HI Dave,
unfortunately, me and some guys that are very interesting won't be able to
get all the way to London.
Can you please consider using a video streaming service?

I recommend on using Watchitoo.com (I used to work there)
At the moment its free.


On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Dave Gardner <d...@cruft.co> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm pleased to announce our next Cassandra meetup on 5th September in
> London.
> http://www.meetup.com/Cassandra-London/events/29668191/
> We will be looking at failure modes in Cassandra (how it deals with nodes
> failing and returning etc..) as well as a comparison with HBase.  It's a
> great opportunity to meet other users of Cassandra, so please come along!
> Dave

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