Hi Flossy,

On 1/25/2012 10:00 AM, Scot P. Floess wrote:
Just at a first glance - one consideration I'd mention is that what you
list is not syntactically correct XML...  So, I think if you wanted
something like that you will need to preprocess and convert to an XML that
can be processed.  Unless that is what you are saying and I've
misunderstood ;)

Thanks for the reply.  You're right in that the syntax wasn't correct.  Here is 
the revision:

<target name="myentrypoint">
<!-- ... -->

      %{mytask} %{myattribute}="%{myvalue}" %{/mytask}

 <!-- ... -->

The *mytokenizer *task would do substitutions for the %{*/token/*} entries.

The requirement is that the tokenization happen not as a pre-process step, but during the execution of the *myentrypoint *target. Compiling code is not available to me. Changing the requirements I need to live with is not possible. I will define the *mytokenizer *macrodef or scriptdef in the same file as the *myentrypoint *and I can use Ant 1.7, Ant-Contrib, and Groovy code.

I'm trying to figure out how to define *mytokenizer *to solve this problem.

Steve Amerige
SAS Institute, Deployment Software Development

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