I recommend you go with Dell. I have 6 engineers with either Insprion
7500 or 5000 laptops, running dual boot systems, either WinNT or 98
with Red Hat 6.1 or 6.2. Dell computers provides great support and
they make available the device drivers necessary for their specific
hardware, something that other manufacturers don't do. In these
other cases you need to go surf the net to find the proper drivers
for either ethernet cards or modems, etc. Not with Dell. You can
download them right off their web site.
Additionally the hardware is quality #1. I've had only one problem
with a display which got replaced the next day. Oh! And the displays
are great! 15+ inches! I don't use an external monitor any more.
> Hi,
> I just joined this list, and so I hope this is an appropriate
> question to post here - if not let me know!
> I've decided to buy a laptop which I want to use with linux.
> (and keep windows on as well, since unfortunately I still
> would like it for things I can't do with linux).
> I've been reading the linux for laptops page, but there are so
> many entries there it is still a difficult decision to work out
> which one to get.
> Is it correct that just about any laptop can be made to work with
> linux, so it doesn't really matter too much which one I get, and
> I might as well make the decision first, and just check the linux
> lap top page at the last minute, just to check it won't be an
> exceptional case where everything is impossible?
> I have a friend who strongly recommends a Sony Vaio, - he uses
> Sony Vaio PCG-505TR, with linux, of course, and recommends I get
> the newer version, Sony Vaio PCG-Z505S.
> However, I also thought the Toshiba Porteges (any of them) looked from
> the descriptions on the linux laptops web pages that they would work
> well with linux.
> I would like to know if anyone has any additional comments on installing
> linux on these laptops, especially if you've done it on both; or if you'd
> particularly recommend something else.
> This would help me make up my mind faster.
> Thanks very much!
> Helena
> PS. Since this is the first time I've posted to this list...
> I've used linux for about 2 years, and Unix for about 8 or 9 years,
> but I'm just a user, and there's a lot more I'd like to learn,
> which is why I joined the list.
> If anyone wants to know more about me, my home page is at
> http://www.math.ku.dk/~verrill/
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