Each compositeType consistes of a few components. Use ("bob", 1982) as an
example, it contains two components, I assume it is (utf8, integer). So when
you want to use a slice query, you need the start and end columns by add
components to them. That is what start.addCompo.... and end.addCompo...
means. For more information please refer to

For you question, I think replace "abc" with "bob" should do the trick.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 4:56 AM, Alvin UW <alvi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> can anyone give an explanation of
> start.addComponent("abc", StringSerializer.get()) ;
> end.addComponent("abc", StringSerializer.get(), "UTF8Type",
> AbstractComposite.ComponentEquality.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL) ;
> Suppose my composite column names are like ("bob", 1982),  ("bob", 1976).
> There are more than one "bob" in my table.
> now I only know I want to query "bob", but don't know the birth year, how
> can I get all the column values of "Bob"? with the help of composite type.
> 2011/8/4 Boris Yen <yulin...@gmail.com>
>> Assume you have a column family named "testCF" with comparator *
>> CompositeType*(AsciiType, IntegerType(reversed=true), IntegerType); and a
>> few columns have been inserted into record key "a".
>> ____________________________________
>> Composite start = new Composite() ;
>> Composite end = new Composite() ;
>>  start.addComponent("abc", StringSerializer.get()) ;
>> end.addComponent("abc", StringSerializer.get(), "UTF8Type",
>> AbstractComposite.ComponentEquality.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL) ;
>> SliceQuery<String, ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer> query =
>> HFactory.createSliceQuery(keyspace, StringSerializer.get(),
>> ByteBufferSerializer.get(), ByteBufferSerializer.get());
>>  query.setKey("a");
>> query.setColumnFamily("testCF");
>> query.setRange(start.serialize(), end.serialize(), false, 100);
>> List<HColumn<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer>> columns =
>> query.execute().get().getColumns();
>> On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 3:19 PM, CASSANDRA learner <
>> cassandralear...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Can you please gimme an example on this using hector client
>>> On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 7:18 AM, Boris Yen <yulin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> It seems to me that your column name consists of two components. If you
>>>> have the luxury to upgrade your cassandra to 0.8.1+, I think you can think
>>>> about using the composite type/column. Conceptually, it might suit your use
>>>> case better.
>>>> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 5:28 AM, Eldad Yamin <elda...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I wonder if I can select a column or all columns that start with X.
>>>>> E.g I have columns ABC_1, ABC_2, ZZZ_1 and I want to select all columns
>>>>> that start with ABC_ - is that possible?
>>>>> Thanks!

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