On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 03:04:28PM -0500, Earl Hood wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 2:21 PM, Chris Barlock wrote:
> > Thank you, Steve. If I make the executable="/bin/sh" and uncomment the
> > protoc command, I get:
> You need the -c option to /bin/sh to indicat
t, the exec
> task failed saying "cannot execute binary file" for protoc. Where have I
> gone wrong here?
Wild cards like /root/CCM/src/protobuf/asf/*.proto are expanded by the
shell in unix type o/s's. When you took out the /bin/sh you no longer
get this expanded. I
Boy, this brings back memories. I wrote that code a dozen years ago.
Haven't used StarTeam for over 10 so I'm not the go-to-guy anymore.
Good luck, though!
On 07/22/2014 09:05 AM, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On 2014-07-17, Eric Fetzer wrote:
We're upgrading our StarTeam ve
really means "*prepend *the given classpathref
before other classpaths, including the system classpath." This turns
out to be exceedingly useful. And, while the reverseloader attribute is
marked as deprecated (and has been since the beginning), I have been
assured that it isn
it as a message to be ignored.
Many thanks again for your input and help!
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Developer
println GroovySystem.getVersion()
*output with Ant 1.7.1:*
*without reverseloader="true":*
[echo] ant: Apache An
Please see:
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Developer
On 8/8/2012 7:58 AM, GNSH wrote:
How to get the files checksum. ?
suppose i have two files or more like one.jar and two.jar .geting these two
file checksum and comparing with
ter way to give my classpath priority other than the
*reverseloader *trick, can someone provide example code that works in
both Ant 1.7 and 1.8 (even if conditional code is used) so that I get it
Many thanks!
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Developer
is for this problem, even if
it is (1) above.
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Developer
On 8/3/2012 1:57 PM, Steve Amerige wrote:
Hi all,
My Ant script is being called with an environment including the
classpath that includes the folder containing the
groovy-all-1.7.10.jar file.
rious tasks, macros, etc. that are
defined back on the Ant side and I want logging information to go to the
same logfile as well.
*Can anyone think of a way to execute some Groovy 2.0 code given that
the classpath already includes a 1.7 Groovy jar file?*
Steve Amerige
SAS Inst
I'm having a problem with the force='true' directive over SSHFS. At first I
thought it was just being ignored but I think the bug is more subtle than that.
Based on the error it may even be a race condition.
I have attached an example build file that demonstrates the error, basically
every oth
e. Can anyone suggest how I
can do the above?
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Development
On 1/25/2012 1:12 PM, Scot P. Floess wrote:
Definitely gonna need to think about this ;) At this point, "I got
nothin'" ;)
On Wed, 25 Jan 2012, Steve Am
ut the above doesn't work.
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Development
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task
def groovydoit()
will define the
*mytokenizer *macrodef or scriptdef in the same file as the *myentrypoint *and I can use Ant 1.7, Ant-Contrib, and Groovy code.
I'm trying to figure out how to define *mytokenizer *to solve this problem.
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Development
(essentially, Java), that something might still be possible.
Any ideas?
Many thanks,
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Development
t version.
Please feel free to improve on the code below and please do share with me directly or in this list with your comments and/or
improvements. Again, thanks to Scot for his energetic, fun, and useful contributions!
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Development
I've also wondered if a groovy script might be the best way to go. Any
pointers for either of these workarounds?
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Development
On 11/10/2011 8:44 AM, Vimil Saju wrote:
Hi all,
So, I'm guessing that Ant 1.7+ (with optional Ant-Contrib) doesn't support
negative lookahead regex searches.
So, I'm refocusing on the main objective here: I want a propertyset that excludes properties matching certain patterns. Any idea as
to how to accomplish this?
See the regular expression page on this:
Thanks for any assistance!
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Development
uming that an element has optional="true", is there a way to test whether the
element, in fact, is being used by the caller? This might be useful information to know inside the definition of the macrodef.
Thanks for your response, again!
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment
like. Also, I'd like to be able to add *optional="true"* to the element. But, I don't know how to
check in the macrodef whether an element was actually used or not by the caller (again, in Ant only, possibly with Ant-Contrib).
What do you think? Can you improve on the
, can you show an example of how the mymacrodef would be
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Development
s to check for a macrodef, not sure about targets?
The conditions <http://ant.apache.org/manual/Tasks/conditions.html> page tells us: "Types include tasks, datatypes, scriptdefs,
macrodefs and presetdefs." So, I'm not sure if target is a task. I'll check it out.
Hi Vimil,
Thanks for the feedback. Any specifics on just how to do what you mention
(even if untested)?
Thanks again,
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Development
On 11/3/2011 9:55 AM, Vimil Saju wrote:
I think you can use the scriptdef task to do this. You can write a
e entire JVM to be loaded (e.g., as with antcall).
My environment is Ant 1.7 and allows for the use of Ant-Contrib and Groovy.
Any ideas on how to do this? Even better, any solutions anyone have to share?!
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Development
Hi Stefan,
Thanks for the super-rapid reply. I'll try a couple of approaches and report back what seems to do the best job. It might just be
that using (in a switch statement catering for all desired operating systems) is the only way to get exact timestamps, ACLs, etc.
Again thanks!
doesn't fix this issue, it just changes the badness from one form to another.
The task doesn't mention the 2-second granularity problem, but even with , the documentation seems to imply that
it damages the modes (see the filemode and dirmode attributes).
When I get a chance, I&
doesn't seem to be well maintained. Nor are the results particularly professional looking. I'm hoping you can recommend
something better that is being maintained.
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Developer
ow significant are they?
Because of the syntax and Eclipse issues above, I tend to prefer runtarget over macrodef for zero-argument functions. Is there any
compelling reason to argue against using runtarget given the assumptions above?
whether there are any practical (e.g., perfomance) reasons for favoring macrodef over runtarget.
Gotta love this group... good technical discussions here!
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Developer
* P.S.
On 7/8/2011 11:49 AM, Dominique Devienne wrote:
Using and is IMHO a sy
/8/2011 11:27 AM, Perrier, Nathan wrote:
No, because antcall creates a new project underneath the hood, whereas
runtarget (antcontrib task) does not.
-Original Message-----
From: Steve Amerige [mailto:steve.amer...@sas.com]
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 10:21 AM
To: Ant Users List
Are the two statements below equivalent?
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Developer
me="...") are validated. But, the Ant code doesn't match what is specified by the XML BNF. Also,
the XML BNF doesn't seem to allow spaces in a *Name* object. Is there an Ant BNF specification that reflects the code?
Is there any formal specification for Ant syntax? Where do
this would make the outline view in
Eclipse better for Ant scripts. Ideas?
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Development
Is there any notion of scoping? I'd love to hear what Ant
is capable of doing with respect to var, property, macrodef, scriptdef, etc. scoping for Ant 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8.
Thanks for your help.... it's very much appreciated!
Best regards,
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Softwa
ith a dot, so there is never a problem with conflicts. I had considered both the
"-" and the "." as a leading character to indicate the name is local. But, you've given a good reason to avoid "-". Thanks!
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software D
tion of the Ant language anywhere?
Can anyone help me to understand authoritatively what is allowed for name values and where in the Ant manual or specification I can
read more?
Many thanks for any assistance!
Best regards,
Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Development
king for something to go live
before running the unit tests against it
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, which would never grab the 1.1.0. Never
done it, but just trying to think what I'd do.
On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 11:46 AM, Mike Quilleash
> Thanks Steve. I've thought about your suggestions below but I think I really
> don't want to ever use latest.integratio
On 15/09/10 05:27, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On 2010-09-14, Rafael de F. Ferreira wrote:
From a cursory inspection of org.apache.tools.ant.AntClassLoader, it
seems Ant only delegates to the system ClassLoader if the class being
loaded belongs to a fixed set of packages[1].
No, Ant almost always
On 18/09/10 15:42, Chee Yang Chau wrote:
I don't understand, how to use ant-webdav?
the basic answer was "no, somebody has to write one".
what it does do really well is support SCP most project deploy using SCP
to push their artifacts up to the remote site
On 25/03/2010 05:27, jan.mate...@rzf.fin-nrw.de wrote:
Ant is a buildtool.
Letting the build waiting for incoming HTTP requests will slow down the build
and I dont see any reason why.
So could you please elaborate about your use case?
- who will create the http request
- what kind of request is
home grown XML files in my source tree, but I'd like to
be able to avoid extracting the 3rd party XML files to include them in my
sources. Is there a way to include XML file(s) from the 3rd party JAR similar
to the following:
Thanks in advance,
l in extra java source files if imported, it may
compile more than you expect.
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Ajay Mehra wrote:
I have a build file which consists of multiple targets so if i have to run
some targets at some point of time.letz say my Target1 should run at 1 p.m and
my Target2 should run at 2pm.so is there any feature availabe in ant so that i
can plan my targets to run like t
Bill Au wrote:
I have a need to limit the max heap size of the javah task. So I am using a
When I invoke javah directly with the same argument it actually works
without error:
javah -J-Xmx512m -classpath build/classes
Knuplesch, Juergen wrote:
I got now the Java profiler on. Maybe I will find out, whats going on.
But now javadoc ran outofmemory, probably because of my change from 32Bit to
64Bit java.
Use -XX:+UseCompressedOops -best feature of Java 6u15.
Knuplesch, Juergen wrote:
Hello Steve,
I had my problems with junitreport before
This time the PermGenSpace error happens with saxon.
For this XSLT I had to use saxon.
In my build I use Saxon and for junitreport the standard VM xsl processor,
How do I tell junitreport to use Saxon or
Knuplesch, Juergen wrote:
Thanks for your answer!
Good to know, that there are known problems.
I already fork the junit tests. I even have parted the tests into three parts,
because of earlier challenges.
Memory eater is also junitreport (especially for 2200 tests) etc., all the XSLT st
Francis GALIEGUE wrote:
ort is fairly quick.
How can I diagnose the problem precisely? Can I use another XSL
processor that will be faster than xalan-j2?
Well, a simple ant -v showed the problem, as it shows which files are
parsed. The two bigger files are 10 MB and 9 MB respectively! The
jdeisenberg wrote:
Steve Loughran wrote:
Scot P. Floess wrote:
so unless you are setting any kind of factory for the xml parser, it
should use the stock XML parser that comes with Java.
ant -diagnostics finds the XML parser
That's the problem. diagnostics ends with
Scot P. Floess wrote:
so unless you are setting any kind of factory for the xml parser, it
should use the stock XML parser that comes with Java.
ant -diagnostics finds the XML parser
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I'm not sure that
XML is the right format; its painful to split up and process in chunks
If you want to improve what we have, I'd welcome it. Something
streamable that can be turned back into "classic" XML, yet also
Cole, Derek E wrote:
I don't think this will be possible really. The filesystem is actually
a clearcase snapshot view on that NAS...it gets a set of default
permissions when the view is created/updated.
Clearcase is not a normal FS, wierd things happen. I fear it. If
anything misbehaves, reb
Jason Rutherglen wrote:
Hello, please excuse the newbie question.
For the Apache Lucene project I'd like to paralleize the unit tests by
subclassing JUnitTask into ParallelJUnitTask which executes JUnitTests in
I don't understand how to place things like into the new
task tag properly
Garima Bathla wrote:
David :
Thanks, I have tried setting the class-path via manifestclasspath task as
well within a build.xml ant script and it is the same result, with long
class-path's the jar names are split over differnt lines with \n and space
This is by design
Michael Ludwig wrote:
Steve Loughran schrieb am 16.06.2009 um 16:47:55 (+0100):
Michael Ludwig wrote:
Okay, so you were talking about Java limitations in general, not Java
limitations within the context of an Ant extension?
Thanks for clarifying.
What you're saying
Laurent Morissette wrote:
Hi everyone
I have an issue regarding clearantlib
I try to get a stream baselin with a custom task defined as follow
Where I struggle is that system ou are not shown in console (So no logging
Ant does tricks to capture the log, you shouldnt print to it. N
Michael Ludwig wrote:
Steve Loughran schrieb am 15.06.2009 um 12:40:59 (+0100):
Michael Ludwig wrote:
Steve Loughran schrieb am 12.06.2009 um 11:49:48 (+0100):
we do strive to be more declarative than fully procedural languages,
we don't have loops and so lack full turing-equivalence.
You could fail but set the exit code to 0. It will still print fail,
though that is actually the job of the logger. There's no reason why a
custom logger cant skip that fail message if the exit code is 0, or even
print out whatever the exception message text is that raises.
Michael Ludwig wrote:
Steve Loughran schrieb am 12.06.2009 um 11:49:48 (+0100):
we do strive to be more declarative than fully procedural languages,
we don't have loops and so lack full turing-equivalence. There are
also limits to what you can do in java
I think I can take this to mea
Michael Ludwig wrote:
Ina, Antoine schrieb am 11.06.2009 um 19:58:37 (+0200):
I am posing a general question about Ant vs Make vs Batch:
1- What is advantage of Ant script over regular Batch script that
calls up the solution files for all the projects in your system tree
of projects(for Windows
Michael Ludwig wrote:
Ashley Williams schrieb am 11.06.2009 um 17:51:45 (+0100):
// create the ant parent project
Project project = new Project();
// create the child targ
Steve Loughran http://www.1060.org/blogxter/publish/5
Author: Ant in Action http://antbook.org/
To unsubscri
David Nemer wrote:
Hey Guys, thank you all for your help, I'm answering the questions from
Ashley, Steve and Kevin, some answers are huge due to the compilation
message ANT provides. Just a reminder, I'm running ANT in a Linux Server, my
overall goal is to download a version from a
How can I do this?
If you can, this is best handled by a CI tool, of which hudson is
probably the best around
It not only does the notifications, it can tell you who broke the build,
and serve up the test results and log as HTML pages
David Nemer wrote:
Just a remark, when I run the application and /opt/jdk1.6.0_06/lib/tools.jar
to the classpath. It gives me a different error message: "Compile failed;
see the compiler error output for details." there is no error msg and it
1. is this a package-m
jan.mate...@rzf.fin-nrw.de wrote:
I just installed ant on a new windows XP workstation. I have
the following
If I type
ant -version it runs, reports the version then hangs with
NTVDM.exe taking
half the cpu. Does any
Scott Stark wrote:
asks for entry of some string; it doesn't ask if the property is
already set, so for CI servers you set it up with login details for that
For talking to a nested shell script, I think the component can
do that
I looked at telnet, which is why I thought there might
Scott Stark wrote:
Ant has optional Perforce tasks, and these tasks use the globalopts
setting, so you can pass a password though that.
Hi David, yes I saw that but couldn't find anything that does what I want.
Our Perforce install does not allow you to pass a password as a command
line paramet
difference is just the namespace. But, based on the example given in the doc
page (basically the thing I had problems with) I didn't need the namespace
at all. so, how would I get it to work like that (on 1.6 or higher)?
btw, I should have mentioned my ant version: 1.7.1
Thanks, that seems to work (missing a tho). I assume that I would
do the same for ?
I have a dumb question, according to this page:
is valid for ant 1.6 or higher... so the doc is wrong?
On 2/5/09, Peter Reilly wrote
at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java:758)
at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.startAnt(Main.java:217)
at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:257)
at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:104)
Total time: 0 seconds
Can someone help?
Shawn Castrianni wrote:
How can I use the new JUnit 4.1 with ANT 1.7.X? If I put the new junit.jar on
the classpath, everything seems to work until the very end when the unit test
report is created. ANT tries to use the XSL stylesheets from ant-junit.jar
which apparently is not compatible wi
bhavani shanker wrote:
Could you please elaborate on the two sources which u referred to in the
previous mail. SVN log lists only committers but not developers (who r not
committers). So it provides me only half information. And as said, Bugzilla
is where all developers submit their patches etc.
Rohit P wrote:
I have to write a build script that will invoke a batch file on remote m/c
if it runs SSH, you can in. If it is just a windows box, install
telnet service and run .
Steve Loughran http://www.1060.org/blogxter/publish/5
Author: Ant in Action
- You should specify unicode content in the XML as valid XML content,
not escaped \u0123 style.
-The task and things that use it set up the command line; there's
a risk that it could get in the way and not preserve high unicode
content. If so, its something we need to test for
-A more rel
Eric Cambray (BlueXML) wrote:
I tried different things and I have now a acceptable time. I uninstalled
my anti-virus (McAffee) and now all is ok.
So it's not ant.
But under windows XP with an antivirus we don't have the problem.
some AV tools with "real time antivirus protection" do
Rez wrote:
Is it possible to create the directories on the remote server on the fly as the scp ant task is executed or do I need to run sshexec to create them first?
I use sshexec first, with a mkdir -p as the command. I also have a
couple of presetdef definitions to simplify making com
Hendrik Maryns wrote:
Steve Loughran schreef:
The way we do root level access is to ssh in to localhost and run stuff
as root there. you can either set up the command with the relevant
(property driven) password,
How would I do that? I need something similar for . Right now
I use a plain
on Mac OS X (Leopard), if that matters.
The way we do root level access is to ssh in to localhost and run stuff
as root there. you can either set up the command with the relevant
(property driven) password, or set up the ssh keys so that you can ssh
in to [EMAIL PROTECTED] using k
Some of that code is something we should really pull into Ant to make it
easier; some EmbeddedProject you create to remove effort. What do you
think, Stefan?
Steve Loughran http://www.1060.org/blogx
as usual, contributions to improve this -more examples etc- are welcome.
Steve Loughran http://www.1060.org/blogxter/publish/5
Author: Ant in Action http://antbook.org/
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pull this ; add a target that prints a warning
There was a Problem with endToEnd Tests!"
the message is only printed if the tests failed. In our big projects we
make the operation conditional because we may want to test lots
of modules and not stop at
Can't make ApacheCon this week in New Orleans? You can still watch all
the keynotes, Apache 101 sessions, and system administration track in
live video streams:
Keynotes and the Apache 101 lunchtime sessions are free; the f
Rohit P wrote:
I just now had a chance to look into ant task. I would definitely
start working on it and make good use of it in my time-consuming build
scripts. To know it still better wanted to have a look into few examples
that use this task.
I guess most of them have come over this ant t
e class to load right;
3. check you have all other classes it needs on the classpath right too
Steve Loughran http://www.1060.org/blogxter/publish/5
Author: Ant in Action http://antbook.org/
To unsu
Morgan Kinne wrote:
Thanks Steve. You were correct of course. I was evidently trying to delete
files in a directory that didn't exist! Who would have thought that would
result in a security related exception. Bad on me for jumping to the
conclusion I jumped to. All is working properl
rised by this. Maybe
its BSF Manager at play
1. Looking at the stack trace, you've just tried to create a directory
that isnt there
} else if (!fsDir.isDirectory()) {
handle("Directory does not exist:" + fsDir); //here
2. Is there a version of Jy
that one of the boxes things
summertime has ended already. This week is one of those times of year
where any summertime/wintertime bugs show up. Has the bug just surfaced?
Steve Loughran http://www.1060.org/blogxter/publish/5
Author: Ant in Action
Mark Salter wrote:
Settle, William wrote:
Is this an issue with the task, the apache server on the other
side or something I have not configured on the client or server side?
I did read in my google search that Apache does/did not return last
modified information by default, but this might no
scuzzie wrote:
I have a project written in NetBeans 6.1 that I need to be able to compile
on demand using any JDK version from 1.4.2, on a machine that does not have
NetBeans installed (but does have Ant of course). The app compiles under
1.4.2 and up using the Ant xml files generated by Net
build.xml (doesnt have any affect tho):
It looks like whatever wtkpreverify is, it isn't getting the classpath
set up right. Try running ant -verbose to see if the classpath gets
printed out
Steve Loughran http://www.1060.org/blogxter/publish/5
Author: Ant in A
2. Dont do this on the live machine; do it before it gets there
Looking at your code
-you delete a dir
-then copy a file from under that directory
That is unlikely to work well. You should keep that context.xml
somewhere safe and copy it in using overwrite="true"
at play; if there is one place bad
things happen it is there, as property expansion can take place twice,
and other quirks may show up.
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on the task, and do issue select statements to check the database
health. The only variation is to support drivers like mysql and any
other with a method called ping() on them, that lets us ping the
database without doing any work. I don't think it is that much faster
than a SELECT though.
Kothari, Shivani wrote:
Thanks for pointing it out.
I want to check using ant that whether a particular database exits on
MSSQL server? And if it exists I want to proceed further in the
deployment script.
Use the command to issue the relevant SELECT statement against the
database, setting
I don't understand why this is happening, since
ant-junit.jar is shipped within $ANT_HOME/lib directory.
That's not junit.jar. It only contains the Ant classes that depend on
JUnit classes. Please see the library dependency section of the
manual. --DD
mentions the unix script to run which is
Probably best to the unix untar command so that permissions get
preserved, otherwise shell scripts don't have their execute bit set
Steve Loughran http://www.1060.org/blogxter/publish/5
Author: Ant in Action
t ant is faster on
multiway systems
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S Prabhu wrote:
I have developed an ANT Script to perform certain process. I want to test
this ant script without executing it.
Is there is any way to test the ANT Scripts (like, Junit for java APIs)
There is AntUnit, but it will execute the script, just as Junit does for
its code. Yo
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