Il giorno Mon, 12 May 2008 23:14:33 +0200
Milan Bouchet-Valat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> But it has not fixed all issues. And it appears to cause some HD to
> heat, which can possibly be dangerous. But this may just be an
> illusion.
This is not an illusion: my laptop hangs after a couple
Vincenzo Ciancia wrote:
> I still see a solution: the hdparm
At best that seems like a workaround. I'm pretty sure I saw Matthew
Garrett say that the underlying cause of the high parking rate is that
Linux's disk IO pattern is quite different to that of Windows, and that
we ought to be able to
Olá Vincenzo e a todos.
On Thursday 16 October 2008 12:04:35 Vincenzo Ciancia wrote:
> Il giorno Mon, 12 May 2008 23:14:33 +0200
> Milan Bouchet-Valat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> > But it has not fixed all issues. And it appears to cause some HD to
> > heat, which can possibly be dangerou
Lars Wirzenius [2008-09-11 21:09 +0300]:
> It would be nice if apport only acted on crashes from programs installed
> via .debs from Ubuntu repositories.
That's actually what it's doing. However, it needs to do things like
dpkg -S (not precisely, but similar) to find out that the crashed app
Hi Steffen,
Steffen Ullrich [2008-09-22 22:31 +0200]:
> I'm the author and maintainer of the Net::SIP perl module.
> You ship with hardy a version 0.39, which isn't the newest.
> In the mean time a lot of bugs got fixed so that it would
> be a good idea to update it.
Intrepid has newer versions o
Hash: SHA1
phcoder wrote on 12/10/08 11:58:
> Hello. I send a patch for correcting a bug present in scim and
> mentionned at
> which also affects ubuntu. I
Since upgrading to Intrepid I can not select any of the later kernels
Any attempt to select one results in error 15 no such file
The latest kernel I can load is Linux version 2.6.24-21-rt, for some
reason the restricted modules for 2.6.26-1-RT will not download, greyed
out in
Hello everyone,
It's getting close to that time of the year again, where we celebrate
a new Ubuntu release and be merry. However, the drive for more
awesomeness never ceases at Ubuntu, and we'd like to kick off the
planning for the next Ubuntu OpenWeek. If you're unfamiliar with
OpenWeek (https://
On Saturday 04 October 2008 20:37, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Saturday 04 October 2008 12:00, Vincenzo Ciancia wrote:
> > Il giorno sab, 04/10/2008 alle 09.48 -0400, Scott Kitterman ha scritto:
> > > I understand your frustration. There just isn't a good answer that
> > > will
> > > satisfy every