Students are invited to apply for admission to the doctoral consortium
to be held at the IJCAI conference, Bejing, China, August 3-9, 2013.

The doctoral consortium provides an opportunity for Ph.D. students to
discuss their research interests and career objectives with established
researchers in AI.

== Deadline for applications: February 18, 2013
== Notification of acceptance: March 28, 2013

Perspective applicants should submit:
1. a two-page extended abstract on their thesis, formatted following
   the IJCAI requirements.  Accepted abstracts will be included in the
   IJCAI Proceedings and be presented briefly at the doctoral consortium.
   Acceptance for publication is not a requirement for admission to the
   doctoral consortium, but submission is required to apply to the
   doctoral consortium.
2. a curriculum vitae (2 pages) with background (name, university),
   education (degree sought, year/status in degree, previous degrees),
   employment, and relevant experience in research (publications,
   presentations, conferences attended, etc).
3. a personal statement (1-2 pages max) with answers to the following
   a. previous attendance to doctoral consortium (which one? when?
      was it useful? what was most useful?)
   b. submission to IJCAI and/or IJCAI workshops
   c. expected graduation
   d. type of job desired (research, teaching, development, etc)
4. a letter of support from the advisor

For details visit  Submissions to

Some funding will be available to cover in part travel costs.
IJCAI will offer additional travel grants to student authors of
accepted papers.  Details will be available later.

For students who are interested in combining their travel to IJCAI
with a longer research visit we have secured spaces from hosts in
various research labs in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia,
and the Australian NICTA labs.  We have also secured some spaces for
students from Asia who want to do a research visit in Switzerland
and in Ireland.  Please contact us if interested for details.  Note
that there is no funding for these visits.

For additional information and questions contact:

Maria Gini (Univ. of Minnesota, USA)
Jimmy Lee (Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
Michela Milano (Univ. of Bologna, Italy)
Co-chairs, Doctoral Consortium, IJCAI 2013


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