Thank you for your reply. I actually found your blog post regarding this
topic and browsed through it, but it did not yield the answer I was looking
for. In fact, it seems impossible to do what I wish to do without defining
a UDA for this specific use case -- something that is not practical to do
when all of my queries use 'group by'.

For example, I ave a query like this:

select sum(a), avg(a), min(a), max(a), MY_UDF(my_set_column) from my_table
group by a;

I would hope that using a UDF for my_set_column would allow me to combine
all of the my_set_columns passed in via group by, but I cannot pass state
to the UDF. A UDA can accept state, but that would require me rewriting the
whole query to be:

select MY_UDA(a, my_set_column) from my_table;

Additionally, I would need a separate UDA for each of the different group
by clauses. Is there no way around this? I would really like to be able to
simply add a data column of type set<bigint> and then get all of the unique
members in this set across an aggregation.

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 1:44 PM DuyHai Doan <> wrote:

> You will need to use user defined aggregates for this
> Le 23 oct. 2018 16:46, "Joseph Wonesh" <> a
> écrit :
>> Hello all,
>>  I am trying to aggregate rows which each contain a column of
>> Set<BIGINT>. I would like the result to contain the sum of all sets, where
>> null would be equivalent to the empty set. I expected a query like: "select
>> sum(my_set_column) from my_table group by my_key_column" to do this, but
>> the set type is not supported by this aggregate. Does anyone know of a way
>> to aggregate this using existing cassandra built-ins? Thanks!
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