Each compositeType consistes of a few components. Use ("bob", 1982) as an
example, it contains two components, I assume it is (utf8, integer). So when
you want to use a slice query, you need the start and end columns by add
components to them. That is what start.addCompo and end.addCompo...
If you have a node that cannot start up due to issues loading the saved cache
delete the files in the saved_cache directory before starting it.
The settings to save the row and key cache are per CF. You can change them with
an update column family statement via the CLI when attached to any node
check the help for the assume statement in the cli.
If the CF has the key_validation_class set to AsciiType the CLI should do the
right thing.
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
On 17/08/2011, at 6:02 PM, Yang wrote:
> If I SSTLoad data into that KS & CF that has the same key, it will rely on
> timestamps stored in the SSTable to overwrite value "1" or not, right ?
> What if the column is a counter ? Does it overwrite or increment ? Ie if the
> SST I am loading has the exact same setup but value 2, will
The calculation for ownership does not understand the "multi ring" approach to
assigning tokens. I've created
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-3047 for you.
Otherwise your tokens look good to me.
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
Hi All,
I have two questions on Cassandra,
1. Is there any limit(s) on total no. of rows in a single column family?
I am using Cassandra-0.8.4 version.
[default@tutorials] list User;
Using default limit of 100
It looks, here the default limit is 100. How shall I increas
but the data size in the saved_cache are relatively small:
will that cause the load problem?
ls -lh /cassandra/saved_caches/
total 32M
-rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 2.9M 2011-08-12 19:53 cass-CommentSortsCache-KeyCache
-rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 2.9M 2011-08-17 04:29 cass-CommentSortsCache-RowCache
HI Dave,
unfortunately, me and some guys that are very interesting won't be able to
get all the way to London.
Can you please consider using a video streaming service?
I recommend on using Watchitoo.com (I used to work there)
At the moment its free.
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Dave
while I was investigating this issue, I've found that hadoop+cassandra
don't work if you stop even just one node in the cluster. It doesn't
depend on RF. ColumnFamilyRecordReader gets list of nodes (acording
the RF) but chooses just the local host and if there is no cassandra
running localy it
Well, I think what happened was that we had three tokens generated, 0,
567x, and 1134x... but the way that we read the comments in the yaml file,
we just set the second two nodes with the initial token and left the token
for the seed node blank. Then we started the seed node, started the other
And one more patch: http://pastebin.com/zfNPjtQz
This one handles a case where there are no nodes available for a
slice. For example where the is a keyspace with RF=1 and a node is
shut down. Its range of keys gets ignored.
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 13:28, Patrik Modesto wrote:
> Hi,
> What if the column is a counter ? Does it overwrite or increment ? Ie if
> the SST I am loading has the exact same setup but value 2, will my value
> change to 3 ?
> Counter columns only know how to increment (assuming no deletes), so you
> will get 3. See
> https://github.com/apache/cassandr
Thanks. it helps.
2011/8/17 Boris Yen
> Each compositeType consistes of a few components. Use ("bob", 1982) as an
> example, it contains two components, I assume it is (utf8, integer). So when
> you want to use a slice query, you need the start and end columns by add
> components to them. That i
1. The 100 row limit is for listing (i.e. how many rows that the list command
will print). You can give list another limit:
list User limit 1000;
This limit has nothing to do with any internal Cassandra limitation. I am not
aware of any limitation on the number of rows that you can have.
2. I be
After upgrading to cass 0.8.4 from cass 0.6.11. I ran scrub. That worked
fine. Then I ran nodetool repair on one of the nodes. The disk usage on
data directory increased from 40GB to 480GB, and it's still growing.
The cluster has 4 nodes with replica factor 3. The ring shows:
Can you point to a line in Cassandra sources where you believe it does
not understand the "multi ring" approach?
I'm not sure about Cassandra team but Hector team likes pull requests
with patches.
Anyways, I believe I should run a test to see if data is indeed
replicated between datacenters
Look at my last two or three threads. I've encountered the same thing and
got some pointers/answers.
On Aug 17, 2011 4:03 PM, "Huy Le" wrote:
> Hi,
> After upgrading to cass 0.8.4 from cass 0.6.11. I ran scrub. That worked
> fine. Then I ran nodetool repair on one of the nodes. The disk usage on
See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-2388
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 6:28 AM, Patrik Modesto
> Hi,
> while I was investigating this issue, I've found that hadoop+cassandra
> don't work if you stop even just one node in the cluster. It doesn't
> depend on RF. ColumnFamilyRecor
Sorry for the duplicate thread. I saw the issue being referenced to
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-2280. However, I am
running version 0.8.4. I saw your comment in on of the threads that the
issue is not reprocible, but multiple users have the same issue. This there
Thanks, Aaron! In terms of dropping stuff from the CLI, I tried to re-drop
the remaining built column index and get the following error message. I
wonder if there's some sort of parser bug related to numeric vs alpha
tokens. The column name below is col2 from the show keyspace dump earlier
in th
thanks a lot, this works great
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 1:34 AM, aaron morton wrote:
> check the help for the assume statement in the cli.
> If the CF has the key_validation_class set to AsciiType the CLI should do
> the right thing.
> Cheers
> -
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance
We're noticing that when one node gets hot (very high cpu usage) because of
'nodetool repair', the whole cluster's performance becomes really bad.
We're using 0.8.0 with random partition. We have 6 nodes with RF 5. Our repair
is scheduled to run once a week, spread across whole cluster. I d
Sorry, correction, we're using 0.8.1.
On Aug 17, 2011, at 11:24 AM, Hefeng Yuan wrote:
> Hi,
> We're noticing that when one node gets hot (very high cpu usage) because of
> 'nodetool repair', the whole cluster's performance becomes really bad.
> We're using 0.8.1 with random partition. We
Just wondering, would it help if we shorten the rpc_timeout_in_ms (currently
using 30,000), so that when one node gets hot and responding slowly, others
will just take it as down and move forward?
On Aug 17, 2011, at 11:35 AM, Hefeng Yuan wrote:
> Sorry, correction, we're using 0.8.1.
> On A
I se this error while the application tries to connect to cassandra at
the same time from 2 different threads: any clues:
ERROR [pool-1-thread-13] 2011-07-29 06:46:45,718
CustomTThreadPoolServer.java (line 222) Error occurred during processing
of message.
I se this error while the application tries to connect to cassandra at
the same time from 2 different threads: any clues:
ERROR [pool-1-thread-13] 2011-07-29 06:46:45,718
CustomTThreadPoolServer.java (line 222) Error occurred during processing
of message.
I forgot to mention that we are on 0.7.4 now...
On 8/17/2011 12:31 PM, Alaa Zubaidi wrote:
I se this error while the application tries to connect to cassandra at
the same time from 2 different threads: any clues:
ERROR [pool-1-thread-13] 2011-07-29 06:46:45,718
I installed deb Cassandra 0.8.4 packages from the apt repo a la:
Where is sstableloader? Also, where is the tool to convert old
storage-schema.xml files to the new yaml (I think it's called
Thanks for the help.
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Christopher Bottaro
> I installed deb Cassandra 0.8.4 packages from the apt repo a
> la: http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/DebianPackaging
> Where is sstableloader?
Looks like it isn't included in the deb yet. Can you open a ticket to add it?
> Also, wher
Looking at the logs, I see that repairs stream data TO and FROM a node to
its replicas.
So on a 3-node RF=3 cluster, one only needs to launch repairs on a single
node right ?
Hi All,
Thanks a lot.
How to sort row key in CF using CLI / API ? Does it boost the search
performance ?
As of now, I am inserting row key( as ByteBuffer ) from Hadoop Map/Reduce. It
looks, by default Cassandra does not sort the Row keys.
Below is the cli command, I have used to create CF.
I restarted the cluster and kicked off repair on the same node again. It
only made the matter worse. It filled up the 830GB partition, and cassandra
on the node repair ran on crashed. I restarted it, and now I am running
compaction to reduce disk usage.
Repair after upgrading to 0.8.4 is still
I have a smallish keyspace on my 3 node, RF=3 cluster. My cluster has no
read/write traffic while I am testing repairs. I am running 0.8.4 of debian
packages on ubuntu.
I've know run 7 repairs in a row on this keyspace and every single one has
finished successfully but performed streams between al
Almost, but not quite: if you have nodes A,B,C and repair A, it will
transfer A<->B, A<->C, but not B<->C.
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-2610 is open to make
this match your intuition.
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Philippe wrote:
> Looking at the logs, I see that repairs st
Thanks. I turned on the log for Cassandra and the batch mutation was not
called at all. Seems have to dig into the API code myself.
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 7:25 PM, aaron morton wrote:
> I suggested turning up the logging to see if the server processed a
> batch_mutate call. This is done from the
Have you tried repairing one keyspace at a time and then giving it some
breathing time to compact.
My current observations is that the streams of repairs are triggering
massive compactions which are filling up my disks too. Another idea I'd like
to try is to limit the number of concurrent comp
> Almost, but not quite: if you have nodes A,B,C and repair A, it will
> transfer A<->B, A<->C, but not B<->C.
But on a 3 node cluster once you do A<->B & A<->C, why don't you
transitively get B<->C ?
> One question on nodetool ring, the "owns" refers to how many of the possible
> keys each node owns, not the actual node size correct?
> So you could technically have a load of 15gb, 60gb, and 15gb on a three node
> cluster, but if you have the tokens set correctly each would own 33.33%.
That is my understanding.
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
On 18/08/2011, at 12:36 AM, Philippe wrote:
>> What if the column is a counter ? Does it overwrite or increment ? Ie if the
>> SST I am loading has the exact
See the bug report, implementations of IPartitioner.describeOwnership()
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
On 18/08/2011, at 2:58 AM, Oleg Tsvinev wrote:
> Aaron,
> Can you point to a line in Cassandra sources where y
ooo, didn't know there was a drop index statement.
I got the same result, the Antlr grammar seems to say it's a valid identifier
(not that I have much Antlr foo)…
: (Letter | Alnum) (Alnum | '_' | '-' )*
: 'a'..'z'
| 'A'..'Z'
wrt the Exception something has shutdown the Mutation thread pool. The only
thing I can see in the code to do this is nodetool drain and running the
Embedded server. If it was drain you should see an INFO level messages "Node is
drained" somewhere. Could either of these things be happening ?
What client, what version, what version of cassandra are you using ?
Looks like you are connecting with an old version of thrift, like the message
says. Check the client you are using was made for cassandra 0.8.
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
Rows are sorted according to the order of the partitioner, see
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
On 18/08/2011, at 8:53 AM, Thamizh wrote:
> Hi All,
> Thanks a lot.
Thanks Aaron for the response. We're not doing drain on node, and there's no
that message in the log.
endpoint_snitch: org.apache.cassandra.locator.PropertyFileSnitch
dynamic_snitch: false
dynamic_snitch_badness_threshold: 0.0
Because we have another 3 nodes DC for Brisk
Because they are occurring in parallel.
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Philippe wrote:
>> Almost, but not quite: if you have nodes A,B,C and repair A, it will
>> transfer A<->B, A<->C, but not B<->C.
> But on a 3 node cluster once you do A<->B & A<->C, why don't you
> transitively get B<->C ?
Because the file only preserve the "key" of records, not the whole record.
Records for those saved key will be loaded into cassandra during the startup
of cassandra.
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 5:52 PM, Yan Chunlu wrote:
> but the data size in the saved_cache are relatively small:
> will that caus
Hi Aaron,
Thanks for the reply.
I am running 0.7.4 and NO client.
The error was reported by the application where it fails to connect and
it happens that 2 threads are trying to connect at the same time. and
when I checked the cassandra log I found these errors??
On 8/17/2011 4:29
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 17:08, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
> See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-2388
Ok, thanks for the JIRA ticker. I've found that very same problem
during my work on ignoring unavailabla ranges.
But there is the another problem with Hadoop-Cassandra, if there is no
49 matches
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