[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI 2013 - Registration Deadline extended to August 1

2013-07-14 Thread ijcai13
IJCAI Registration continues to open until Aug 1, 2013. Please come to the site https://reg.ijcai-2013.org/registration/guidelines to register. This year's IJCAI will be held in Beijing, China. An exciting program has been announced at http://ijcai13.org/program/technical_program,

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] Call for US students to apply for travel funding to attend IJCAI 2013 (Beijing, China, August 3-9) and the Doctoral Consortium

2013-06-10 Thread ijcai13
Funding from the National Science Foundation is expected to support travel of students from the US to attend IJCAI and the Doctoral Consortium on August 5. Eligibility: full-time students attending a University in the US. Selection criteria: preference will be given to students who are US citizen

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI 2013: Call for Participation (Early registration deadline extended: June 15, 2013)

2013-06-01 Thread ijcai13
email toregistrat...@ijcai13.org to request such an invitation letter. These include citizens from Pakistan and Nigeria. People from all other countries can apply for either a tourist visa or a business visa. Details about the conference program, the accepted papers, the invited talks, the va

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] Final Call: IJCAI 2013 Video Competition (Deadline Extension)

2013-05-18 Thread ijcai13
ation. == For further information about the competition, please contact the competition chairs (Patrick Doherty and Jonas Kvarnström) at vid...@ijcai13.org. ___ Announcements mailing list annou

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] Reminder: IJCAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Big Data

2013-05-17 Thread ijcai13
[Apologies if you receive this more than once] === CALL FOR PAPERS AIBD'13: The First Intl. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Big Data August 3-4, Beijing, 2013 Held in conjunction with IJCAI 2013, Beijing, China,

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] Extended Deadline (May 12, 2013): IJCAI Workshop on Computer Games

2013-04-26 Thread ijcai13
A workshop on computer games is to be held at IJCAI 2013 in Beijing. The topics of the workshop concern all aspects of artificial intelligence for computer games. This includes : Monte-Carlo methods Heuristic search Board games Card games Video games Perfect and imperfect information games Puzzles

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change

2013-04-26 Thread ijcai13
== IJCAI-2013 Workshop NRAC'13 Tenth International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change == 3-5 Augu

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] Extended Deadline: Ubiquitous Data Mining (UDM) - IJCAI 2013 Workshop

2013-04-23 Thread ijcai13
** Apologies for cross-posting ** Ubiquitous Data Mining (UDM) Workshop Beijing, China, August 3 - 9, 2013 http://www.liaad.up.pt/udm/ in conjunction with IJCAI 2013 23rd. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Beijing, China, August 3 - 9, 2013 http://ijcai13.org

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence (EXTENDED SUBMISSION DEADLINE)

2013-04-18 Thread ijcai13
* Workshop on Computational Creativity, * * Concept Invention, and General Intelligence 2013 * *3rd and 4th of August, 2013, Beijing/China* In conjunction with the 23r

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Big Data

2013-04-18 Thread ijcai13
[Apologies if you receive this more than once] === CALL FOR PAPERS AIBD'13: The First Intl. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Big Data August 3-4, Beijing, 2013 Held in conjunction with IJCAI 2013, Beijing, China,

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and NetMedicine

2013-04-18 Thread ijcai13
- CALL FOR PAPERS In conjunction with IJCAI 2013 2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and NetMedicine

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems

2013-04-18 Thread ijcai13
The eighth IJCAI workshop on ''Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems'' will focus on challenges arising due to comprehension difficulties in dialogue systems. These difficulties include speech recognition errors and speech disfluencies in spoken dialogue systems, syntax errors, out-

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] Last CFP: Ubiquitous Data Mining (UDM) - IJCAI 2013 Workshop

2013-04-15 Thread ijcai13
** Apologies for cross-posting ** Ubiquitous Data Mining (UDM) Workshop Beijing, China, August 3 - 9, 2013 http://www.liaad.up.pt/udm/ in conjunction with IJCAI 2013 23rd. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Beijing, China, August 3 - 9, 2013 http://ijcai13.org

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Information and Trust Dynamics in Artificial Societies

2013-04-15 Thread ijcai13
Final Call for Papers - Deadline (extended): April 30, 2013 --- International Workshop on Information and Trust Dynamics in Artificial Societies (ITDAS@IJCAI2013) http://www.irit.fr/~Laurent.Perrussel/itdas-13/ Beijing - August 3-5, 2013 Invited talks Carles Sierra

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Computer Games

2013-04-15 Thread ijcai13
Description A workshop on computer games is to be held at IJCAI 2013 in Beijing. The topics of the workshop concern all aspects of artificial intelligence for computer games. This includes : Monte-Carlo methods Heuristic search Board games Card games Video games Perfect and imperfect information

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Robot Competition and Exhibition

2013-04-15 Thread ijcai13
IJCAI-13 Robot Competition and Exhibition Call for Participation COMPETITION IJCAI-13 will host a Robot Competition to help raise awareness of robotics in the AI community and to identify robotics problems that AI can help to address. The competition will take place at IJCAI -13 in Beijing and

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Empathic Computing

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
atted according to IJCAI guidelines and submitted electronically through www.easychair.org. Full instructions including formatting guidelines and electronic templates are available on the IJCAI 2013 website: http://ijcai13.org/files/ijcai13.zip. At least one author of each accepted paper is requir

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
* Workshop on Computational Creativity, * * Concept Invention, and General Intelligence 2013 * *3rd and 4th of August, 2013, Beijing/China* In conjunction with the 23

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
Call for Papers 9th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy’13) (3 or 4 Aug 2013) http://neural-symbolic.org/NeSy13 In conjunction with IJCAI-13, Beijing, China The Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning is intended to create an atmosphere of exchange of

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Workshop on Understanding the Positive and Negative Sides of Social Media

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
demo papers: up to 2 pages Papers should be formatted according to the style guide of IJCAI13 and should be submitted in PDF format through easychair. There will be no double blind review process. Author names and affiliations should be included in the paper. Paper selection will be based on a peer r

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] Final Reminder: CfP for IJCAI Workshop on Machine Learning for Interactive Systems (MLIS'13)

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
Key Features of MLIS'13: + Proceedings published in the ACM digital library + Four internationally renowned invited speakers __ IJCAI Workshop on Machine Learning for Interactive Systems (MLIS'13): Bridging the Gap between Perception, Action

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] [IJCAI-13] Advertising Semantic Cities Workshop

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
Description Cities around the world aspire to provide superior quality of life to their citizens. Furthermore, many are also seen as centers of unique opportunities, like business, fashion, entertainment and governance, for their citizens. Cities want to retain such pre-eminent positions or re-posi

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Advertising Semantic Cities

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
[Our apologies for cross posting] Description Cities around the world aspire to provide superior quality of life to their citizens. Furthermore, many are also seen as centers of unique opportunities, like business, fashion, entertainment and governance, for their citizens. Cities want to retain su

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Weighted Logics for AI: Logic, Uncertain Beliefs, Preferences, Partial Truth

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
=== IJCAI 2013 Workshop WL4AI Weighted Logics for AI: logic, uncertain beliefs, preferences, partial truth === (3-5 August, 2013, Beijng, China) * Web site: http://www.iiia.c

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] [IJCAI-13] Workshop on Understanding the Positive and Negative Sides of Social Media

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
ld be formatted according to the style guide of IJCAI13 and should be submitted in PDF format through easychair. There will be no double blind review process. Author names and affiliations should be included in the paper. Paper selection will be based on a peer review process. IMPORTANT

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] [IJCAI-13] Advertising Semantic Cities Workshop

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
Description Cities around the world aspire to provide superior quality of life to their citizens. Furthermore, many are also seen as centers of unique opportunities, like business, fashion, entertainment and governance, for their citizens. Cities want to retain such pre-eminent positions or re-posi

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] Second Call: IJCAI 2013 Video Competition

2013-04-10 Thread ijcai13
liams Ramon Lopez de Mantaras Renata Wasserman Sven Koenig Xiaoping Chen Xinyu Wu Further Information. == For further information about the competition, please contact the competition chairs (Patrick Doherty and Jonas Kvarnström) at vid...@ijcai1

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI-13 Student Volunteer Program

2013-04-10 Thread ijcai13
encouraged to apply. Applicants should: - submit an IJCAI-13 Volunteer Application form, and - email a signed letter of recommendation of their supervisors to volunteers -at- ijcai-13.org or volunteers -at- ijcai13.org (if applicable) no later than 4th May 2013. A decision will be sent by 15th

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] Call for Participation: IJCAI 2013 Angry Birds AI Competition

2013-04-05 Thread ijcai13
Angry Birds is a popular video game where players shoot birds in order to destroy pigs protected by complicated structures. The task of this competition is to develop an intelligent Angry Birds playing agent that is able to successfully play the game autonomously and without human intervention. The

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI-13 Travel Grants Program

2013-03-28 Thread ijcai13
The International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence [IJCAI] Organization, in collaboration with the AI Journal, is pleased to announce the continuation of its Travel Grants Program for students, junior scientists and scientists attending IJCAI-13 to be held in Beijing, China, during Augu

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI 2013 Video Competition

2013-03-14 Thread ijcai13
IJCAI 2013 Video Competition == We are pleased to present the first call for videos to the upcoming IJCAI 2013 Video Competition. In the spirit of earlier AI Video Competitions, the intention is to provide researchers with a forum for demonstrating h

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI 2013 Video Competition

2013-02-28 Thread ijcai13
First Call: IJCAI 2013 Video Competition == We are pleased to present the first call for videos to the upcoming IJCAI 2013 Video Competition. In the spirit of earlier AI Video Competitions, the intention is to provide researchers with a forum for de

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] [Reminder] [Due: February 18, 2013] IJCAI 2013 Doctoral Consortium

2013-01-24 Thread ijcai13
(which one? when? was it useful? what was most useful?) b. submission to IJCAI and/or IJCAI workshops c. expected graduation d. type of job desired (research, teaching, development, etc) 4. a letter of support from the advisor For details visit http://ijcai13.org/. Submissions to

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI 2013 Call for papers (Abstract Due: Jan 26, 2013 )

2013-01-24 Thread ijcai13
[Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement] ** IJCAI 2013 Call for papers Submission website is now open: http://ijcai2013.confmaster.net/ Detailed submission instructions are on the IJCAI 2013 website: http://ijcai13

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] [Reminder] (Abstract Due: Jan 26, 2013 ) IJCAI 2013 Call for Papers

2013-01-24 Thread ijcai13
Submission website is now open: http://ijcai2013.confmaster.net/ Detailed submission instructions are on the IJCAI 2013 website: http://ijcai13.org/submission_instructions The IJCAI 2013 Program Committee invites submissions of technical papers for IJCAI 2013, to be held in Beijing, China, on

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] [Reminder] (Deadline: Jan 31, 2013; Abstract: Jan 26, 2013 ) IJCAI 2013 Call for Papers

2013-01-17 Thread ijcai13
Submission website is now open: http://ijcai2013.confmaster.net/ Detailed submission instructions are on the IJCAI 2013 website: http://ijcai13.org/submission_instructions The IJCAI 2013 Program Committee invites submissions of technical papers for IJCAI 2013, to be held in Beijing, China, on

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] [Reminder] [Due: February 18, 2013] IJCAI 2013 Doctoral Consortium

2013-01-17 Thread ijcai13
(which one? when? was it useful? what was most useful?) b. submission to IJCAI and/or IJCAI workshops c. expected graduation d. type of job desired (research, teaching, development, etc) 4. a letter of support from the advisor For details visit http://ijcai13.org/. Submissions to

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] [Reminder] (Deadline: Jan 31, 2013; Abstract: Jan 26, 2013 ) IJCAI 2013 Call for Papers.

2013-01-10 Thread ijcai13
Submission website is now open: http://ijcai2013.confmaster.net/ Detailed submission instructions are on the IJCAI 2013 website: http://ijcai13.org/submission_instructions The IJCAI 2013 Program Committee invites submissions of technical papers for IJCAI 2013, to be held in Beijing, China, on

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI 2013 Doctoral Consortium [Applications Due: February 18, 2013]

2013-01-10 Thread ijcai13
? what was most useful?) b. submission to IJCAI and/or IJCAI workshops c. expected graduation d. type of job desired (research, teaching, development, etc) 4. a letter of support from the advisor For details visit http://ijcai13.org/. Submissions to https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI 2013 Call for Papers

2012-12-27 Thread ijcai13
IJCAI 2013 Call for Papers Submission website is now open: http://ijcai2013.confmaster.net/ Detailed submission instructions are on the IJCAI 2013 website: http://ijcai13.org/submission_instructions The IJCAI 2013 Program Committee invites submissions of technical papers for IJCAI 2013, to be