[UAI] Reminder: ECML-PKDD 09 Call For Workshops Mar 08

2009-03-20 Thread David R. Hardoon
The ECML PKDD 2009 Organizing Committee invites proposals for full-day or half-day workshops to take place on the first and last days of the conference (September 7 and 11). Workshops will be part of the main conference, and are free of charge to the attendees of the conference. Informal pr

[UAI] Reminder: ECML-PKDD 09 Call For Tutorials Mar 08

2009-03-20 Thread David R. Hardoon
Call For Tutorials The ECML PKDD 2009 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials to be held on the first and last days of the conference, which will take place in Bled, Slovenia, on September 7-11, 2009. Tutorials are free of charge to the conference attendees. We seek proposals

[UAI] Call for Contribution: Machine Learning for Aerospace workshop

2009-03-02 Thread David R. Hardoon
Apologies for multiple copies, please forward to anyone who may be interested. --- Machine Learning for Aerospace 3 - 4 July, Marseille France www: http://web.mac.com/davidrh/MLA09/ Sponsored by PASCAL network of excellence http://www.pascal-network.org --- Description

[UAI] Call for Contributions: Workshop - Machine Learning for Aerospace

2009-02-23 Thread David R. Hardoon
Apologies for multiple copies, please forward to those who may be interested in the workshop. --- Machine Learning for Aerospace 3 - 4 July, Marseille France www: http://web.mac.com/davidrh/MLA09/ Sponsored by PASCAL network of excellence http://www.pascal-network.org -

[UAI] ECML PKDD 2009 Call for papers

2009-02-04 Thread David R. Hardoon
f Stefan Institute, Slovenia Natasa Milic-Frayling, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK Discovery challenge Chair: Andreas Hotho, University of Kassel, Germany Demo chair: Alejandro Jaimes Larrarte, Telefonica Research, Spain Publicity chair: David

[UAI] Learning from Multiple Sources Workshop, 13 Dec '08 Whistler Canada

2008-09-20 Thread David R. Hardoon
ersity of California, Berkeley http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~jordan/ Dr. Francis Bach École normale supérieure http://www.di.ens.fr/~fbach/ Dr. Tobias Scheffer Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~scheffer/ ORGANISERS David R. Hardoon(Un