statement from your email:
> SELECT * FROM m_ps_project_policy_device4 where project_id=1337 and
> policy_id=7331 and device_id='1234567890' group by policy_id, device_id
> limit 1;
> …why would you have the “group by policy_id, device_id” sectio
Hi all,
I am bumping this email hoping that it can reach a larger audience.
On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 11:45 AM Joseph Wonesh
> Hello,
> I have a materialized view defined by the following:
> CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW m_ps_project_policy_device0 AS
SC to achieve what I want to do using the built-in group
by aggregations? I am hoping there is a way to achieve what I want to do
(getting the most recent record for each of the tuples using the built-in aggregation functions.
Joseph Wonesh
This message is private and confidential.
On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 3:55 PM Joseph Wonesh
> Thank you for your reply. I actually found your blog post regarding this
> topic and browsed through it, but it did not yield the answer I was looking
> for. In fact, it seems impossible to do what I wish to do without defi
like to be able to
simply add a data column of type set and then get all of the unique
members in this set across an aggregation.
On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 1:44 PM DuyHai Doan wrote:
> You will need to use user defined aggregates for this
> Le 23 oct. 2018 16:46, "Joseph Wonesh"
Hello all,
I am trying to aggregate rows which each contain a column of Set.
I would like the result to contain the sum of all sets, where null would be
equivalent to the empty set. I expected a query like: "select
sum(my_set_column) from my_table group by my_key_column" to do this, but
the set t