDelegateS


2013-02-01 Thread aaron morton
Can you update the ticket with your experiences ? Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Developer New Zealand @aaronmorton On 31/01/2013, at 11:13 AM, wrote: > I had th

Re: why set replica placement strategy at keyspace level ?

2013-02-01 Thread aaron morton
Many of my mental models bother people :) This particular one came from my understanding of Big Table and the code. For me this works, I think of (internal) rows as roughly "containing" the CF's. In the CQL world it works for me as well, the partition key (first part of the primary key) is im

Re: Cassandra pending compaction tasks keeps increasing

2013-02-01 Thread aaron morton
> Will that cause the symptom of no data streamed from other nodes? Other > nodes still think the node had all the data? AFAIk they will not make assumptions like that. > Can I just change it in yaml and restart C* and it will correct itself? It's a schema config change, check the help for the

Re: CPU hotspot at BloomFilterSerializer#deserialize

2013-02-01 Thread aaron morton
> 5. the problematic Data file contains only 5 to 10 keys data but large(2.4G) So very large rows ? What does nodetool cfstats or cfhistograms say about the row sizes ? > 1. what is happening? I think this is partially large rows and partially the query pattern, this is only by roughly correc

Re: initial_token

2013-02-01 Thread Víctor Hugo Oliveira Molinar
Do not set initial_token when using murmur3partitioner. instead, set num_tokens. For example, u have 3 hosts with the same hardware setup, then, for each one set the same num_tokens. But now consider adding another better host, this time i'd suggest you to set previous num_tokens * 2. num_tokens:

Re: Understanding Virtual Nodes on Cassandra 1.2

2013-02-01 Thread aaron morton
> Are there tickets/documents explain how data be replicated on Virtual Nodes? This Check the changes.txt file, they link to tickets. not many people use BOP so you may be exploring new'ish territory. Try asking someone on the IRC

Re: JDBC : CreateresultSet fails with null column in CqlResultSet

2013-02-01 Thread aaron morton
I think is the place to raise the issue. Can you update the mail thread with the ticket as well? Thanks - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Developer New Zealand @aaronmorton O

Re: JDBC : CreateresultSet fails with null column in CqlResultSet

2013-02-01 Thread Andy Cobley
Aaron, Ticket is at Andy On 1 Feb 2013, at 18:01, aaron morton wrote: > I think > is > the place to raise the issue. > > Can you update

conditional update or insert

2013-02-01 Thread Jay Svc
Hi All, On each row I have a column which maintains the timestamp like "lastUpdated" etc. While inserting such row I want to make sure that the row should be only updated if the lastUpdated is older than the new one I am inserting. One way to do this is - Read the record first check the timesta

Re: initial_token

2013-02-01 Thread Edward Capriolo
You do not just want to vnodes without being sure. Some queries are not optimized for vnodes and issue 128 slices to solve some secondaryIndexQueries. On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 12:55 PM, Víctor Hugo Oliveira Molinar wrote: > Do not set initial_token when using murmur3partitioner. > instead, set num

Re: Cassandra pending compaction tasks keeps increasing

2013-02-01 Thread Derek Williams
Did the node list itself as a seed node in cassandra.yaml? Unless something has changed, a node that considers itself a seed will not auto bootstrap. Although I haven't tried it, I think running 'nodetool rebuild' will cause it to stream in the data it needs without doing a repair. On Wed, Jan 30

Not enough replicas???

2013-02-01 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
I need to offer my profound thanks to this community which has been so helpful in trying to figure this system out. I've setup a simple ring with two nodes and I'm trying to insert data to them. I get failures 100% with this error: me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HUnavailableException: :

Re: Not enough replicas???

2013-02-01 Thread Edward Capriolo
Please include the information on how your keyspace was created. This may indicate you set the replication factor to 3, when you only have 1 node, or some similar condition. On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 4:57 PM, wrote: > I need to offer my profound thanks to this community which has been so > helpful

Re: Cassandra pending compaction tasks keeps increasing

2013-02-01 Thread Wei Zhu
That is must be it. Yes. it happens to be the seed. I should have tried "rebuild". Instead I did repair and now I am sitting here waiting for the compaction to finish... Thanks. -Wei From: Derek Williams To:; Wei Zhu Sent: Friday, F

Re: Cassandra behavior on single node

2013-02-01 Thread Edward Capriolo
You are likely hitting the point where compaction is running all the time and consuming all the weak cloud io. Ebs is not suggested for performance you should use the ephermal drives. On Friday, February 1, 2013, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote: > Hello, > > I am trying to figure out why the f

Re: CQL binary protocol

2013-02-01 Thread aaron morton
The spec for the protocol is here;a=blob_plain;f=doc/native_protocol.spec;hb=refs/heads/cassandra-1.2 Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Developer New Zealand @aaronmorton On 1/02/2013,

Re: rangeQuery to traverse keys backward?

2013-02-01 Thread aaron morton
There is no facility to do a get_range in reverse. Rows are ordered by their token, and using the Random or Murmur3 partitioner this means they are randomly ordered. So there is not much need to go backwards, or get 10 rows from either side of a particular row. Can you change your data model