RE: [techtalk] Does anybody know an option for od to do binary?

1999-10-06 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
case 'B': printf ("1011"); break; case 'C': printf ("1100"); break; case 'D': printf ("1101"); break; case 'E': print

RE: [techtalk] Sun/Oracle/ODBC pitfalls

1999-10-07 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
in the case of JAVA) is that your interfaces are universal (to a certain extent, of course). What you need to determine is what it is you need most: flexibility, or performance. Samantha Jo Moore CTO - The Tahoe Group, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [techtalk] request for ideas

1999-10-11 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
of the concepts that are taken for granted by people that don't deal with system admin issues, mostly system architecture, and a more in-depth look at how things work. "Daemons! Oh no! We gotta spray it with Holy Water! Quick!" "PPP? Can I connect to AOL with it?"

RE: [techtalk] request for ideas

1999-10-12 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
does > > not automatically dwiddle the FAT table or directory tree > > of a piece of media while _reading_ it. > > Ok, dear R., > > what are you trying to tell us? > > I am not telling the truth? > Well, I for one have experienced the same thing as Karl-Heinz.

RE: [techtalk] X win

1999-10-12 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
een used to ease and optimize the management of processes by simply running a script that in turn runs additional scripts to fire up or shut down processes assigned to run at each level. The scripts used to do this can be found in /etc/rc.d/init.d and /etc/rc.d/rc?.d. For more information on t

RE: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too?

1999-10-12 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
OK, quick kill tutorial... > Simple question (I hope): > > Why is it '-9' exactly? Are there different kill levels or something? What if > I typed 'Kill -1'? Just curious, and I doubt I would have the know-how to > find that exact answer in the man pages ;) Different programs in Linux (or any u

RE: [techtalk] MAJOR newbie question

1999-10-13 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
translations specified for your terminal, while going directly to the keyboard. This is also the reason why you can't redirect input to some of these programs either, for example a getty. Samantha Jo Moore CTO - The Tahoe Group, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED] [

RE: [techtalk] Question for the group

1999-10-14 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
rosoft software! Samantha Jo Moore CTO - The Tahoe Group, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [techtalk] localhost, etc.

1999-10-16 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
h are running on the same host, guess what is the name the admin tool uses to find the IP address of the host where the database server runs on? Yes, "localhost". Hope this helps. Samantha Jo Moore CTO - The Tahoe Group, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [techtalk] re: Modem Help

1999-10-18 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
nd you should be able to reach netscape too. Also, Let's see what your routes are. Please post them to the forum. You can see your routes this with the command: route -n Additionally, let's see what your DNS configuration is. Please post the contents of the /etc/resolv.conf fi

RE: [techtalk] re: Modem Help

1999-10-18 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
Ooops! > ping should read: ping Samantha Jo Moore CTO - The Tahoe Group, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [techtalk] GUI's

1999-10-18 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
an a library with a predefine set of widgets (window object) that are easier to use than if you go directly to th XLib. Hope this clarifies some of the issues. Samantha Jo Moore CTO - The Tahoe Group, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [techtalk] localhost, etc.

1999-10-18 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
tc/resolv.conf does affect the way host names are looked up. I never tinker with /etc/nsswitch.conf. Anybody has different experiences? Samantha Jo Moore CTO - The Tahoe Group, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [techtalk] re: Modem Help

1999-10-18 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
consults, that name is not resolved by so the next thing the name server does is ask for the name. The last line has the IP address of yet another name server to consult in case the name in question is not resolved by either of the first two name servers

RE: [techtalk] Older versions of distros

1999-10-20 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
t a year to figure out what the problem was, and it didn't get cured by upgrading to 6.0. I had to reinstall the whole thing from scratch. Samantha Jo Moore CTO - The Tahoe Group, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[techtalk] Appletalk for Linux

1999-11-27 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
pd in Linux to allow sharing of files by clients? Any suggestions are very much appreciated. Samantha Jo Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [techtalk] truncated file names

1999-12-14 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
> Excerpts from linuxchix: 14-Dec-99 Re: [techtalk] truncated fi.. by > "Theresa Radke"@corelcit > > Ok, I changed the mount for c drive to vfat, and it fixed the > > truncation issue, but now c drive is not automatically mounted > > in my file manager on boot. > > What is in your /etc/fstab? >

RE: [techtalk] POP mail

1999-12-15 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
t to use a different SMTP server, maybe the one in your company, through which you are getting the connection. Hope this helps. Samantha Jo Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [techtalk] POP mail

1999-12-15 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
assword UNSCRAMBLED over the connection. Anybody sniffing your line could catch your password and account name, and then who knows what they might do? I don't know exactly how it works, but secure pop provides for a secure mechanism of transmitting these data items, and possibly the content of the

RE: [techtalk] POP mail

1999-12-15 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
> Doesn't quite help though. The cable connection I have at home is > roadrunner, and like I said, I will probably cancel it sometime since I > have a free dialup through work. The dialup through work is actually a > watered-down AOL account - it uses AOL's network but not the client, and > has

RE: [techtalk] POP mail

1999-12-15 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
ferent than the SMTP server it uses to send mail. I do this myself all the time. Hope this clarifies things a little. Samantha Jo Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [techtalk] Filename star

1999-12-30 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
is used to separate filename segments and cannot be associated with a "*". Thus to find all files with metacharacters in their names we need to issue two commands: find . -name '*\**' -print find . -name '.*\**' -print Hope this helps understand

RE: [techtalk] need database recomendations

2000-01-03 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
I suggest you check Informix (tm). It's really good, solid, easy to use, and the Linux developer distro is free (at least a while back). Check out: Samantha Jo Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [techtalk] Other OSes on a Linux box

2000-01-04 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
I have a few words to add to the LILO/NT/LINUX thread. I just finished configuring 4 DELL laptop workstations with both NT 4.0 and Redhat 6.1. The first one was a pain in the you-know-where. The rest went as easy as could be. Like Caitlyn said, NT thinks it's the only thing in the world, so it

RE: [techtalk] question

2000-01-12 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
> What is RTFM? If it's not too much trouble? Read The Fing Manual!!! Samantha [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [techtalk] How do I get rid of login screen

2000-01-28 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
> I am using Red Hat 6.1 and was wondering if there's there a way to boot > directly into gnome without having to log in (anywhere). I am setting up > the PC for my mom and need it to be very user friendly. Log in as root. Edit the file /etc/inittab. Change the line that reads: id:3:initde

RE: [techtalk] installing nic for 1st time

2000-04-10 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
> > My problem is that I'm looking for "eth0" under /dev but it's not > > there. I compared with work and it isn't under /dev/ either so I'm > > assuming it shouldn't be there. So how do I configure a nic? > > Network interfaces don't get /dev entries. > > > And can > > someone explain where li

RE: [techtalk] laptops

2000-05-15 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
Helena, I recommend you go with Dell. I have 6 engineers with either Insprion 7500 or 5000 laptops, running dual boot systems, either WinNT or 98 with Red Hat 6.1 or 6.2. Dell computers provides great support and they make available the device drivers necessary for their specific hardware, so

RE: [techtalk] laptops

2000-05-16 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
> I will probably have to get it shipped from UK, since I don't > know where any Dell dealers are locally to Copenhagen (where I > am now) - so maybe that makes it more risky to get a refurbished > one, as sending off for repairs is more trouble. Dell does not have retail dealers. Dell machines

RE: [techtalk] core file

2000-06-04 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
> Will someone please clue me in on the "core" files that show up in > many of my directories. What are they? Where do they come from? Core files are memory dumps from programs that crash. These files are usually used further by a programer using a debugger to figure out what went wrong with

[techtalk] Missing device file

2000-06-09 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
For some odd reason, the device file (/dev/) that drives my tape unit dissappeared and my backups are no longer working. I need to create it again but I am at a loss as to how to proceed. Can anyone help? Samantha ___ techtalk mailing list [EMA

RE: [techtalk] login restriction

2000-07-07 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
> Does anyone know how to restrict users on a RHL 6.0 box from being able to > actually login? I know this sounds strange, but hear me out. I have this > new mailserver up, and I want people to be able to POP to it to retrieve > mail, but not anything else. I had thought the way to do this was

RE: [techtalk] Compiling C program

2000-07-21 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
Muralidhara N wrote: > I am user of linux since from 15 months but i am new to > administaration. I installed 6.2 version of RedHat Linux in my > system along with X-window. It is working pretty good. > > My problem is that if compile a c program. It compile the > program but it is n