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Machine Learning for Aerospace
3 - 4 July, Marseille France
www: http://web.mac.com/davidrh/MLA09/

Sponsored by PASCAL network of excellence http://www.pascal-network.org

The aim of the workshop is to discuss various cutting edge design exploration techniques for practical design problems through invited lectures from the machine learning and aerospace disciplines. The workshop is mainly focused on how machine learning methods can be used for aerospace applications, which generally contain multi-objective and multi-disciplinary features.

Workshop Topics:
1.Multi-Objective Design Optimisation
2.Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimisation
3.Robust Design
4.Data Mining
5.Data Fusion

An international workshop from the series on Multi-Objective Exploration for Aerospace Engineering will be held on March 19, 2009 in Sendai, Japan. http://www.ifs.tohoku.ac.jp/edge/MODE09/

Finally, the workshop aims to encourage researchers to apply their techniques and methods to the presented problems and to encourage continued research into similar problems from the field.

We invite submission of contributed talks. You should submit an abstract of 1 page (at most) with pointers to reference material where appropriate. Submissions should be sent to {d.hard...@cs.ucl.ac.uk, sas...@ad.mech.tohoku.ac.jp } and should be received by Thursday 27 March 2009. Notification of acceptance will be given on Friday 3 April 2009.

Registration & Contributed talks:
The registration fee for the workshop is £40 (pounds). The number of participants is strictly limited. Deadline for contributed talks is 27 March 2009, specified in the registration form.

Invited Speakers:
Prof. Shigeru Obayashi
Tohoku University

Prof. Andy J. Keane (tentative)
University of Southampton

Dr. Shahrokh Shahpar

Dr. Kristiaan Pelckmans
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

To be finalised
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