> I will probably have to get it shipped from UK, since I don't
> know where any Dell dealers are locally to Copenhagen (where I
> am now) - so maybe that makes it more risky to get a refurbished
> one, as sending off for repairs is more trouble.

Dell does not have retail dealers.  Dell machines are not sold in
stores like CompUsa either.  Dell is a mail-order retailer.  If you
want a Dell you need to either order it through their web site 
(www.dell.com) or call them and order one on the phone (800) 879-3355.
I usually look up what I want on the web site and then call in the 
order, that way I get exactly what I want, because sometimes the web 
site allows you to pick only certain options for a system, and you 
can get any questions answered on the spot.

Again, Dell has excellent tech support.  The people they have on the
other side of the line actually know and understand what they are 
talking about, unlike other support companies.  You will be pleased
with a Dell.


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