Hello everyone,

It's getting close to that time of the year again, where we celebrate
a new Ubuntu release and be merry. However, the drive for more
awesomeness never ceases at Ubuntu, and we'd like to kick off the
planning for the next Ubuntu OpenWeek. If you're unfamiliar with
OpenWeek (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek) the short story is:
we run IRC sessions of tutorials and tips for a week. Linux.com has
hailed[1] it as something that "unites community and developers". In
short, it's a nice week of collaboration over several topics that
cover all aspects of Ubuntu.

Right now we've penciled off Monday 3 November to 7 November as Open
Week for this cycle.

One thing I would like to improve is the way we determine what
subjects we discuss. Usually I copy and paste from the last OpenWeek
and chase down speakers, at which point many ask "What should I talk
about?" Meanwhile in other corners of the community there are people
out there doing great things that are aching for attention. So for
this cycle I'd like to shake things up. I have created a "prep page"
here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep

Basically, if you're doing something cool that you'd like to run a
session on, put your name down on the list. This will help us find
people out there who want to run a session. Users, feel free to to add
subjects to the "Topics You'd Like to See Covered". This will help
developers find out what people are interested in. Ideally I'd love to
see all sorts of different subjects being proposed, off the top of my
head I think people would love to see:
   another netbook session,
   server stuff,
   translations stuff,
   bzr stuff,

... you get the picture.

Please remember that the goal of Ubuntu OpenWeek is a series of online
workshops, we have a limited number of slots and we need to ensure
that we cover as large a variety of topics as possible, so don't
expect a 6 hour block of awk and sed. :) We also need to make sure we
cover the basics so while we want new ideas we still want to make sure
we cover bugs, packaging, etc.

Please submit your ideas and subjects no later than 22 October. (You
have 1 week!) Please keep the edits on the Prep page, I want to
collect a bunch of ideas and sessions first, then start slotting
people into time slots. By Friday, October 25 I'd like to have the
schedule finalized so that people can plan their attendance to
whatever sessions they want. (That gives me 3 days to move people
around after people have submitted sessions). If we don't get enough
sessions then I will do the usual
hunt-you-down-on-irc-and-make-you-do-one, if we're flooded with topics
then we'll see what we can do to accommodate everyone.

After the schedule is finalized we'll do the announcements, blogs,
dents, and typical marketing. Feel free to ping me on irc (jcastro) or
send me a mail if you have questions or feedback.

Jorge Castro
jorge (at) ubuntu.com
External Project Developer Relations
Canonical Ltd.

[1] http://www.linux.com/feature/134683

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