Re: Script Indenting?

2015-12-15 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 15.12.2015 at 12:46 Uhr -0800 Dr. Hawkins apparently wrote: It's still an issue . . . it takes a few seconds on my very long scripts. Maybe tab should indent only a single handler and option-tab indent the entire script. RObert ___ use-liveco

B2 Cloud Storage

2015-12-16 Thread Robert Brenstein
Has anyone already looked into using BackBlaze's cloud storage from LiveCode? RObert ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscri

7.1.3 installer failure

2016-03-30 Thread Robert Brenstein
When using 7.1.2, I am getting a prompt to upgrade to 7.1.3. Fine, do it, I say. The download completes, then I get error that the image failed to mount (this is OSX). When I click retry, apparently wrong image is mounted since I get an offer to install 7.1.2 not 7.1.3. If I say to proceed, 7.1

Re: Script Only Stack Architecture

2016-03-31 Thread Robert Brenstein
Thanks, Richard, that is a very, very nice intro to behaviors! On 31.03.2016 at 9:52 Uhr -0700 Richard Gaskin apparently wrote: Behaviors are very powerful for all sorts of things, whether you work alone or in a team of twenty. The biggest benefit for teamwork comes from the very separate

Re: [OT] Want to help build a new HyperCard

2016-05-19 Thread Robert Brenstein
There was actually a Hypercard-like front-end being built in Metacard at some point and was actually quite advanced as I recall. If I am not mistaken it was made open-source. RObert On 19.05.2016 at 16:07 Uhr +0300 Richmond apparently wrote: That has already been discussed over in the forums.

Re: System date

2016-09-07 Thread Robert Brenstein
The problem might be that changing the language does not always change the date formats. These are separate settings under OSX. On 7.09.2016 08:20, Terry Judd wrote: Hi Antti - I just tried changing my Mac's default language to Finnish (Suomi) then restarted it, opened Livecode (several version

Re: Serving Videos with LC/iRev

2016-11-28 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 27.11.2016 at 10:37 Uhr -0500 Rick Harrison apparently wrote: So the next good place to publish the eBook would be to . Unfortunately, they want their books to use the .mobi format. That format does not allow embedded content such as videos etc. You have only

Failing to produce multiple-page PDF

2014-11-09 Thread Robert Brenstein
I am trying to print cards from different stacks using open printing to pdf file to produce a PDF file programmatically. When I use the print card of stack format, I get a PDF file with one page for each card as expected. However, when I use the printing into a rectangle format, I get a PDF f

Re: Failing to produce multiple-page PDF

2014-11-09 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 09.11.2014 at 8:24 Uhr -0800 Dr. Hawkins apparently wrote: On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 8:04 AM, Robert Brenstein wrote: However, when I use the printing into a rectangle format, I get a PDF file with only a single page. It seems that all cards are printed onto the same page, so mostly

Re: TopStack focus issue

2014-12-07 Thread Robert Brenstein
I have seen such issues having invisible stacks, that is when I was hiding some stacks not closing them during the open sequence. Somehow they got focus at the end and did not release it happily. This was in earlier versions, though. RObert On 06.12.2014 at 23:00 Uhr + Graham Samuel appar

Re: Installer advice needed

2014-12-18 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 18.12.2014 at 13:09 Uhr +0100 Matthias Rebbe | M-R-D apparently wrote: Is there really a need for an installer on Mac? Most of the mac software is delivered as dmg. The user just has to drag the app bundle or app folder to the Application folder. If you want to graphically pimp your dmg t

Re: How to solve "can't find stack" error

2015-01-15 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 14.01.2015 at 17:01 Uhr -0800 tbodine apparently wrote: Hi all. Looking for some insight here... I have a desktop program built in LC 6.5.1 that uses LC stacks as user files for storing user data in fields and cprops. Mostly this works well. However, I get occasional Error Reports when a few

Re: Livecode server + NGINX ?

2015-01-21 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 21.01.2015 at 8:37 Uhr -0800 Richard Gaskin apparently wrote: A few months ago I was experimenting with multi-processing in LiveCode as an alternative to multi-threading. The literature on each notes the higher overhead of the former compared to the latter, but also that the overhead is n

Re: 7.0 Issues

2015-02-20 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 20.02.2015 at 0:09 Uhr + Peter Haworth apparently wrote: Done have any more time to waste on this so back to good old reliable 6.6. Wouldn't it be simpler to just create a separate preferences file for the LC7-based version of the program? It seems that each version works with its ow

Re: [OT] Wireless internet in my flat.

2015-02-25 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 25.02.2015 at 18:25 Uhr +0200 Richmond apparently wrote: I have a wired+wireless router connected to my cable modem in my flat. Would be glad for any pointers as to why. Richmond. Presumably you checked that there are enough wireless addresses active to support all your devices. RObert

Re: Fwd: Quantum tunneling in LiveCode

2015-03-05 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 03.03.2015 at 7:31 Uhr -0500 apparently wrote: The issue of a background group being in two places at once is not quite clarified. Getting back to the script sequence below, when there is a mouseUp handler in a background group, the message, on clicking on the grouped butt

Re: MasterLibrary Naming

2015-03-09 Thread Robert Brenstein
1) IMHO underscores are good for internal functions but not good for public functions of a library. A common prefix for public function is good since it is clear which library is called. 2) I actually like get in function names and see no issue when combining these with put. Put handles the re

Re: Need Help With FTP

2015-04-24 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 24.04.2015 at 8:43 Uhr -0400 Gregory Lypny apparently wrote: Hi Phil, Thanks for the detailed handler! I'll give it a whirl. Blocking is not really the problem for me; it's the session timeouts or dropped connection when downloading many files in a loop. I think the public server does not

Re: Livecode <=> SQL?

2015-05-18 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 18.05.2015 at 0:57 Uhr +0200 Pierre Sahores apparently wrote: Why don't you access it in localhost mode only (via lc server + script/stack lib). I do this all the time to store incoming HTTPS POST data. It's, as long as i know, the most reliable way to go in about server's security task.

Re: Livecode <=> SQL?

2015-05-18 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 18.05.2015 at 16:03 Uhr +0200 Pierre Sahores apparently wrote: Hi Robert, Still works but purely outdated. It was before LC-Server came out and i warmly recommend to use it instead of my old fashion « PHP listener + Metacard/Rev stacks » way to go. Best, Pierre I haven't got into the

Re: Livecode <=> SQL?

2015-05-19 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 18.05.2015 at 21:11 Uhr -0600 Mike Bonner apparently wrote: With lc server, to do the "resident" thing, session control should work, storing current data to the session variables which can then be used in further calls (server side) This way you don't have to send the same repeating data to t

Re: Before and after Livecode

2015-07-18 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 18.07.2015 at 20:28 Uhr +0100 David Bovill apparently wrote: Now with before / after handlers - no logging code in the server - it's so clean and simple it is gorgeous. When I want logging I add the behavior which includes all the efore / after handlers that havve acess to all the data and ju

Re: Underscore uncomment bug in OSX

2015-07-22 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 22.07.2015 at 16:56 Uhr -0700 Jerry Jensen apparently wrote: Thanks Mark, Peter, Colin and Bernd. Very mysterious! I'll try it on a few other computers at work when I get back there tomorrow. .Jerry Have you checked whether the behavior is keyboard related by chance? RObert ___

Re: Underscore uncomment bug in OSX

2015-07-23 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 22.07.2015 at 17:55 Uhr -0700 Jerry Jensen apparently wrote: Thanks for the suggestion, Robert. Yep - two different wired Apple keyboards (with and without numeric keypad) plugged directly into the MacBookPro or into a Thunderblt monitor. Also checked the System Preferences Keyboard pane -

Re: LiveCode and SQLite performace

2015-07-24 Thread Robert Brenstein
A rule of thumb for Mac is 10% of drive being free... I find iStat Menus a useful tool for continuous monitoring of vital parameters (just a happy user). RObert On 23.07.2015 at 15:37 Uhr -0700 JB apparently wrote: If I remember correctly Bob Sneidar said that a you need at least 1/2 of you

Re: Char Set on Custom Properties

2015-09-04 Thread Robert Brenstein
Not an ellegant approach but have you considered having a custom property in your stacks that identify them for you. It sounds like you are in control when those stacks are created and updated, so it might work. RObert On 04.09.2015 at 13:38 Uhr -0500 J. Landman Gay apparently wrote: Barring

Re: [ANN] Text-file DBs

2015-11-05 Thread Robert Brenstein
I wish I could come. I am tasked to build exactly such a thing for the department. Do you have any files that you can share? RObert On 02.11.2015 at 21:02 Uhr -0800 Paul Looney apparently wrote: This coming Thursday evening, Nov. 5th, I will doing a presentation on Text-file Databases at the S

Re: [OT] free personality portraits

2014-05-02 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 29.04.2014 at 22:10 Uhr -0700 Alejandro Tejada apparently wrote: Robert Brenstein wrote [snip] Anybody that completes the first questionnaire can get a short personality portrait emailed to them. [snip] When? I completed the first questionnaire weeks ago. Do not have received this

Re: [OT] free personality portraits

2014-05-09 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 04.05.2014 at 10:48 Uhr +0300 Richmond apparently wrote: I would just like to say how extremely impressed I was by my personality portrait. Thank you, Robert Brenstein. It blew me away. Richmond Have you thought to have your wife and kids get their own portraits, so you can compare

Re: functionNames, commandNames, etc. not returning complete list

2014-05-11 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 11.05.2014 at 14:17 Uhr -0800 Mark apparently wrote: That produced a rather short list of 290 functions (the dictionary lists close to 500). A quick check showed that there are no entries in the output that contain "rev" anything, among others. I'm assuming, probably incorrectly, that the

Re: Variable Named Variable Values?

2014-05-16 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 16.05.2014 at 14:32 Uhr -0400 Rick Harrison apparently wrote: How do I now assign the values to the original Variable Name by referring to the correct variable name read in? This is some kind of a double reference possibly referring to contents or the value of a variable, it may involve a

Re: Nice news for builders of financial apps

2014-05-20 Thread Robert Brenstein
Richard Gaskin wrote Check this out - looks like independent column alignment via a tabAlign property is coming in v7: ... Wow! I have been waiting long, long time for this!!! RObert ___ use-livecode mailing list Pl

Re: UPDATE: Make stack close itself

2014-05-21 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 21.05.2014 at 18:31 Uhr + Bob Sneidar apparently wrote: Okay well that is making a little more sense. So if I put an on idle handler in all my stacks and then pass the message, it should filter down to my mainstack. I suppose I could insert the stack-closing-code in all my substacks, but

Re: Need to filter out items of list

2014-06-03 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 03.06.2014 at 9:35 Uhr -0500 Charles E Buchwald apparently wrote: Good Morning Skip, How about: put fld "super large blob of text" into tFieldText repeat for each line n in tFieldText if item 9 of n is empty OR item 15 of n > 0 then delete n end repeat ... not tested. But it seems li

Re: OT : Advice on SQL database design

2014-07-01 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 01.07.2014 at 1:23 Uhr +0100 Alex Tweedly apparently wrote: I guess there's a meta-question about "what's a good book/source on SQL database design ?" I am trying to design a database. There is one table which contains, let's say, Armed Forces Personnel - each row is a different person -

Re: Adjusting the size of cards in a stack

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 08.07.2014 at 9:44 Uhr -0700 Peter Haworth apparently wrote: I tried that, using the formattedwidth and formattedHeight of the card as theCardWIdth and theCardHeight (plus a few extra pixels for aesthetics). Strangely, that works for one card but the height is incorrect ( less than it should

Re: From my Spam box: "A Newer, Thicker, Stronger . . ."

2014-07-09 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 08.07.2014 at 20:36 Uhr +0300 Richmond apparently wrote: Frankly if all I need is a title: I'll make it in a textField in the IDE, tweak it around and do an "import snapshot" so I end up with an image - then no Unicode needed at all. You'd have to be daft to include 'a bloater' of a librar

Re: ._!

2014-08-26 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 26.08.2014 at 23:01 Uhr + Mark Wieder apparently wrote: I used to write scripts to remove them after the fact, but it would be much simpler/saner to just turn that off altogether. Removing them by script afterwards is the way to go. There is a way to tell Finder not to copy them t

Re: preOpenStack

2014-09-08 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 07.09.2014 at 17:18 Uhr -0500 J. Landman Gay apparently wrote: It seemed non-intuitive to me too that you could put a preOpenStack handler in a card, because the card wasn't open yet. That was wrong-thinking. I asked Mark Waddingham about it some years ago and he said that the entire stack

Re: problem with counting words

2014-10-12 Thread Robert Brenstein
Larry, Change the first line of your function to function commaInsert thisFigure Better yet: function commaInsert pFigure put pFigure into thisFigure Then add before the last end the following line return thisFigure If you have your function anywhere in the path (like in the stack script o

Re: problem with counting words

2014-10-12 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 12.10.2014 at 19:58 Uhr -0600 apparently wrote: Hi Robert, I understand what you wrote. That is not a problem for me. What I want is to be able to put my function into the LC IDE so that I can use it in other stacks. You mention a library stack. I do not know how to make one or use one. I

RE: problem with counting words

2014-10-13 Thread Robert Brenstein
Not particularly challenging but a cool name: Maximilian Maria Thurn and Taxis On 13.10.2014 at 18:54 Uhr -0400 Ralph DiMola apparently wrote: This is something I know about. Between a pretty decent VB com .dll and additional in house rules I get about 95.98% accuracy splitting up US/internati

Re: iPhone Functionality

2011-04-21 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 20.04.11 at 11:32 -0700 Bob Sneidar apparently wrote: Criminy! Well I have nothing to hide, so I'd like to see detailed information. Presently the open source app you can download to show this information reduces the detail and accuracy of the information so that someone malicious can't use

Re: iPhone Functionality

2011-04-21 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 21.04.11 at 16:40 -0700 Bob Sneidar apparently wrote: All the other stuff I was already aware of. Again, their point is that it stored the data on a computer where it could be easily accessed and in an unencrypted form. Sure, someone could get into your computer and grab the file, but as D

Re: Is it possible to get rid of The Save Stack Dialog?

2011-06-05 Thread Robert Brenstein
suspendStack serves a different purpose but the save dialog will pop even if you save the stack in the script of any handler... If you want to avoid that, set the stack mode to modeless in the preopenstack handler. Robert On 05.06.2011 at 8:31 Uhr -0700 Todd Geist apparently wrote: actually

Re: SubStacks and message path

2011-06-05 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 04.06.2011 at 12:58 Uhr +0100 Keith Clarke apparently wrote: Hi Jim, Thanks for the response, clarification and tips. This app has one MainStack (so far!) and it's script contains a handler on preOpenStack, to start using stack "SOAP". So, thanks for confirming that this should place the SO

Re: What's the syntax to check if a local folder exists?

2011-06-07 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 07.06.2011 at 15:16 Uhr +0100 Keith Clarke apparently wrote: Hi folks, I've tried to check if a folder 'is empty' or 'is not true' but I'm obviously missing the magic word - and I know it's not 'please', as LiveCode ignores all my pleading! ;-) Why do I get the feeling it's another one of th

Re: [OT] Text analysis and author, anyone done it?

2011-06-24 Thread Robert Brenstein
You mean like turnitin or crot? Robert ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferenc

Re: formattedheight and formattedwidth

2011-06-26 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 26.06.2011 at 17:42 Uhr -0700 Pete apparently wrote: I think I will have to use the formatted height and width and be consistant about how much room is around the borders of the controls on each card. If your cards vary in size but are static, that is not changed dynamically by users, the

RE: FTP Error

2011-07-28 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 28.07.2011 at 14:02 Uhr -0400 JACK RARICK apparently wrote: RETR /public_ftp/Hartland.iMovieProject /Media/Clip 550 Can't open /public_ftp/Hartland.iMovieProject_/Media/Clip 009.mov_: No such file or directory There seem to be a space in the file name which terminates that path

Re: Where does survive the inventive user ?

2011-07-28 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 28.07.2011 at 15:50 Uhr -0700 Bob Sneidar apparently wrote: I don't agree that Hypercard didn't work. It worked amazingly! Just not as a mainstream development environment, but it was never marketed or presented as such. A lot of people wrote Xcmd's for it. One guy wrote an Xcmd that allowed

Re: Default Button

2011-09-01 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 31.08.2011 at 17:29 Uhr -0700 Pete apparently wrote: I put a default button a card that has a couple of field controls on it. The field controls all have lockText set to true and traversalOn set to false. Pressing the return key when the card is active does not execute the mouseUp handler fo

Re: Tell me I'm not crazy

2011-09-19 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 19.09.2011 at 15:30 Uhr -0500 Tereza Snyder apparently wrote: I recently encountered a problem implementing an undo function in a script. I needed to compare two arrays to see if any values had changed, like this: put (tArray1 <> tArray2) into sDirtyFlag so that sDirtyFlag would be true wh

Re: Tell me I'm not crazy

2011-09-20 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 19.09.2011 at 16:04 Uhr -0500 Tereza Snyder apparently wrote: Look at the docs for "="; LiveCode CAN compare arrays using "=". Ah, something new learned; yes, to quote the docs: The ability to compare two arrays using = was added in version 3.5. Previously, comparing two arrays would have

Re: SqLite to MySQL and back or ?

2011-10-17 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 17.10.2011 at 12:47 Uhr -0700 John Patten apparently wrote: Hi All! I have a little project that is using SQLite to save user data. Essentially, each user has their own table created in the database and it saves records consisting of text content in mutiple fields in each record. The idea

Re: [ann] taskRunner (was Re: [ANN] "World's first supercomputer tablet")

2011-11-09 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 09.11.2011 at 19:38 Uhr + Alex Tweedly apparently wrote: taskRunner is, as I'm sure you can guess, named after Ken Ray's 'stackRunner', but unlike stackRunner it doesn't run "whole" stacks, it simply performs little "tasks", and does so on behalf of another app rather than for a user dir

Re: Wasting space on the forum.

2011-11-11 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 10.11.2011 at 13:15 Uhr +0100 Mark Schonewille apparently wrote: Hi Francis, Usually I don't reply to messages that don't quote the preceding message. If you would like me to answer your questions and take part in discussions that may benefit you, quote the previous message. If you don't w

Re: Read From Socket Question

2011-11-19 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 18.11.2011 at 12:17 Uhr -0600 Warren Kuhl apparently wrote: I am trying to retrieve data from a socket. When I try: read from socket myDecSock until eof put it into tData data Is that your actual code, Warren? There is a typo in the non-working code: myDecSock instead of myDevSock.

Re: Event #44 Wrap-up

2011-11-24 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 24.11.2011 at 1:29 Uhr +0100 Mark Schonewille apparently wrote: Dear LiveCoders, Before I wrap up the latest event, I have a sad announcement to make. Even though we optimistically checked out which system we might use for the next broadcasting, it looks like we've had our last

Re: Filter

2011-12-12 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 11.12.2011 at 23:00 Uhr -0500 apparently wrote: I can do this the long way, but is there a clever sortkey that will sort lines by the length of those lines? something along this should work: sort lines of myVar numeric by length of each Robert ___

Re: [OT] Ghostery

2011-12-12 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 03.08.2011 at 10:52 Uhr -0500 J. Landman Gay apparently wrote: I've been using NoScript for years. Last week I discovered Ghostery. It lets you know what sites are tracking you and allows you to block the trackers. I have been appalled by what's been going on without my knowledge. Some sit

Re: [OT] Ghostery

2011-12-13 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 12.12.2011 at 15:59 Uhr -0800 Bob Sneidar apparently wrote: Wild turkey guess off the top of my head: Some "web bugs" as Jacque put it do not like being blocked and try to re-establish themselves, and they are what is leaking. Bob That would be too simple. Unfortunately, the problem is sa

Re: Setting the value of a button hilite in script

2011-12-14 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 13.12.2011 at 22:15 Uhr -0800 Pete apparently wrote: Very strange. As mentioned, I got round the problem by using a do command: do "set the hilite of control x of this card to" && the cInitialValue of control x of this card That worked with no other changes to the overall logic of the handl

Re: How to store some data in my stack

2012-01-25 Thread Robert Brenstein
Hi Takashi, put fld "Data" into URL("file:" & specialFolderPath("documents") & "/" & "testFile.txt") I notice that you have two different kinds of quotes in the above. If that is your actual code, those non-programmer's quote might be the problem. robert _

Re: MetaCard IDE and groups

2012-02-05 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 04.02.2012 at 23:50 Uhr -0700 Vokey, John apparently wrote: I have a baffling condition. Over the many years I have used MetaCard in my lab (and, yes, I still use that IDE), the one reliable object was the group. Group a bunch of objects and you can cut and paste and reuse them as a group

Re: Checkbox question

2012-02-18 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 18.02.2012 at 13:28 Uhr -0800 Pete apparently wrote: In spite of all that, I share your concerns. Using the autohilite property was a very easy way out of the original question but perhaps the image approach might be better and not a lot more work if I use a behavior script. If I make it loo

Re: Anomoly when storing empty values into SQLite integer fields

2012-02-22 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 21.02.2012 at 19:46 Uhr -0800 Mark Smith apparently wrote: Which sort of works, until you consider the case of wanting to back out a value (revert from some value to NULL). At present, I think I'll just stick with using text fields, but we should definitely report this to RR. If the user wants

Re: [OT] LC's Fields of the Future

2012-02-24 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 24.02.2012 at 13:03 Uhr +0100 Mark Schonewille apparently wrote: No improvements with regard to RTL languages. No "unicode that just works" :-( -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Not yet, but this introduces a number of long requested and needed features and at least all the new features

Re: [OT] LC's Fields of the Future

2012-02-24 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 24.02.2012 at 16:07 Uhr +0100 Mark Schonewille apparently wrote: So... then we will be able to use these new features to their full capacitiies when unicode gets finally implemented correctly. I agree, that could be nice... -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Unicode is not required to us

Re: babel help, please ?

2013-09-16 Thread Robert Brenstein
A few clarifications are needed: On 16.09.2013 at 6:38 Uhr +0100 John Dixon apparently wrote: could some kind 'livecoders' help me out with some translations please... I need the following translated into these languages... French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, German Polish and Portuguese ... yo

Re: LiveCode Server and Getting a List of Files in a Folder

2014-01-14 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 13.01.2014 at 14:49 Uhr -0500 Gregory Lypny apparently wrote: Hi everyone, everything gets messed up even if the handler is not called. LiveCode server stops looking for HTML pages in the Documents folder. I have to comment-out the handler to get things working right again. Gregory I w

Re: Change in behavior of minHeight property

2014-01-21 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 03.01.2014 at 19:08 Uhr -0500 apparently wrote: I would say it is not a bug, but rather a feature. For example, if you lock the position and size of an object in the inspector, the resize handles gray out, and to all intents, the thing seems set in stone. But the arrowKeys wi

Re: Support for Mac OSX 10.5

2014-02-25 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 25.02.2014 at 16:18 Uhr + Benjamin Beaumont apparently wrote: Dear List Members, Thanks for reading up to this point. We appreciate your feedback as it will help us in our decision making process. Warm regards, Ben My vote: Drop support for 10.5 for LC 6.7 and newer. RObert ___

Re: AW: Support for Mac OSX 10.5

2014-02-25 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 25.02.2014 at 17:53 Uhr +0100 Tiemo Hollmann TB apparently wrote: Though I can follow the arguments for concentrating the efforts on new and faster platforms, I actually can't believe that only 3,8% of Mac users would be affected (if you count notebooks to desktops). I myself have beside my iM

Re: v7 testing and "word"

2014-03-13 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 13.03.2014 at 8:39 Uhr -0700 Richard Gaskin apparently wrote: My only caution would be in cases where an existing token were changed in ways that break code, with my recommendation being not to do that for now. I wonder whether we really need a new keyword for old style word. I mean th

Re: Problem with setting htmlText of field to empty in LiveCode 6.6 RC2

2014-03-19 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 19.03.2014 at 10:29 Uhr -0400 Tim Bleiler apparently wrote: Being a contrarian again, Jacqueline? I was all set to forget about this. I really hate posting bug reports that aren't bugs but I agree with you on this from my Livecode centric world view. Anyone else have any insights into the

Re: LC Commercial Update

2014-03-19 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 18.03.2014 at 17:28 Uhr -0600 apparently wrote: Thank you Richard, That is a very good point. And thanks to Mark Schonewille for explaining how to turn off the update message. Larry Am I imagining this or was there an option (button to click) on the update dialog to "skip this release"

Re: LC Commercial Update

2014-03-19 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 19.03.2014 at 20:07 Uhr +0200 Richmond apparently wrote: You are imagining things. If you open the Preferences stack; /Edit/Preferences you can stop update notices; select "Updates" (second from the bottom). You will then be given a fantastic range of choices: Notify me of stable releases

Re: set stack rect in startup handler

2014-03-26 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 24.03.2014 at 18:13 Uhr + Martin Baxter apparently wrote: Turns out that, when startup is run in the IDE, setting the stack rect works as I would expect, the size and position are modified correctly. But in a standalone, the stack size is set but not its position. So the startup handler ob

Re: Amazing new feature in LiveCode 6.7DP-1.4.14

2014-04-01 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 01.04.2014 at 12:49 Uhr -0500 J. Landman Gay apparently wrote: On 4/1/14, 11:09 AM, Fraser Gordon wrote: Quite understandably, this has made adding new features to the engine trivial as all we need to do is imagine it sufficiently well. Damn you, now I have a pink elephant in my office. Wh

Re: Announcement: New Community Manager

2014-04-05 Thread Robert Brenstein
Congrats, Richard! I believe you are the right man for the job. Good luck! RObert On Apr 4, 2014, at 8:28 AM, Kevin Miller wrote: Hi folks, I am delighted to announce the appointment of our new Community Manager, Richard Gaskin. ___ use-livec

Re: 6.6.1GM Corrupted License

2014-04-12 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 12.04.2014 at 12:17 Uhr +0800 Kay C Lan apparently wrote: Just wondering if anyone else is seeing this. This is repeatable about 90% of the time. If I Quit 6.6.1 and restart it I've never got the corruption message. If on the other hand I start an earlier version of LC and then start 6.6.1 it

[OT] free personality portraits

2014-04-13 Thread Robert Brenstein
This has nothing to do with LC but as varied as this group is in their tempers and attitudes, as we know well from lively discussions, I thought that some of you may find it interesting to get free personality portraits. If you are not interested, just press the delete key now. I work with th

Re: is there a way...

2014-04-24 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 24.04.2014 at 8:46 Uhr -0600 apparently wrote: I am putting up an overlay (image) over a field that I display for 1 second and then, using a repeat statement and blendlevel, fade the image until it becomes invisible again. The problem is that I'm using the wait command to do this and I ca

Re: HELP! - Linefeeds and Mac Vs Windows

2012-03-12 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 11.03.2012 at 20:09 Uhr -0700 RevList apparently wrote: Thanks for the suggestions. In fact, I use Notepad Plus and it was opening the original one saved by using file: and it looked fine. Perl just didn't like it. I switched now to binfile: to save the file and NotePad still sucks, but

Re: how to do this type of search

2012-04-10 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 10.04.2012 at 10:06 Uhr +0900 Nicolas Cueto apparently wrote: > The 'lineOffset' function will be your friend here... If only it truly were that simple... In my example, lineOffset would return "3" for "is". But "5" is what I'm after. -- Nicolas Cueto untested but something along this

Re: [OT] How to take a fairly good concept and jack it up badly

2012-04-16 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 16.04.2012 at 14:37 Uhr -0700 Bob Sneidar apparently wrote: Everyone by now has heard about the App Store. Apple even has gone so far as to deploy Lion this way, and appears poised to provide ALL Apple produced software this way... AND NO OTHER. So what's the big deal right? Seems pretty con

Re: Working with seconds, what am I missing?

2012-04-22 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 22.04.2012 at 21:55 Uhr +0100 Andrew Henshaw apparently wrote: Using the following simple code today (the 22nd April).. put the date into tDate convert tDate to seconds put tDate Returns 1335049200 Id expect to get a result of 22nd April, but instead Ive fed that in to a few onl

Re: insertion point glitch

2012-05-21 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 20.05.2012 at 21:28 Uhr -0700 Timothy Miller apparently wrote: Hi, I do a fair amount of tedious data entry with my liveCode stacks. Now and then, a field's focus border is hilited, the cursor insertion point is blinking in the field, but the field is unresponsive to keyboard input. Clickin

Re: insertion point glitch

2012-05-21 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 21.05.2012 at 10:14 Uhr -0400 apparently wrote: I have never seen this behavior. But I see that others have noticed the same irregularity. It is so fundamental, that I cannot imagine it is an engine issue, but rather must be some procedural thing, as Igor points out, though

Re: insertion point glitch

2012-05-21 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 21.05.2012 at 9:52 Uhr -0700 Timothy Miller apparently wrote: On May 21, 2012, at 9:04 AM, Robert Brenstein wrote: > As far as I can see, based on a few years of observation, it has to do with mis-clicking somehow. I see it sometimes when a script places the insertion point in an em

RE: Another 5-out-5 review for LC!

2012-06-03 Thread Robert Brenstein
Kay C. Lan wrote : I haven't written a Stack with multiple Cards in quite a while. Stacks and SubStacks, yes. When was the last time anyone here created a Stack full of Cards? When using card-size tab button to switch among various sets of functional views, hiding and showing groups of con

Re: Globals

2012-06-11 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 11.06.2012 at 9:54 Uhr -0700 Bob Sneidar apparently wrote: It occurs to me that there is room for something like a stack global and card global, where any script belonging to a stack or card would have access to those globals. This would address, in some basic fashion, namespaces if the stac

Re: jumping among Mainstack and substacks isn't easy

2012-06-18 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 18.06.2012 at 16:36 Uhr -0400 Mark Rauterkus apparently wrote: Hi, Yep. LC just went strict with me. Errors such as: stack "Kids": compilation error at line 4 (Expression: unquoted literal), char 46 For the past week or two I've been FINE without these issues. Seemed as if LC didn't care. N

Re: jumping among Mainstack and substacks isn't easy

2012-06-18 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 18.06.2012 at 12:03 Uhr -0700 Bob Sneidar apparently wrote: I'm not entirely sure this is the issue, but let me describe how Livecode interprets your code. When you say "field boy", Livecode translates that to "field "boy" of the current card of the topstack" (others will correct me if I am

Re: jumping among Mainstack and substacks isn't easy

2012-06-18 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 18.06.2012 at 14:34 Uhr -0700 Bob Sneidar apparently wrote: hmmm... If by context you mean that if I go to a card in another stack and get the name of this card, it will return the name of the card I came from and not the card I went to, I think you are mistaken, but I may have misunderstoo

Re: simple (?): how to test menus after building them

2012-06-20 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 20.06.2012 at 17:28 Uhr -0700 Paul Hibbert apparently wrote: > But isn't this going to give me a copy of the menu in every substack, so that I have to change all of them? No, if you use 'Place Group' it will put a 'referenced copy' of the menu group on the card, so any edits to the grou

Re: can't find out this char

2012-07-19 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 19.07.2012 at 12:50 Uhr +0200 Björnke von Gierke apparently wrote: Well I found ascii 13 mentioned in the dictionary, so I used _replace numtochar(13) with "" _ which did remove my mystery character. See also this reply by me from yesterday: I wonder whether those files are created outsi

Re: Standalones not opening in Mountain Lion

2012-07-28 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 28.07.2012 at 10:19 Uhr +0100 Bernard Devlin apparently wrote: I seem to remember that Rosetta is still available. It is just not installed by default. I think the installation medium should have a way of installing Rosetta. Bernard that is true for snow leopard. robert ___

Re: Is it really this hard to print currency values?

2012-07-29 Thread Robert Brenstein
On 29.07.2012 at 9:05 Uhr -0700 Dr. Hawkins apparently wrote: As I sat down to finally encode currency into my output, I pulled old answers from older questions and did more searches. Is it *really* this hard to output currency? If you deal only with dollars, the issue is trivial. Things get

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