
IJCAI 2013 Workshop WL4AI

Weighted Logics for AI: logic, uncertain beliefs, preferences, partial truth


(3-5 August, 2013, Beijng, China)

* Web site: http://www.iiia.csic.es/wl4ai-2013/

* Second Call for Papers:
In the last decades there has been an explosion of logical formalisms
capable of dealing with a variety of reasoning tasks that require an
explicit representation of quantitative or qualitative weights
associated with classical or modal logical formulas (in a form or
another). The semantics of the weights refer to a large variety of
intended meanings: belief degrees, preference degrees, truth
degrees,trust degrees, etc. Examples of such weighted formalisms
include probabilistic or possibilistic uncertainty logics, preference
logics, fuzzy description logics, different forms of weighted or fuzzy
logic programs under various semantics, weighted argumentation
systems, logics handling inconsistency with weights, logics for graded
BDI agents, logics of trust and reputation, logics for handling graded
emotions, etc.

The underlying logics range from fully compositional systems, like
systems of many-valued or fuzzy logic, to non-compositional ones like
modal-like epistemic logics for reasoning about uncertainty, as
probabilistic or possibilistic logics, or even some combination of
In this workshop, continuation of the successful workshop with the
same name held at ECAI-2012, the aim is to bring together researchers
to discuss about the different motivations for the use of weighted
logics in AI, the different types of calculi that are appropriate for
these needs, and the problems that arise when putting them at work.
Any paper on a weighted logic in relation to any of the following
topics (but not limited to) with an AI perspective is welcome:

- argumentation systems
- belief revision
- description logic
- graded BDI agents
- graded emotions
- graded truth
- inconsistency handling
- information fusion
- logic programs
- non monotonic reasoning
- preference modeling
- trust and reputation
- uncertainty
- applications of weighted logics (some discussion on the kind of
weighted logic used should be included in the paper)

Authors are especially encouraged to discuss the intended semantics of
the weights they use in their paper.

* Submission:
Abstracts and papers are to be submitted electronically via

* Post-Workshop Special Issue
Revised and extended workshop papers will be welcome for submission to
a special issue of the Journal of Applied Logic (published by
Elsevier) that will be prepared after the workshop (Journal of Applied
Logic is a SCI-indexed journal with impact factor 0.574).

* Important Dates:
As soon as possible - Abstract submission
April 26, 2013 - Submission of contributions to the workshop (strict
May 25, 2013 - Workshop paper acceptance notification
June 5, 2013 - Deadline for final camera ready copy to workshop organizer

* Already confirmed Invited Speaker(s)
Professor Mingsheng Ying, University of Technology Sidney, Australia

* Workshop co-chairs:
Lluis Godo, IIIA-CSIC, Spain
Henri Prade, IRIT-CNRS, France
Guilin Qi, Southeast University, China


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