9.04, ext4 and the open-write-close-rename debacle

2009-05-06 Thread Patrick Goetz
I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this question, but I've been unable to find a definitive answer to this question. Probably everyone is familiar with the lengthy discussion that has revolved around the first stable implementation of ext4, namely that all data in a file can be zeroed

glibc vs. eglibc

2009-05-06 Thread Patrick Goetz
Taking a page from Redhat's "let's break it if we can" upgrade policy, Debian appears to be switching from glibc to eglibc: http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/8i8os/debian_is_switching_to_eglibc/ Of great concern is that this library is not guaranteed to be binary compatible with glib

The creeping religion of click on this

2009-05-06 Thread Patrick Goetz
After an ongoing now 2-week long discussion with Canonical support regarding some strange behavior involving the use of the proprietary Broadcom STA driver documented here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1134631 it occurred to me that I have no idea what is actually going on when

Re: The creeping religion of click on this

2009-05-08 Thread Patrick Goetz
> From: Jeff Hanson > Subject: Re: The creeping religion of click on this > To: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com > Mandriva's GUI tool interface has a log option that shows > what is actually being done. That would work. Perhaps such a log feature should be a required standard for U

group access to local devices on shared networked machines

2009-05-08 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Date: Tue, 05 May 2009 11:17:04 +0100 > From: Scott James Remnant > Subject: Re: Usev permissions and USB scanners > On Sun, 2009-05-03 at 16:16 +0300, kohe...@gmail.com wrote: > > I created a usbdev group and added my user to that group, added a > > group setting to that line instead of the r

Re: group access to local devices on shared networked machines

2009-05-08 Thread Patrick Goetz
Scott James Remnant wrote: >> > Provided they are on the same physical console as the local optical > drive, this is done automatically. > Well, we need to retain the option of people ssh'ing to the machine and using the optical drive remotely; however even for users logged in on the console, t

Properly identifying applications

2009-06-09 Thread Patrick Goetz
It looks like no one responded to the concern raised below. It makes sense to me that all applications should be identified by their name as well as their function in gnome GUI menus. Furthermore, not doing so frequently increases confusion for naive users. For example, due to ongoing bugs w

devel-dicuss: the list itself, and mono

2009-06-09 Thread Patrick Goetz
Given that my signal to noise ratio is already at a white noise breaking point (and that I'm probably not alone here), can we please keep these kinds of tit-for-tat arguments, rhetoric, ad hominem attacks, and flirting off the devel-discuss list? Surely facebook, twitter, digg, etc. should pro

menu application naming

2009-06-09 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 17:45:56 +0200 > From: Soren Hansen > Subject: Re: Properly identifying applications > To: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com > > If you put yourself in the place of someone who is not used to > Linux: You have a document you want to open (and for some reason > y

handling extensions in a canonical (no pun intended)

2009-06-12 Thread Patrick Goetz
One problem for which I still haven't seen a good solution is how to handle package extensions in a multi-user environment. Perhaps an example would explain what I mean: We use Thunderbird (locale=en-us) as our default email client. There are lots of .xpi extensions which might be useful, but on


2009-06-16 Thread Patrick Goetz
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 00:44:07 -0400 From: Asif Youssuff Subject: Re: about empathy as the default IM application To: ubuntu-devel-discuss > I've been playing with Empathy for a while, and it has an extremely > annoying behavior -- when a message is received from a person > without an open c

Flash, and 32 vs. 64

2009-06-17 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 13:42:07 -0400 > From: Daniel Chen > Subject: Re: Stable 64-bit flash > To: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com > Danny Piccirillo wrote: >> > No exception can be made there? How have exceptions been made > before? Is >> > there some way to work around that? >

Re: Flash, and 32 vs. 64

2009-06-18 Thread Patrick Goetz
Danny Piccirillo wrote: > Until i got the 64-bit version of flash, YouTube would crash everytime i > scrolled on a Not to mention it was slowww. All of those things have been > fixed now that i'm using the native 64-bit version and i've had zero > problems > Let me clarify that we've only t

Plenary videos from uds-karmic

2009-06-29 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 11:17:46 -0400 > From: "Jorge O. Castro" > Subject: Re: Plenary videos from uds-karmic? > To: Scott Ritchie > 12:50 AM, Scott Ritchie wrote: >>> It's been over a week now, any updates on when we can see >>> the plenary videos? > Just chatted with James Troup this

That upstart Upstart

2009-06-29 Thread Patrick Goetz
(Apologies in advance for the length of this message -- if you don't care about order and manner in which system daemons are launched, please invoke the Delete key operator immediately.) Everyone knows the canonical (no pun intended) unix interview question, namely Q: how many processes does

Infrastructure vs. Interface

2009-07-02 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Date: Wed, 01 Jul 2009 09:57:01 -0300 > From: Felipe Figueiredo > Subject: RFC: binary compatibility between short cycles > To: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com > > Infrastructure could be kept at stable versions for longer cycles, and > Interface would match the usual 6 month release cycl

Re: Standing in the street trying to hear yourself think

2009-07-03 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 21:03:44 -0400 > From: Evan > Subject: Re: Standing in the street trying to hear yourself think > > Again, someone in the Audio > metaforum (who presumably knows something about audio) tells them it's a > driver issue, and moves their post a level deeper into the Drivers s

The disgrace of (the) Kompozer (package maintainer)

2009-09-04 Thread Patrick Goetz
We are currently using Jaunty 9.04 (64 and 32-bit) on our production desktop systems. A few weeks ago a user asked me for a recommendation for an easy to use html editor, and I suggested KompoZer. (Suggestions? I think I've tried most of them and found them lacking; the original Netscape Co

dovecot-postfix package for karmic koala (+ grub 2)

2009-09-21 Thread Patrick Goetz
I've been playing with the dovecot-postfix package currently available for 9.10 a4 server and have found a few configuration issues worth discussing as well as one major bug (it appears that postfix doesn't know anything about rsyslog, preventing the administrator from controlling SMTP logging)

launchpad bug reports

2009-09-21 Thread Patrick Goetz
Am I missing something? It seems that bug reports in launchpad are categorized by package name but not by distribution. Wouldn't it make sense to take advantage of the distribution hierarchy in order to make this system easier to work with? I.e. I'm specifically trying to get some problems wi

Re: launchpad bug reports

2009-09-22 Thread Patrick Goetz
Joshua Timberman wrote: > "Bugs in The Karmic Koala" > > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic > > Substitute karmic with other release names if desired. > I saw this, but this just lists all karmic bugs, although it's easy enough to search on a package name. This raises the question of ho

Re: launchpad bug reports

2009-09-22 Thread Patrick Goetz
Soren Hansen wrote: > I don't think it would be very useful to assume that any bug in Hardy > was magically fixed in Intrepid. Hence, dividing bugs by series[1] seems > like a bad plan to me. I agree. What I'm suggesting is that the bug report include a field indicating the series that the bug w

Re: Ubuntu for laptops

2009-09-22 Thread Patrick Goetz
Matthew Garrett wrote: > > What would the differences be? > If you google for ext4 and battery life you can find quite a bit of discussion about how the default filesystem configuration prevents the disk from being able to go to sleep. The bottom line is optimizing for performance is more or

Re: Ubuntu for laptops

2009-09-22 Thread Patrick Goetz
Martin Owens wrote: > > What would be more ideal is to sort out the file system driver so it > behaved differently when it's on battery power (or in any kind of energy > conservation mode). > Based on having spent a few days reading through the massive ext4 debate that occurred between the 2.6.

Re: Modem Manager Dev Package

2009-09-24 Thread Patrick Goetz
Tormod Volden wrote: > > By "dev package" you mean the package sources? In general you can get the > sources for any binary package using: apt-get source > No, by dev package he means -dev, as in there is a libc6 package and there is also a libc6-dev package which contains the stuff needed to

Re: Huge instability and insanely large memory footprint in 9.04

2009-09-25 Thread Patrick Goetz
Conrad Knauer wrote: > > I'm going to guess, without seeing his machine, that it's something > with Firefox... it could be a malfunctioning extension, it could be > some script on an otherwise normal page... I would try backing up my > ~/.mozilla folder and seeing if running FF fresh solves the pr

Re: idea for 10.04

2009-09-28 Thread Patrick Goetz
Conrad Knauer wrote: >>give the users at some point during the installation process options of what >> office suite browser and mail client they would like installed. > > Short answer: this is a bad idea. > > Longer answer: the whole point of an Ubuntu install is to keep it as > simple as possib

Re: Karmic Alpha 6/Beta

2009-10-02 Thread Patrick Goetz
Siegfried-A. Gevatter wrote: > GRUB 2 is a special case. It is only (automatically) installed on a > clean install, and not on upgrades, given the risk of this operation. > Speaking of Grub 2, does anyone know if the grub2 automatic boot-through to default bug has been fixed? I posted it on lau

karmic trashed in Tomshardware.com

2009-12-07 Thread Patrick Goetz
I've been out of the loop for a couple of months, so pardon me if this has already been discussed, but Karmic got thoroughly trashed in a TomsHardware.com review: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/ubuntu-karmic-koala,2484.html Some of these issues (system freezes when copying large files o

GNU Hurd port

2009-12-09 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Subject: Re: Supporting a GNU Hurd port? > From: Scott James Remnant > Date: Tue, 08 Dec 2009 17:14:38 + > To: Danny Piccirillo > > > Speaking as the guy who maintains the boot and plumbing layer, I am > completely and utterly uninterested in such a port. > My question is why are we eve

Re: Supporting a GNU Hurd port?

2009-12-09 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Subject: Re: Supporting a GNU Hurd port? > From: John Moser > Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 10:07:44 -0500 > > you know the microkernel arguments, and they're actually > pretty considerable. The idea of a system that's easier to maintain > (face it, operating systems are huge now; smaller chunks are e

Introduction to Ubuntu Distributed Development

2009-12-17 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Subject: Introduction to Ubuntu Distributed Development > From: James Westby > Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 22:40:34 + > To: ubuntu-devel > > The TL;DR version: > > 1) Version Control rocks. > 2) Distributed version control rocks even more. > 3) Bazaar rocks particularly well. > 4) Let's

Postfix authentication default configuration

2009-12-21 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Subject: Postfix authentication default configuration > From: Ben Bucksch > Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 17:06:44 +0100 > To: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com > > I'm trying to set up a mail server with Ubuntu, Cyrus and Postix, and > need authentication (via sasldb2) > > Cyrus works fine, an

ntfs-3g in Lucid

2010-02-11 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Subject: Re: Can we get ntfs-3g 2010.1.16 in Lucid? > From: stephan > Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 05:48:32 -0500 > To: Daniel Chen > > > It looks like Michael will help us all out and do a non-maintainer > upgrade to get 2010.1.16 into testing: > http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=56

Bug reporting for Ubuntu Server? WTF?

2010-02-12 Thread Patrick Goetz
I just filed a bug against the 64-bit Karmic (9.10) server edition on bugs.launchpad.net and noticed that the process appears to have regressed considerably. First of all, there is no longer any clear indication on the front page of bugs.launchpad.net about how one goes about filing a bug, even

Quality Control in Ubuntu Server

2010-02-12 Thread Patrick Goetz
Last week I tried to upgrade a battered old Debian server running linux 2.6.3 to a sparkling new machine running Ubuntu Karmic 64-bit AMD server. The old Debian server was working perfectly, but had basically run out of disk space. After 12 hours, I had to concede defeat, and rolled back to t

ubuntu-bug (was Bug reporting for Ubuntu Server? WTF?)

2010-02-15 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Subject: Re: Bug reporting for Ubuntu Server? WTF? > From: Brian Murray > Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 10:49:58 -0800 > > The ReportingBugs wiki page also has a section about "Filing bugs when > off-line" which discusses how to use apport-cli to save a report that > you can then report from another

Upstart? Plymouth?

2010-02-22 Thread Patrick Goetz
I'm trying to track down a Lucid AMD64 Server bug to either Upstart or plymouth, and realized I have no idea how the system decides what vt console gets focus after boot when no xserver is installed. Can anyone direct me to some relevant Upstart documentation? Someone has already (incorrectly,

Re: Upstart? Plymouth?

2010-02-24 Thread Patrick Goetz
Scott James Remnant wrote: > This is a bug that I'm working on. > > The problem is there's no code in Plymouth to put the VT back ;-) > And probably way to busy to work on documentation. At some point it would be nice to have a better understanding of how upstart works. The concept of an eve

Re: White-on-black terminal should be default

2010-03-05 Thread Patrick Goetz
The number of replies in this silly thread indicates that you guys have way too much time on your hands. <:) SJ Remnant's response is definitive; time to move on and agree to disagree. The take away message: is thank heavens for choices and a curse on any gnome/KDE developers who plan to co

Re: Upstart

2010-03-05 Thread Patrick Goetz
Scott James Remnant wrote: > Anyone can emit any event. That's probably the bit of Upstart that > people find the hardest to get to grips with, so there can never be any > comprehensive list of every event and every argument - because anyone > can add a new one. > > However there are "recommendat

Re: Upstart (now, a very modest suggestion)

2010-03-05 Thread Patrick Goetz
So, I'm testing samba on a Lucid alpha 3, and I decide to restart the smbd daemon: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart sudo: /etc/init.d/samba: command not found Oops, I guess it's a service now? sudo service samba restart samba: unrecognized service So of course it only took a little digging to di

Re: Upstart

2010-03-05 Thread Patrick Goetz
Scott James Remnant wrote: > You might have forgotten to plug your USB > mouse in this boot; or maybe your cat has chewed the ethernet cable > overnight and it won't come up, etc. > Actually, it was my gerbil that frequently chewed through the ethernet cable, but then the cat ate the gerbil, so t

Re: Ubuntu-devel-discuss Digest, Vol 40, Issue 13

2010-03-08 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Subject: Re: Upstart (now, a very modest suggestion) > From:Tom H > Date:Sun, 7 Mar 2010 14:28:48 -0500 > To: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com > > I assume that the samba job has been split into two because there was > a problem with nmbd not starting when smbd and nmbd were l

Re: Evolution & Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

2010-03-09 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Subject: Re: Evolution & Ubuntu 10.04 LTS > From:Sebastien Bacher > Date:Mon, 08 Mar 2010 23:02:32 +0100 > To: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com > > Ubuntu has been bitten by upgrading to new versions which were rewritten > in the past and we have learnt, the decision has bee

logging bugs for pre-release versions

2010-03-09 Thread Patrick Goetz
Having abandoned Karmic, I've been installing Lucid Alpha 3 on a number of different systems, mostly for testing, and am finding lots of bugs. For example, on an old Acer Aspire 3000 laptop, after a completely generic Alpha 3 install + or - up to March 8 daily updates: 1. The console driver is

Ubuntu: Deployment on developer desktops and production servers

2010-03-12 Thread Patrick Goetz
Ran across these rather interesting survey results in Infoworld, hence thought I'd share: http://www.infoworld.com/d/open-source/ubuntu-ready-run-your-business-servers-646?source=IFWNLE_nlt_openenterprise_2010-03-10 At least for Eclipse developers, Ubuntu is slamming everyone except MS Windows

lucid and 2.6.33?

2010-03-24 Thread Patrick Goetz
Now that the 2.6.34 linux kernel is about to be released, does anyone know if 2.6.33 is going to make it into the final Lucid release, as previously suggested? Why this is important: 2.6.33 has better support for SSD storage (http://www.h-online.com/open/features/What-s-new-in-Linux-2-6-33-933

Re: lucid and 2.6.33?

2010-03-25 Thread Patrick Goetz
> > Subject: Re: lucid and 2.6.33? > From: Jonathon Fernyhough > Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 21:34:20 + > > As far as I am aware the important bits of .33 are being integrated > into the special sauce for the Lucid .32 kernel. > Perhaps someone can explain why this makes more sense than just us

Re: lucid and 2.6.33?

2010-03-25 Thread Patrick Goetz
Flávio Etrusco wrote: > > Seriously? Ubuntu is not only about techies, it's about general > use(rs) and businesses too. They have to have a solid and well-tested > base. > If you really wanna know what you're actually getting, you have the > sources and the changelogs. > It's not clear to me how

Thunderbird issues

2010-04-07 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Subject: > [Lucid] Thunderbird issues > From: > Sebastian Geiger > Date: > Thu, 08 Apr 2010 09:49:50 +0800 > Since I upgraded to Thunderbird I am getting strange notices that a > mailbox is not available With thunderbird not running, delete your entire .mozilla-thunderbird profile (make sure

Re: Troubleshooting boot problems

2010-04-20 Thread Patrick Goetz
> Subject: Re: Troubleshooting boot problems > From: Brian Vaughan > Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 07:53:30 -0700 > > I'd like to see a good overview of Ubuntu's startup process. I just took > a class on Unix/Linux system administration, and we spent quite some > time on system startup and shutdown -- b

Re: Troubleshooting boot problems

2010-04-21 Thread Patrick Goetz
> > Subject: Re: Troubleshooting boot problems > From: Florian Diesch > Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 12:18:40 +0200 > > Any event can be emitted by any program using upstart's DBus API. > > IMHO it's not that important to know where a event gets emitted > (that's an implementation detail) but what i

Re: Troubleshooting boot problems

2010-04-21 Thread Patrick Goetz
Scott James Remnant wrote: >> When is ufw run vis' a vis the /etc/rc2.d scripts? >> > Before, after, during, etc. There is no fixed relationship between > these two things, except that /etc/rcS.d (and thus /etc/rc2.d) will not > be run until the "lo" device is up. > Then this is problematic for

libpam-runtime: /etc/pam.d/common-auth bug?

2010-04-22 Thread Patrick Goetz
This list is actually cited as the package maintainer in the package status for libpam-runtime, so I thought I would run this by here first before filing a bug against the package just in case I'm terribly confused. Both in the /usr/share/pam/common-auth template and in various instantiations of t

libpam-runtime: /etc/pam.d/common-auth bug?

2010-04-22 Thread Patrick Goetz
Here to answer my own question after a little more RTFM. The preceding common-auth lines are set up using the new-fangled jump feature: -- auth [success=2 default=ignore] pam_unix.so nullok_secure auth [success=1 default=ignore] pam_ldap.so use_first_pass # here's the fallba

Ubuntu Open Office packages: Stuck in Document recovery loop

2010-11-16 Thread Patrick Goetz
Since I've run into this problem myself: http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/tips/7223/1/ This might be something to look for when building the oo3.3 packages for 11.04.. -- Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list Ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com Modify settings or unsubscribe at: h

Re: Location of installed files

2011-01-11 Thread Patrick Goetz
I >> have a file that I want to open with a specific application If you know the name of the package the application came from, the command dpkg -L package_name will show you all the files + locations installed by this package. -- Patrick Goetz -- Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing l

Canonical fleeces the gnome foundation?

2011-02-16 Thread Patrick Goetz
I found this article to be extremely disturbing. Surely the negative PR of such a move isn't worth $1/yr in revenue? Who's making these brain-damaged decisions? http://www.networkworld.com/community/banshee-amazon-store-disabled-by-canonical-in-ubuntu -- Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing

The Dell Latitude reality check

2011-02-16 Thread Patrick Goetz
seems to me it should be possible. -- Patrick Goetz -- Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list Ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel-discuss

Re: The Dell Latitude reality check

2011-02-16 Thread Patrick Goetz
ource or at least freely distributable linux drivers. -- Patrick Goetz -- Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list Ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel-discuss

Natty Feature Freeze

2011-02-21 Thread Patrick Goetz
e the most current binary drivers whenever possible.) -- Patrick Goetz -- Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list Ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel-discuss

nvidia binary drivers

2011-02-22 Thread Patrick Goetz
On 02/22/2011 06:00 AM, Martin Pitt wrote: Patrick Goetz [2011-02-21 14:41 -0600]: > Does the feature freeze include updating binary drivers? In principle yes, but as the current nvidia/fglrx drivers in Natty are totally broken (they are currently not available for the current X.org

Re: Default Desktop Experience for 11.04

2011-04-08 Thread Patrick Goetz
On Fri, 8 Apr 2011 08:55:06 Martin Pitt wrote [regarding Unity]: > I couldn't have believed it even two months ago still, > but today I feel the same. When I switch back to > classic GNOME it feels inferior now; I'm particularly > missing the super-fast keyboard shortcuts/search/navigation > and b

Re: Default Desktop Experience for 11.04

2011-04-08 Thread Patrick Goetz
On 04/08/2011 01:05 PM, Remco wrote: You have a Firefox window with a Terminal just above it. As soon as you move to the terminal window, focus switches to the terminal. But the menu is still the Firefox menu for 1 second. After the delay, the menu switches to Terminal. Note first that point


2011-04-25 Thread Patrick Goetz
On 04/25/2011 07:00 AM, ubuntu-devel-discuss-requ...@lists.ubuntu.com wrote: 2. Update NTFS-3G (Nedas Pekorius) 4. Re: Update NTFS-3G (John McCabe-Dansted) > While I agree that the latest ntfs-3g is really nice (iirc it gave me > a 10x performance boost). I don't think we'll see 2011.4.

Re: GNOME Panel dropped in 11.10

2011-05-05 Thread Patrick Goetz
From: Jeremy Bicha Date: Wed, 04 May 2011 23:24:17 -0400 Unity actually is customizable, perhaps not to the extent that power users like. I'm hoping that a simple user-friendly tool will be available in 11.04 to change the settings without needing to dig around CCSM or dconf-editor. I think yo

Re: Authentication services in Ubuntu

2013-05-21 Thread Patrick Goetz
On 05/21/2013 04:53 AM, ubuntu-devel-discuss-requ...@lists.ubuntu.com wrote: Hopefully, the SSL bug in LDAP libraries is now gone (Bug #423252), so the first 2 can be used productively on desktops and/or servers. Note that cached credentials (with nss-updatedb and pam-ccreds) are not officially

Problems with 12.10, 13.04, 13.10 server installs

2013-07-25 Thread Patrick Goetz
Hi - I'm bringing this issue to the attention of this list in the hopes of finding out where it is most appropriately addressed. I've recently done a number of server installs using mostly the 13.10 64-bit pre-release ISO, but also testing the problem I'm about to mention using 12.10 and 13.

Reporting bugs directly to Launchpad?

2013-08-02 Thread Patrick Goetz
I must have missed some new revision, as I no longer seem to be able to post bugs directly to launchpad. I go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy and click on "Report a bug" on the top right hand side of the page. Rather than taking me to a bug report screen, this now takes me to an